pafp Where's Waldo || Missing Kits

Remnants of the multiple battles still marked Frostbite's pelt as dried blood and dirt and even as he tried to get most of it off, his coat was still sullied. He was relieved that this was over, he didn't like all these cats on their territory. He began to wonder if this would affect Shadowclan's leafbare preywise, but seeing as the clans were only allowed to hunt at the carrionplace and well.... He saw how that turned out. They really did leave Sootstar to get mauled by rats, huh? He's not sure if that says something about Sootstar, the cats on that patrol, or even both.

But that is the past now, though he wouldn't put it past Windclan to try and retaliate over it.

This train of thought is for another time, though. He makes his way back to camp, ready to take a nap after all the fighting he had just done. He'd never been in such a battle before, it was exhilerating. He can still hear it ringing in his ears, still feel the feeling of flesh parting as his claws tore through it. And of course, he feels the various cuts and scratches that mark him. They sting, but he does not wince. This is nothing. He slips into camp and looks around, his nose still picking up the smell of sickness and death from the cats who'd unfortunately passed during their stay here.

He felt for them, and he hoped they were able to find peace despite everything that had happened.

But something else catches his attention, and his eyes turn to see Birdkit. Her siblings arent around and she seems rather frustrated. He approaches her with a soft smile on his face and gently licks her head. "Birdkit! What seems to be the matter?" He asks.

((This is BEFORE the journey cats return!! ))​

She woke up perfectly content until she realized she was alone and then Birdkit went looking for her wayward siblings. It wasn't very often they played without her, but she had been a heavy sleeper lately and she assumed they just didn't want to wait around which would be fine if they weren't being so mean about it. The cream and blue kitten didn't put a significant amount of effort into hunting them down initially, getting distracted by a loose mossball or tail flicked by a warrior passing by on their duties, but when she finally got to business she realized quickly she couldn't find them! The kitten looked high and low, in their usual spots, behind the freshkill pile or near the rock pile at the edge of camp, mismatched eyes peeking inside the warrior den and apprentice den where they often lingered in excited anticipation for their own ceremonies in the future. She even got close to the bramble wall with its many thorns to examine, careful not to stick her paw near the sharp briar that might mess up her fur with ugly blood.

She is bordering on being fully distraught when the crunch of pawsteps sound and her ears pin back as she looks for the source. When Frostbite approaches her she turns with wide, watering eyes, only briefly calmed by the gentle gesture before blurting out a pitched cry of despair, "They're CHEATING, Frostbite! I've looked everywhere! It's not FAIR! I'm really good at hide-and-seek and they know it so they must've hid somewhere I can't get to while I was napping! Tell them! Tell them to come out and stop BEING MEAN TO ME!" She squeals, full on blubbering now with sloppy tears staining her cheeks. The tiny she-kit began to wail louder, less coherent in her warbling cries of protest to what she deemed to be her siblings playing a cruel prank on her. "Halfkit! Tanglekit! Come OUT NOW!"


  • 71106733_IrUUCaOfrNJ0vKn.png
    —⊰⋅ Kitten of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Blue Tabby Chimera w/orange and green eyes.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai


a rat sits warm in their jaws, and they intended to bring it to the kits within the nursery. they felt horrible that they'd never got the chance to meet their mother, and a sibling. their father is still away, and who knew when they'd be back. their ears managed to perk up at the sound of birdkit being loud and wailing at the fact that she was losing hide and seek because she couldn't find halfkit and tanglekit.

"hey... it's gonna be okay. maybe they took a sneaky turn and are hiding in another den."

they sniff the air, trying to pick up the scent of the kits, ears twitching with slight worry. kittens should have stayed in or around the nursery. the other clans are gone, rogues with them, but they're nervous. kits are always vulnerable. what if...

"you want me to help look for them?"

something seems wrong about this but until they've searched every inch of this camp, they needed to keep their head on straight.
Frostbite listens to Birdkit's woes and a feeling of unease settles inside. They wouldn't hide outside of camp, would they...? Surely he and Miststep have told them that the outside is dangerous and that they can't go out there until they're apprentices.... Sure, they were mischeivous, but.... Surely they wouldnt...?

"Well, we'll find them together then. Perhaps there were some spots you missed?" He says calmly, gently licking her tears away.

He is very thankful for Chilledstar's presence. "Your help is most appreciated!" He says. " I think we should check outside the camp... Just in case." He adds. They know better...But children break rules. Thats like, their thing.

He scans the camp briefly... Birdkit said she looked everywhere... Perhaps there was some place she hasn't thought of? He feels his chest tightening.​
———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Scalejaw's ears perked as she watched Chilledstar approach the nursery- but the shout from Birdkit was alerting, and she picked herself up as well. Arriving just as the group decided to go on a little search, she leaned back for now. Thoughts swam, and vision lifted to cast over camp. Her muzzle parted to scent the two lost kits, and her lack of evidence was.. striking.

She inhaled, not so sure about where they could've ended up, and turned her vision towards Frostbite. "When's the last time you saw them?" She asked, vision dropping towards Birdkit- yes, she was involving the younger as well.

[penned by dallas].
TELL ME HONESTLY This was rather unfortunate as well as the disgusting noise that erupts from Birdkit's jaws and his usual grin faltering just a smidge. His ears lay flat on his skull and he can't help but briefly glare at the wailing kitten, his fur prickling slightly with discomfort but he pushes himself to his paws deciding that he should help. The more paws to help the merrier or so that's what he thinks anyways, he approaches with kinked tail lifted in the air like a little antennae. "I'll help you look, Birdkit." He offers finally but keeps a small distance from the sniveling molly as if she was diseased and glances around the clearing then turns to the warriors.

