WHERE'S MY MIND &. night hunting patrol


the day ends, and so rises the moon. perfect time for hunting. the one good thing about being able to hunt at night, was the way their eyes adjusted to the shadows. it made it easier for them to sneak around. they had plenty plans of how to use these skills. they would not go hungry ever again, that's for sure. with a lash of their tail, they twitched their nose, sniffing the air with a grunt.

"think of this as a test of all of your skills. we will split into smaller groups as we hunt. I want everyone within a few fox lengths of each other. we cannot risk being too far. whoever catches the best prey, can keep it for themselves. got it? good. screechpaw, and betonyfrost with me. hawk go with applepaw, snowpaw and scorchedmoon. meet back once you've caught something."

@betonyfrost, @Scorchedmoon, @Hawk, @Snowpaw., @SCREECHPAW, @APPLEPAW

roll for prey babeyy!!! 1-3 means nothing! 4-7 means small scrawny!! 8-10 good catch!!!
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His name as applicable as ever, Scorchedmoon shines under the moonlight, ready to pounce onto any kind of prey that they might find tonight. He stretches as Chilledstar lays out the instructions, happy to turn anything into a fun competition. He’s not sure about Hawk, but hopefully Applepaw isn’t such a stick in the mud tonight… “Sounds good! Let’s do this,” he cheers.

After their group gains a bit of distance to start the challenge, Scorchedmoon’s eyes trail around for any sign of movement. He wonders how successful Snowpaw will be more than anyone, but that’s not what’s important right now! He has to show up all these kids! …He says, as he is still basically a kid. Not important either!

// Rolled a 7!

Something slithers across the ground, and Scorchedmoon stares, waiting for the perfect moment. After he leaps and kills it with a swift strike, and then plops it down onto the ground to start a pile. It’s nothing that amazing, just a normal rat that is a bit skinny, but it’s something at least. “Go me!” He praises himself, happy with his catch even if he doesn’t win.​
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[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw followed close near her mentor, yellow eyes training on Chilledstar, ears swerved forward as she listen to the competition that Chilledstar implement and determation sparked through her paw in thoughts of getting a better catch than that or Hawk or Applepaw, even her own mentor and so her gaze flashed towards her mentor with a look, challenging the mentor before quickly following in pursuit with him, her stumpy tail raised high. After all, if she managed to catch a bird how hard could this be?

Rolled a 5! ))

Once they were in there own tiny spot Snowpaw's gaze kept train in hoping to find something, as it would seem her own mentor had already caught something she softly huffed before slinking further out but still in eye shot of her mentor. Patiently she would away and then soon enough something came out from hiding and Snowpaw was quick on her paws, pouncing on the creature and messily killing it, pride rising in her yellow gaze as she return to the others head lifted slightly as she showed off her scrawny looking rat before dropping it in the small prey pile next to her mentor's.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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There has never been a time when Betonyfrost has felt half of something. She feels everything, constantly, overwhelmingly, with enough strength that it devours her nightly. The moon hangs, more familiar to Betonyfrost than the sun, and basks the world in thin, willowy light. In front of her, the silhouette of Chilledstar burns: the most familiar thing of all. She hasn't learned how to not be angry with them yet—she hasn't even tried. Betonyfrost couldn't call it love, if she had.

On occasion, Betonyfrost misses her name from before ShadowClan. She misses the simplicity of Betony, being nothing more than a towering flower, swaying in the after-breeze of a monster rumbling by. She doesn't miss it when Chilledstar says her name—she doesn't miss it at all. Instead, Betonyfrost smiles like she's gangly limbed and young again: rare and soft, curling nothing but the corners of her mouth. Suddenly, when called to go with them, trailing behind Chilledstar is easy.

"Where—?" Betonyfrost starts, and then shoots Screechpaw an annoyed look. Of course they couldn't be alone together.

She ends with a huff and stalks a small distance away, her mind too full to focus on the actual hunt. Too distracted—a night-heron Betonyfrost hadn't even seen bursts into surprised fluttering directly in front of her, startling her backwards and fluffing her tail to double its size. The night-heron vanishes just as quickly and soundlessly as it had appeared—the upmost branches of a nearby tree swaying from its hurried passing.

