while you wait on the answers || attempted joiner


sun gets passed, sea to sea
Apr 6, 2023
ocean breathes salty
Judging by the smarting claw marks across his face, trying to join RiverClan had been a sore mistake. After being attacked by Ravenpaw, Selby ran down the river, only stopping once he had put considerable distance between himself and the border. Panting heavily, the loner examined his reflection in the rushing water. The bleeding had slowed at the very least, but the cuts were deep and painful. He stuck his face in the cold water, rinsing off and keeping his head under for longer than what was strictly necessary. Aside from his injury, his brain was still spinning from the knowledge that he had a son, but one that was (for now, at least) entirely inaccessible to him. It was enough to make anyone feel like a failure, wasn't it?

He continued on, not entirely dissuaded from joining a Clan. After all, it would be the best opportunity to see Ravenpaw again. However, from what he had gathered from the brief and hostile interaction with the RiverClan cats, joining ThunderClan or WindClan would likely result in further hostility. So instead, he chose to follow the leader's directions, following the river until he came to a suitable place to cross outside of the scent markers, which (as he had been sorely made aware of) the clans seemed to take very seriously. Selby did not attempt another gift either, afraid it would lead to more accusations. Instead, he waited patiently at the border, considerably more anxious than he had been the first time he had attempted it.
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  • Crying
Reactions: felicitas
The rustling of trees above sends note to ones presence, the chunky medicine cat apprentice trudging through the trees to get to his destinations quicker. Only stopping when he spots the darker form of a cat down below; seated politely at the border as if a messenger from Her himself. Fireflypaw hums softly, before he jumps down onto a lower branch to greet the tom. "Hi there!" He chirps, the branch below him swaying with each rock of his head. "I'm Fireflypaw. You're at SkyClan's border. How can we help you?" It's not safe right now to be alone, after all. Eyes shut, he turns to look at the clanmates that gather behind him. He wasn't dumb enough to go out of camp without another cat with him.
Blazestar isn't far behind his son, his fur still on end from his most recent encounter with the Twoleg. The dark-pelted stranger has a fresh welt across the bridge of his nose but otherwise seems to have a calm disposition. The flame point's eyes flick to the shadows until he can convince himself Twolegs aren't lurking within them.

"Yes, you've reached SkyClan. I'm Blazestar, the Clan's leader." His eyes focus on the surface wound across the black tom's face. "You're hurt." It's an observation, but also an invitation.

ocean breathes salty
Already this experience was proving much more positive than the one before it, with two cats coming and expressing concern instead of anger. Selby relaxed slightly but did not let his guard all the way down. The situation could always change again. "My name is Selby," he began, curling his tail over his paws. "I heard SkyClan was welcoming to joiners, and I was hoping I might be one of them." He studied the feline in the tree, impressed by his climbing skill. Selby himself was no novice but doubted he could be so grateful. Casting yellow eyes towards the leader, he dipped his head respectfully. "I am, but not so badly."

Mostly just on the inside, he supposed.
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Fireflypaw waits for his father's okay before he leaps off of the lowest branch of the tree, eyes shut as he walks over to the tom. "It's not safe to wander around here. Twolegs are snatchin' cats left and right." Fi murmured thoughtfully, turning up to look at his father. The strange cat introduces himself as Selby, and Fireflypaw smiles in response- he wants to join? Alright, not that they really minded loners. "Since you're wantin' to join, why don't we talk in the medicine den? Maybe Dawnglare can help with that wound on 'yer face, yeah?" He looks back at his father a second time for approval, though he knows more questions are likely coming for the tom.
ocean breathes salty
The mention of Twolegs turned Selby's stomach; he knew they were close to a neighborhood, but the idea that they were going so far into the woods to capture the wildcats wasn't a comforting one. When he lived in the gray hills, sometimes cats would go missing, only to return later changed. It's what made him leave the hills, and then Hannah's area later on. Selby was wild, through and through, and had been living like it since he'd been weaned.

At the apprentice's kind offer, he dipped his head once more. "I'm not opposed, as long as your leader isn't," he replied, half standing up but remaining on the other side of the border.
✦ ★ ✦
Blazestar shoots Fireflypaw a look, but it's one devoid of anger. He flicks sapphire eyes back to the dark-pelted loner. "He's right. It's not safe in these woods. We've lost... many Clanmates." His ears droop. "You may join us, Selby, if that is your wish. You will be expected to hunt and fight for SkyClan, and in turn we will offer you what protection we can." He flicks a golden ear, thinking sourly, And what protection is that, really?

He stands, flicking the tip of his tail to indicate Selby and Fireflypaw should follow him. "Follow us. This is the way to our camp." To the medicine cat apprentice, he adds, "Take him to Dawnglare to get something for that nose."


ocean breathes salty
Despite the apprehension in the leader’s voice, Selby was comforted by the easy admission he was offered. Though likely not as skilled in the trees as his counterparts, the loner was confident in his ability to hunt and fight after several seasons in the wild. He followed Blazestar eagerly, relieved by the lack of hassle he faced. “Thank you,” he said gratefully. “I’ll give my best for the Clan, I promise it.”