Whispers on the Wind [Poly's storage]


Just not built that way
Apr 2, 2023
Character name: Pigeonsong
Pigey by Bananapaw

Gender: Cisgender AMAB
Sexuality: Bi
Relationship status: Single

Clan/Group{if any}: SkyClan

Clan Name: Pigeonsong
Clan Rank: Warrior

Mentored by- NPC

Appearance: Sandy ginger tabby tom with a lanky but muscular build.

Fifteen moons, birthday April 2nd!

Personality: Pigeonsong is a boisterous and loud cat to handle. He seems to have a knack for knowing just what not to say and doing it anyway. He's not super self-aware to say the least and enjoys good banter and bickering. It's all in good fun to him though and he means no offense.

Social traits: Always wants to be the center of attention, cracks jokes often and very animated when speaking. Definitely enjoys getting to know new cats and keeping cats he likes around. In spite of this he has moments of extreme seriousness when the situation calls for it.

Lifestyle: A fairly average fighter and hunter, the tom certainly makes up for this by being extremely stubborn. He has a fierce appetite for earning the approval of others but doesn't get broken up if he can't attain it. He's got an uncrushable will and a thirst for anything curious or new.
Enjoys climbing and high vantage points.

The life of the party if he can help it!

General: Jester

History: WIP

(All relationships may be his own feelings and are not always reciprocated. If you see them listed here, and they are not bolded, then the cat does not feel the same way about him.

Theme song: The Front Bottoms - Santa Monica
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  • pigeonkit/Pigeonpaw Pigeonsong; explaination

─ Cisgender AMAB, He/Him; Pansexual, monogamist
─ created 04.02.23 at 14 moons / ages every 2nd / 15 moons old
↳ penned by Polynesia (No main account atm)

↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
[bimg width=100px] [/bimg]
Longhaired sandy tabby with dull amber eyes. / reference

longer description
↳ LH cream tabby (masking fawn tabby; carrying point

↳ ( Mentality ) ╭──╯ . . . .
Intelligence ●●●●●●●○○○
Confidence ●●●●●●●●●○
Charisma ●●●●○○○○○○
Creativity ●●●●●○○○○○
Empathy ●●●●●●○○○○
Humor ●●●●○○○○○○
Neutral Good, mbti ❝ the whatever ❞

(+) positive traits
- Good natured

(/) neutral traits

(-) negative traits.

-Self doubt
-Prone to anxiousness
↳ mannerisms elaborate

↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . .
PARENT x PARENT sibling to whoever | mentoring Spiderpaw, was mentored by NPC
Mate to whoever | Parent to whoever | Other kin
— Admires Orangeblossom, Blazestar, Thistleback, Silversmoke, Slate.
— Friends with Bananasplash
— Likes Bananasplash, Orangeblossom, Slate,
— Dislikes Prickleflower, most of ThunderClan,
— Loathes Racoonstripe

↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
strength ●●●●●○○○○○
stamina ●●●●●○○○○○
agility ●●●●●○○○○○
hunting ●●●●●●●○○○
swimming ●●●○○○○○○○
climbing ●●●●●○○○○○
grace ●●●●●○○○○○
relationship status; single pansexual, monogamist / crushing on Bananasplash, s
ure of his feelings
Trusts easy, doesn't forgive easily.
— physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
— (will not) start fights | (will) end fights | (will) flee | (will) mostly show mercy
excels at hunting, tracking, scouting, diplomacy.
poor at skill Fighting, swimming.
sounds like Sean Bonette / Sean Bonette of AJJ
smells like petrichore and cut grass
— healing & peaceful powerplay allowed, etc.
— speech is #hexcode

[slide=History ✧]( Backstory / simplified history )
blah blah blah

( Important Threads )

( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
Thread Name ──── brief description.
Thread Name ──── brief description.
[slide=Code]code of posting format
posting format
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Take all your pages
Set them on fire

Character name: Polynesia

Gender: She-cat

Age: 7 Moons
Ages realistically every 29th

Clan/Group{if any}: Loner

Appearance: Domestic cat, Mixed breed, but has prominent turkish features like long smooth fur. This cat is a white base with orange mask, sides, striped orange and white tail and a white chin, mouth and nose area. Has dull, honey colored eyes Has a large scar on her muzzle and cheek area from a streetfight.