"Damn it," She hisses, "Damn it all, I could have had it."​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 27 moons | tags
Applepaw has not honed her skill of night - prowling the way that she should have. She would not call herself an incompatnt hunter, nor a clumsy fighter; but what difference did that make, if the same could be said for most cats in this forest? Those that weren't kits, anywho, even if suddenly, the particulars of what was a kit and what weren't have now been called into question. Not every cat in the forest has eyes sharpened for night - time. Even if WindClan would come prowling to their borders under the cover of night, with dilligence, any ShadowClanner would still see them first.

Silently, Applepaw acknowledges the groups that have been made. Though Scorchedmoon was more often thann not a toad - brain, he was not stupid enough to go hollering into the night. Snowpaw was a cat that she had no qualms with. As for hawk, things remained to be seen...

Applepaw is more than happy to be without the likes of Betonyfrost, and acknowledging that her mentor's eyes would not be on her, she lifts her head high. She did not need Chilledstar's guidance, to be a capable hunter. she would give them something to be proud of... not like that is something she craves. They would be lucky to find anything in Leaf - bare, at all.

She stills, and she waits. The swamp is as dead as it has ever been, more rife with the rustlings of garbage than it was prey. She strays from her groupmates — perhaps farther away than she ought to, but if her potential catch would feed a hungry kit, she doesn't imagine it quite matters.
Her ashen ear flicks for any semblance of sound. The swamp was home to both loud, boisterous creatures, and silent stalking things. No cry of a raven finds her, no bleat of a frog, but... there, a scuffle of sound. She turns, claws lashing, and finds a lizard hooked in her claws. about as good as it would get in Leaf - bare.

Prey in maw, Applepaw would find her group - mates again, briefly slithering past Betonyfrost and her hissed complaints. She was not the only one to catch something... Good enough, she thinks.

  • ( CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I'M THE WORST, SO I ALWAYS ACT LIKE I'M THE BEST ) APPLEPAW. apprentice of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + thornpaw, halfpaw & laurelpaw )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 9 moons old as of 12.20.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applepaw is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. Naturally talented, and for the most part, a rule - follower. She thinks herself better than the majority of her peers. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and wanting to fix what has been broken. Intensely closed off to close emotional connection and outwardly cold to most.

Despite being typically enthusiastic for any opportunity to wander the marshes, hunting patrols may be Screechpaw’s least favorite means of doing so.

There’s always a pressure on him to catch something, and though he can hunt — because he’s Forestshade’s son, because he carries her orange markings — there always seems to be some sort of obstacle in the way of him making a successful catch. Whether it be the cold, or invaders on their territory, or Applepaw distracting him in their training (Why did Chilledstar even need to take a second apprentice? Screechpaw still doesn’t get why they didn’t cast her off to a different warrior.) something throws him off. He can hunt, he just… rarely catches anything.

When night falls, he follows behind his mentor. His dark fur blends in with their clan’s namesake as he treks through the snow. It’s just another gift of his, he supposes, being able to blend in on nights like this without extra training from Chilledstar, who insists night hunting is an important skill to have.

When they get to the point where it’s about time to split off, Chilledstar gives direction to the hunting party. Split-green eyes look to his mentor, his gaze brightening at the challenge put in front of him. Hunger has been chewing at him more often than not these days, and to be able to eat his own catch seemed appealing enough — even more so when Chilledstar splits them off into groups, and he is freed from the apprentice he’s been stuck training with.

Screechpaw sets off in his own direction, and it feels like forever before something crosses his path. Remembering how he’d caught prey before, he crouches down, slinking toward the creature. When he finally gets close enough to the scuttering thing, he leaps forward and with unsheathed claws and a crooked toothed strike, he delivers the killing blow to the scraggly looking rat.

Though small, it’s quite the catch compared to the miniscule newt he remembers claiming as his first kill outside of the nursery. The tom scoops it up between his maw, before making his return to Chilledstar, a glint in his gaze. He hopes it suffices, hopes he’ll be able to eat sooner, rather than later. ​
  • // rolled a 7!
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    ── Apprentice of ShadowClan

    ── Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A black/red tabby chimera with mismatched green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Chilledstar
    ── "Speech"; Attack