Maybe Birdkit is a poor seeker. Or a predator came in and ate them in the middle of the night while she was snoring. The tabby tomkit let's his thoughts wander even if briefly and his eyes light up in the slightest at the mention of Halfkit and Tanglekit having possibly left camp going outside where there was definitely several predators that wouldn't mind eating plump kittens. They'd be bite size morsels if anything but hey, a fox or badger surely wouldn't be picky. There was no room to be picky when leaf-bare was just around the corner. A thoughtful hum leaves the smiling boy as he tries to think where they'd run off to and frankly, if he was the child of a deputy without fear of getting a small scolding... Outside of camp would be the most appealing to him. Ferocious, hunger predators aside.

  • urple_yeller.png
    ☆ 2 moons old
    ☆ sexuality unknown; too young
    ☆ shadowclan kitten
    ☆ easy; does not know how to fight
    ☆ has a permanent grin and tends to burst out laughing at the worst times
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ☆ peaceful powerplay allowed
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*+:。.。 Similarly to Yellowkit, Singekit found the noise Birdkit made to be absolutely excruciating! He pawed at his pointed ears, angrily staring at the nursery entrance as cats and kittens alike all came together to comfort Birdkit. Sniffing, he turned his nose up at the sight - if it's true and they're just hiding from Birdkit, then she shouldn't have been so annoying in the first place or her siblings wouldn't have left her behind! The thought amuses the arrogant kitten so he turns to his sister and lightly pushes @Swallowkit. 's shoulder, "Hey Walls, wake up, Birdkit lost her sisters 'cus she's annoying" he snickers, laying his chin back on his nest like a ruby-tinted toad peeking over the surface of a pond. But then his ears immediately snap up as he hears Frostbite mention looking outside the camp. Bingo! "Oh oh! Swallowkit and I can help!" the youth announces excitedly, tumbling out of the den, "I find Swallowkit super quick when we play hide and seek, lemme help!" he purrs, his sight immediately on the camp entrance. This is gonna be awesome! Not only will he get a chance to look outside camp as young as he is, but he'll probably easily find the sisters and be the coolest Shadowclanner in all the world! How hard can it be, really?


Two missing kits? Surely one of them would have gotten bored by now, poked their head out of whatever ridiculous hiding-spot they'd wormed their way into. Puzzled eyes of bright-blue settled upon the scene- he did his own sweep of the camp, as if no one else had bothered thus far. Birdkit, she was riled up like he'd never seen her- at the absolute end of her patience with her siblings, and Nettlepaw found he couldn't really blame her. Kits were foolish, but- had they left camp to do hide-and-seek? Surely not, surely not...

The mood needed to be lightened, he decided. Because it was probably fine- nothing bad had happened to them. He'd only been talking to Halfkit a couple days ago, asking him to supervise her hunting crouch. Nothing bad would have happened to her, because she was so alive and so here only moments before.

Suppressing any panic, he strode into the fray to try and diffuse the tension, to be a shoulder to lean on. Strong optimism, that would be good in the here-and-now. "Halfkit's probably dragged Tanglekit under a sodden pile of leaves, or something. They can't have gotten far."
penned by pin ♡

swallowkit 01 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan kit

Swallowkit is far from eager to be woken up. A loud groan passes his lips, and one heavy paw swipes out to bonk singekit across the face as he rolls over, whining pitifully. Why should he care about birdkit's missing siblings -sounds like a her problem, not a swallowkit problem. But the next thing he hears has him rousing at last, a pout upon his maw as mismatched eyes look at his sibling in utter betrayal. "What? That's mouse-dung - I'm way better at hiding than you are at seeking, flea-brain," he's really not, but it's so unfair of singekit to embarrass him like that. Aren't siblings supposed to have your back or something like that? He's so putting wet moss in his nest tomorrow, once he finds stupid halfkit and tanglekit. "But anyways, I'll help too!" if only to show sin that he's stupid, and dumb, and that he's way better. So there. "Hmph,"

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'



Is this the sort of panic ShadowClan would've been in, if Screechpaw's kitten escapades hadn't been thwarted by Forestshade? The apprentice can't help but wonder such a possibility as his gaze darts from face to face: from Birdkit's as she shouts for her hiding siblings, to Chilledstar's as they arrive to offer help to the child — he'll probably have to help too, then — to the plethora of kits that join Tanglekit and Halfkit's game, to find the two missing kits.

What is the likelihood that the duo is like him? That they just wanted to explore, that they were smart enough to find a way out of camp? Screechpaw isn't certain, but he knows he had Forestshade to find him, to bring him back. Tanglekit and Halfkit don't have Halfshade to do the same. But it doesn't matter, right? It doesn't matter, because they're still in camp — they have to be. Somewhere.

"You know, I know some good hiding spots," the dark-furred apprentice says, adding in his own offer to help, "I wonder if they've discovered them too."
  • 70927217_Pt9pw7V8M5Nsv4Q.png

    SCREECHKITSCREECHPAW, Apprentice of ShadowClan
    — Forestshade x Vulturemask
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A black/red tabby chimera tom with mismatched green eyes.
    — Mentored by Chilledstar
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — His loud entrance into the world bestows upon him a name apt for the path the tom forges. As the troublemaker of his unknowingly half-clan litter, Screechpaw is bound to be known for his curiosity-led escapes and poor attendance as he steps foot into his apprenticeship.