pafp WHERE'S YOUR HEAD AT? // unintentional staring contest


Dec 1, 2022
Lilacpaw had algorithms for nearly everything. Sure, not all of them worked properly, but she had them!

She didn't have one for something this uncomfortable.

Her and Sharppaw had been tasked with sorting out moss for bedding, a relatively easy and menial task [something she welcomed in all honesty], but somehow, while sorting....the two of them had ended up just...staring at one another. Where she would've tried to base her reactions on how Sharppaw interacted with her, Sharppaw also seemed to be waiting for the first move to be made. It was skin-crawling, having his unblinking eyes boring into her own, but she felt like she couldn't look away, some weird unspoken rule. Multiple times she had thought to herself 'Just talk to her! Say something simple and work from there!' Only to come up with not a single question to ask or comment to make. As such, the two apprentices appeared to be in a sort of stalemate in the middle of camp, paws still moving to do the chore asked of them, but perhaps not as deftly as if they were looking at what they were doing.


To say something, or remain quiet? It was something he gauged carefully in any given situation. The cats of Shadowclan were fickle. Never quite alright. A pointless question– a misjudged leap– would only earn you scrutiny. Even those who chose to keep their lips sealed would be judging you, silently. (And, Sharppaw too, was a part of this demographic. In this swamp since her earliest days, would she not pick up the very same habits?) (He hated it more than anything).

Assigned to a task. That was all she'd needed to do. She would not speak unless her partner did. And her partner did not. Fine. It's fine until she starts looking at her. And Sharppaw, feeling like she owes her something, looks back. But Lilacpaw's lips spell silence, and her gaze is blank. Sharppaw can't look away, because he's...waiting. And he would not be scolded for... not waiting. The discomfort is written on his face in a frown. Furrowed brows that silently spell 'What?'. His lips part to say just that, but, unsure, she remains silent.
"Do you hear that?" Dogfur's scratchy chuckle rose up from the intense, silent staring contest. The scrawny tortoiseshell warrior was in the process of licking out a wounded paw from a thorn scratch. He was not far away from where the two apprentices, having been watching them simply because he was bored. His paw had been licked raw—he was attempting to make it seem like he had been doing something so nobody would get on his tail for doing nothing.

"The silence. It's so loud. It speaks a thousand words. But they say the smartest cats are the quietest, that's something I learned very young." He remarks, gingerly laying his paw down and tucking it under his chest.

Granitepaw watches the unsettling interaction from a distance. He's a little too close to Dogfur for comfort -- StarClan knows how many fleas that guy has, outside of the ones in his brain. But he gives an audible snort of disgust and fixes Lilacpaw with a judgmental stare. "Whoever 'they' are, you should stop listening to them. Nothing smart about her."

He flicks his gaze to Sharppaw. A cat he's never had reason to hate or like; now's a moment of truth, dice tossed. "Don't mind Lilacpaw. She's a little freak, always staring at cats for no reason." He looks carefully at the dark-pelted apprentice, waiting for him to agree or disagree.

Roosterstrut wasn't a nosy cat, one who butted into everyone's business like it was his own, but one could not simply ignore the rather odd situation unfolding right in the middle of camp. Two apprentices, previously occupied with the task of moss sorting, had come to a stop. The stillness had been noticed by their clanmates, particularly Dogfur and Granitepaw, though whenever the latter got involved in anything it almost always spelled trouble.

The orange tabby could consider himself something of a mediator, someone who liked to ease any tensions whenever he could. ShadowClan had enough problems already and didn't need petty drama or bullying between its own apprentices. So, Roosterstrut got to his paws and decided to say something, "Hey now, no need to get our tails in a bunch." The warrior keeps his tone neutral yet a bit lighthearted; it's obvious he is not seeking to get anyone in trouble.

