"We should go left."

"Why would we do that? There's plenty more prey towards the right!"

Finchcatcher trails behind the rest of his patrol, ears twitching with each word they speak. They're hunting. Supposed, to be at least. They could have caught plenty by now, with how long they've been out. They could have filled the fresh-kill pile and then some.

But, his patrol?

They're impossible.

Like whining, squabbling kits. Each with their own idea, each thinking they lead this patrol. Go left, go right. Go towards SkyClan's border - Finchcatcher would rather not follow this one's idea. Stars, he'll avoid hunting over there at all costs.

Who was even meant to lead this patrol? Finchcatcher can't remember, with all this bickering. He thinks it's supposed to be Bramblebird, but Nightdust seems adamant that he should take charge.

And it just continues! On and on - never-ending!

"There won't be any prey to catch, if you don't quiet down," he cuts into the argument, flame-furred tail flicking behind him. Nightdust pauses, pale gaze turning to look back at him.

"Why don't you decide then, Finchcatcher?" he asks. Judgment is heavy in this one's gaze. "Right, like I say, or left, like Bramblebird thinks?"

"And is wrong about!" Oaktuft, a newer warrior, adds in with the stomp of his foot. Finchcatcher thinks the brown tom should watch what he's saying, for he thinks it would be easy for him to be sent back to apprentice duties, with how new to warriorhood he is.

"I've been hunting here for seasons longer than either of you have been alive," Bramblebird says, flicking her tail dismissively at both of them, "Certainly, I should know where to hunt, right, Finchcatcher?" She looks to him too, waiting for his answer for only a moment, before Nightdust and Oaktuft start their protests once more.

It's still long enough of a moment, however, to see that she too is judging him, waiting for him to choose the correct answer - her answer.

He weighs his options as they bicker on. The right, he knows for certain, has plenty of hiding spots for prey. The left is still healing from the fire, Finchcatcher thinks. But, Bramblebird is a senior warrior. Bramblebird has lived in this forest her whole life. She must know the ins and outs of it, must have a reason to go to that side of the forest.

And, if he doesn't take her side, then what? Would Bramblebird speak with Howlingstar, tell the leader that Finchcatcher went against her, that he should be turned away? To put him on her bad side? No, he can't have that.

"We'll go left," he finally says, only gaining disapproving groans from Nightdust and Oaktuft. He looks at the two, a frown pulling at his face. "She's supposed to be leading this patrol, not you two. Maybe next time."

Bramblebird knows what she's doing. Finchcatcher can only hope that she does, at least - for his sake.

// PROMPT: put finchcatcher in a situation which he displays his flaw of being easily swayed in order to be liked.​