Personality: Polynesia is a fairly quiet cat who doesn't particularly enjoy fighting and has been known to go on long walks through the loner lands by herself.
She isn't a skilled fighter by any means and prefers to talk her way out of dangerous scenarios. The exception to this being that anyone threatens her friends or what she perceives as being right. She often comes across as soft spoken and reserved. May be described as naive or inept.
She also tends to blame herself when things don't go the way she planned and may have depressive tendencies. Poly would do anything to keep it hidden though because the last thing she wants is for you to blame yourself for when she screws up.

Social traits: Not overly social, but very polite and respectful to figures of authority or cats who are older than her. She is somewhat reserved and introverted and doesn't like to be the center of attention. Even positive attention from multiple animals makes her extremely anxious but she is fairly good at concealing it and masking it. She is quick to learn what cats around her like or dislike and is somewhat skilled at using this to her advantage. She definitely aims to please rather than intimidate. Her voice is as soft as her eye-color and she does her best to maintain a formal way of speaking, other than this manner of languages she gives no indication that she often sees herself as intellectually superior to others. She tries to be empathetic and understanding at first but if someone crosses the line enough times without endearing themselves to her, she likely wouldn't be bothered if they suffered misfortune.

Lifestyle: She has a somewhat nihilistic view of the world and it is not easy to gain her confidence. Constantly grooms self, not overly social but she's good at pretending that she is. She does her best to appear more confident than she really is but that facade is easily broken by more blunt and hurtful cats or extreme and unexpected kindness.

General: Nervous-wreck. Hopeless Romantic all the way.

History: Polynesia spent her early days as a kitten with her mother, an ex-kittypet under a dumpster. She was odd in that she was the only kit to be born of her litter. When she was young, her mother was killed by twoleg teenagers and she spent the rest of her days hunting alone.

Social traits:

Sexuality: Biromantic Pansexual

Love language: Quality time

Enjoys: Just having her belly full and a somewhat decent place to sleep. She isn't super choosy. She likes to feel like people care about her and will back her up. Something she hasn't felt much since her mother died.

Dislikes: Overly social animals, animals that are bigger than her, liars, anyone who takes advantage of her or poses a risk to the life of herself or her friends.

Hopes: Polynesia doesn't have huge aspirations or goals. Her life is mainly just making it day to day, hour by hour. Dodge a twoleg here, eat some fast-food scraps here, back to some dark corner to sleep in. She can be very pessimistic.

Fears:Having her deepest desires and feelings exposed or brought to everyone's attention. Little as those are. She is afraid her low aspirations make her weak.

(All relationships may be her own feelings and are not always reciprocated. If you see them listed here, and they are not bolded, then the cat does not feel the same way about her.


Theme song: Mother Mother "Into The Wild"

Take off your cage and
Go back to the wild
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Character name: Cherrypaw

Gender: AMAB Cis

Age: 10 Moons
Ages realistically every 2nd

Clan/Group{if any}: ShadowClan Apprentice

Appearance: A mixed breed tom-cat of varying hues of brown and white with piercing amber eyes.

Cherrypaw is a wide-eyed and eager young tom with a strong desire to prove himself. While he's deeply loyal to ShadowClan, his naivety often leads him to misunderstand the subtleties of Clan life. He's quick to trust his Clanmates and tends to see the world as simple, often missing the complexities and hidden motives around him. Cherrypaw believes in the strength of ShadowClan without question, and his idealism can make him a bit reckless. He wants to impress his mentor and elders, sometimes taking on tasks that are beyond his abilities just to show his worth.

Strengths: Cherrypaw is highly enthusiastic and determined. His optimism can be contagious, lifting the spirits of his fellow apprentices. He has a natural ability to navigate ShadowClan's dark, swampy territory, using his sharp senses to track prey. His energy and determination make him a quick learner when it comes to hunting and survival. Cherrypaw also has a strong moral compass, always striving to do what he believes is right, which makes him dependable, even if a bit misguided.

Weaknesses: Cherrypaw's naivety makes him prone to manipulation by more cunning or experienced cats. His desire to please can sometimes cloud his judgment, leading him to rush into dangerous situations without thinking them through. He has trouble grasping the complexities of Clan politics, rivalries, and the gray areas between right and wrong, often leading him to make rash decisions. In battle training, his small size and inexperience can be a disadvantage, especially when he relies too much on speed rather than strategy.

Sexuality: Biromantic Pansexual

Love language: Quality time





(All relationships may be her own feelings and are not always reciprocated. If you see them listed here, and they are not bolded, then the cat does not feel the same way about her.


Theme song:
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