He made a quick, uneasy glance in Granitepaw's direction, as the younger tom made no attempt to better the situation. It would have probably been better if he stayed out of it completely, but Roosterstrut wouldn't say anything to escalate the male's eternally sour attitude. Part of him wondered why the apprentice was so bitter at such a tender age. He could recall the tragic passing of Granitepaw's littermate not too long after the kits had been born; was that why? Roosterstrut had experienced loss at an early age as well, but he supposed different cats had different mechanisms to cope with such events in their lives. It was really unfortunate that some cats took a turn for the worse. Was it not exhausting to exude negativity all the time?

Roosterstrut fixed his attention onto Lilacpaw and Sharppaw now, giving a flick of his ear. "Is there an issue here, you two?" He's not the type to get kids in trouble if it wasn't necessary; he had made plenty of mistakes as a youth and knew that misunderstandings happened.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. sixteen moons old. warrior of shadowclan.

    —— laid-back young adult who utilizes humor and fun in order to distract from serious matters. he is a decent warrior, though he hesitates to take risks.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    roosterstrut is a vibrant orange tabby tom with pale green eyes. he stands at a height ever so slightly above the average. his fur is long and whispy and his tail is especially reminiscent of a rooster's. he sports a signature, goofy smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye.

He'd been minding his business, being quiet, and just molding some of the softer mud under paw, trying to not think about the ache in his gut or the stretching boredom of being stuck in camp currently when voices caught his attention. First Dogfur then... Granitepaw. Stars did he dislike that tom. His only saving grace was he was Siltpaw's littermate but that was dashed by how close the gray cat was to Nettlepaw's sister. His green eyes flicked up, unable to stop the snap before Roosterstrut's words could cut him short or logic could help him, the insult to Lilacpaw enough to feel like an annoying tick bite in his brain. "Atleast she can do more then throw a tantrum and talk out her tail, perhaps Pitchstar should name you Granitehead for how dense you are, rocks-for-brains," His green eyes are angry, leaving his half-hearted mud sculpture before standing up, to stalk past the other with a slight jerk of his chin, a silent i dare you as Roosterstrut tried to mediate the entire situation.

He turns his attention back to his sister and Sharppaw, glancing at the moss between them, then back to them and huffed. Rolling his eyes, he sat down, mimicking the both of them for comedic effect, "'Hey, this moss feels really funny, right?' 'Yeah. It also smells like Pitchstar a bit, right?'" He then motioned to Lilacpaw, as though expecting her to pick up from this conversation.

"speech here"

  • text here

  • Nettlepaw_icon.png

    8 Moons | Angsty | Anti-Authority | full biography

    General Information
    - NETTLEPAW, Transmasc (He/Him)
    - 8 moons, ages with littermates
    - Apprentice of Shadowclan, clanborn
    - extra info

    Small spiky-haired, chocolate-tabby-and-black chimera with low-white and stark green eyes , reference by me(angelkisses) | 100% physical health, 76% mental health
    - smells like mud, wet-animal, filth, and just plainly gross
    - injuries, if applicable

    Mentality & Interactions
    - INFP, Chaotic Good
    - values family, equity, mercy, and respect
    - finds it sort of hard to trust others but mostly because he's focused on his family and ensuring they are protected
    - fears the thunderpath; has a resting bitch face
    - will start fights / may flee / likely to show mercy
    - skilled in stamina based skills | very weak in strength-based skills
    - attack in underline

    BRIARSTAR xx AMBER | mate to [who] | crushing on [who]
    Littermate to Starlingheart, Lilacpaw, Marrowpaw, Twilightpaw, Ravenpaw, Dustpaw | Younger sibiling to Pitchstar, Lichentail, Adderjaw, Hollyfrost
    children, if applicable

The voice that breaks the silence had her fur standing on end. Flare of the spine, a pin-prickling about her fur that has it stood in uneven frills. Dogfur's words never meant anything to her. He was a poor excuse of a warrior, spitting nonsense as if anyone cared to hear it.

Unfair to say? ...Maybe. For once their words weren't utter nonsense. But Sharppaw disbelieved them, just the same.

Unsettlingly, Granitepaw echoes his own thoughts. Only unsettling because he knew not what to make of him, either. Selfishly, she is inclined to agree, even though she did not know Lilacpaw. Neither of them was smarter than any other; no better, no. She's told not to mind. Unspoken affirmation, that Sharppaw isn't a freak. She hopes that she isn't, but did she stare much less than Lilacpaw did?

At last, with Roosterstrut, she glances away. "I-I don't know. She started it," he mumbles. There's a fleeting gaze to the warrior, to Granitepaw, too, but it's gone just as quickly, lowered to the ground. Lilacpaw's brought attention to the both of them now. Nettlepaw's trying to fight, now. Her fur prickles uneasily, quills dipped in black ink. She doesn't want to be here.

Do what you were told. Again, he's shredding at moss, trying to ignore the mocking of Nettlepaw beside him. She didn't come here to talk, anyway.

Rainecho's curled ears angle towards the sound of voices in the camp. She raises her head, grumbling words like "cant a cat get any peace and quiet around here" and "there goes any hope I had of enjoying my nap" mostly to herself. It's clear from the way that she moves quickly to place herself in the small group that's forming though that she relishes the drama unfolding before her. Her mismatched eyes land on Dogfur and she has to keep herself from bursting out into laughter. Did he not hear himself right now? "its okay dogfur you have a nice personality~" she says before turning her attention to Roosterstrut who chastises the quick witted Granitepaw. "Some cats like freaky it's okay" she says light heartedly, she doesn't reprimand him like some of the others do because to do so would be hypocritical. She also found Lilacpaw to be a bit on the weird side. What with her always trying to imitate everyone and all but she doesn’t say so, only lets out a small snort of laughter at Nettlepaws teasings before she turns her attention to Roosterstrut. "Aw Red no need to be like that these two are fine" she purrs, flicking her fluffy tail across his face, hoping that her playfulness disrupts whatever sour mood he’s in. She sticks her tongue out at him teasingly as she does it. "There claws aren’t out at least!" even then, who were they to interfere with some good old fashioned apprentice drama? Who knew, maybe a fight would be good for them. Little weirdos that these two were could benefit from a scar or two to make them a bit more interesting.


And she'd ruined everything by existing. Like she always did.

If she had just had more time, maybe she could've commented on something dumb related to their task like she'd seen others do and go from there. If she had just had more time, maybe she wouldn't clam up as soon as Granitepaw showed up, her previous 'conversation' with him still fresh on her mind as her now mostly scarred cheek stings from his mere presence. Maybe she would've scolded Nettlepaw for his abhorrent words towards their older brother, whom she so readily adored. Maybe she could've assuaged Roosterstrut's worries.


Thats the only word she holds onto, and she knows she's been called it before, knows that she deserves it for being such a disappointment, such an abnormality, but it hurts. It hurts too much this time and seeing as she's already made Sharppaw uncomfortable with her inadequacy, there's only one way to complete their task.

She quickly pulls out the last few pawfuls of dirt and thorns from her pile, paying distinct attention to make sure she didn't miss any, before abruptly standing up. "I'm- I'm going to get some more moss." Lilacpaw blurts, trying to keep her voice from shaking as much as her body wants to, and then without even hearing anyone else out, she goes to push through the camp entrance to do just that.


  • - owowowowow
  • [Please ping @/Chérie if this character is needed, instead of this account]
    Lilackit - LILACPAW
    9 moons, closeted demigirl [currently uses she/her]
    A willowy, longhaired chocolate marble tabby with a distinct ruffle of neck and chest fur that trails down her back and white markings, has pale/dull green eyes
    Lilacpaw is currently a mirror to those around her, she should be considered a spineless, two-faced cat among her peers, and a rather useless cat to the clan by most adults. She tends to strive for positive attention from everyone, only to have it blow up in her face and spawn negative attention instead.
    Has recently lost her mentor Nightwillow to starvation, is becoming increasingly unstable.
    Speaks in #AD8AE1