border whistle through the wind | lone kittypet


chain of memories
Apr 8, 2024
જ➶ Soft starlight fills the skies. The edge of the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon as she leaps over a small lawn ornament. Her rough paw pads are tired but dhe is ever determined to get to where she needs to go. The woman is no quitter and after the multitude of stories and rumors that she has heard and collected along the way she is even more set on being involved. Finding out the truth of this matter. Forest colored eyes shift with ease as she slides underneath a car, pausing here to survey the area. The ruckus clamor of a nearby dog makes her give slight pause but when she hears that it doesn't get louder or fainter then she concludes it must be locked within its yard. Good. "Stinky beast." Though her words are hushed as she crawls from her hidden space and continues forward. Claws hooking into wood and pulling her up onto a fence. A brighter smile finally graces her features as curled ears pull forward. The forest. It's so much closer now all that walking was not for nothing. With a hop in her step she moves across the fence. Taking her time to move from one to another.

The sun has lifted higher by the time she hits the end of the neighborhood. The grass is much greener, springier. It bounces against her pads and sudden she jumps, runs, sprints across it. The dew glistens against her pelt and she laughs. "This is so much nicer than I thought it would be." But this isn't what she came here for and with that she whips her figure around to stare into the forest. Looming, tall trees shadowing the ground. Right. Stepping up to the tree line she pauses there and narrows her gaze, her tail holds stiff before the scarred molly calls out just as a strong scent passes her nose. They must be right! "Hey! Are you folks Skyclan? I wanna join up and I have skills, I promise. I can fight and um, hunt a bit ya know. I heard you accept others sometimes so I figured I'd try my luck. Walked a long time to get here too."
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It's a stroke of luck, or perhaps a touch of the opposite, that SkyClan's leader heads the patrol weaving through the trees. An unfamiliar voice calls out, not necessarily to her but to the group of cats sh'es with, and Orangestar pauses to look down upon the stranger at their border. Countless strangers and old friends alike have found their way to SkyClan in this very place. Green eyes, grey and white fur ... definitely not a cat she's familiar with. Certainly not a cat SkyClan is familiar with, from the way she talks. And yet eager to join ... Hmm.

Orangestar descends from the pine tree after a moment of thought, sending a spray of bark scattering beneath her claws, and weaves through the remaining trunks to confront the molly before her. Her torn ear twitches as she pads right up to the border markers, dismissing a fly that has gotten too curious.

"We are." The sunkissed she-cat confirms, eyes flicking up and down over the stranger before her. A mere whisker-length or so separates them, but Orangestar seems unbothered by the proximity. "I am Orangestar, SkyClan's leader. Who are you? And are you a kittypet, or a loner?"

  • // @Springpaw
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    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin
જ➶ The moment she realizes that they are up in the trees her eyes widen. "" Watching them descend down from the branches, claws shattering bark to slow their fall, it's really amazing. The woman takes a deep breath as the one ahead of the flock approaches her and she is left almost speechless. Only because she has never seen such a pretty molly before. For a moment she just stares as the other walks up to her before the twitch of the feline's ear makes her blink. No, she can't be doing that now. Shaking her head a bit she breathes in slowly before hearing the confirmation that they are indeed Skyclan. "Yes! I actually made it on over." A beaming smile pulls at her muzzle then before she then is informed of just who she is talking to. "Oh, oh, my word. Didn't think I'd meet ya this soon." Manners were everything and she shifts herself to dip her head down low. Respectfully.

Orangestar. Strange name but it fits. Especially with the pretty splashes of orange on a white backdrop. Kind of like them icy treats the young'ins give her sometimes.

"Name's Winona, your leaderness! And I'm not too familiar with those words. Um, sounds ya mean partnered up with a no-fur? Cause I got some back home I visit sometimes. " She likes them nofurs a lot. They give her food and their offspring play with her sometimes. Loner is a term she isn't familiar with but kittypet sounds like that pet word the nofurs keep repeating all the time. Not that she truly understands anything they say. But they sound similar.

For this kittypet, it might seem some sort of an honour that SkyClan's leader and deputy both approached through the pine-needles- though Twitchbolt wouldn't be the one to say it, still feeling restless in his own knotty pelt. He was settling, though, he was finding... it was easier to weave through the pines and believe that he might be worthy. To feel the breeze through bicoloured fur and think that, by some miracle, he was deemed good enough to serve them so highly.

Twitchbolt regarded the kittypet with confusion- he crouched down on the branch upon which he perched, gaze shrewd and curious all at once. Partnered up with a no-fur, she said- and he swore there was a new name for Twolegs every time he blinked.

"Sometimes?" Twitchbolt repeated, viewing her from above. She wanted to join up, she said... that she had skills. Did she live some of her nights on the streets, and some of them within the nest of a Twoleg? The priorities baffled him completely... as much as he respected the unique knowledge that daylight warriors brought, as much as he was completely indebted to them whether he liked it or not, their practices would never cease to confuse him.

"You'll still- still have things to learn, if you're allowed to join us. It's not easy living." Every kittypet on their border had to understand that... and they did, later rather than sooner in some regards. This wasn't a hobby- it was their life.
penned by pin ✧

It's an honor for them, too, a new warrior to patrol alongside both Orangestar and Twitchbolt. They follow both cats through the trees wordlessly, recalling their own arrival at the border only two moons prior, the encounter seeming somewhat like this one, with SkyClan descending from the trees before them. Their paws move easily across the branches, though their fur is not exactly free of stray pine needles. Orangestar leaves the boughs, and Moonseeker stays adjacent to Twitchbolt still lingering in the cover of the tree, looking down at the pale-furred stranger with slitted eyes. It wasn't their place to speak, not when Orangestar and Twitchbolt were here already - and they generally prefer not to anyhow, so instead they simply observe from above with caution.


As the patrol swerves to meet the figure on the border, Eggshellbloom mutters a silent thanks that Orangestar and Twitchbolt are here to handle things. The socially-anxious Scottish Fold was no good with introductions, fear-flecked features cringing for a moment as he recalls how he’d handled Mint Julep. Try as he might, there was simply no authority in the boy’s shaky words.

Still, that didn’t mean the kittypet was completely useless here. Shimmying to a closer branch to get a better view, the skittish Scottish Fold’s gaze studied Winona, scrutinizing for a half-moment before softening slightly. “It’s - uh - it’s n-nice to meet you” The coward stammered out as an egg-battered head dipped in greeting. Orangestar and Twitchbolt were taking care of the official stuff, and there were more than enough of them to handle this stranger if anything got violent, so why not try and make her comfortable? If Winona ended up joining, she might as well be given a good first impression.

Eggshell’s amber eyes flicked to the side, taking notice of Moonseeker’s silence. Realizing that it might’ve been rude to speak out of turn, though, the boy was quick to clam up.​

New joiners are a common occurance in their pine-forest home. Kittypets looking for adventure, loners seeking a different way of life. Cats from all sorts of different walks of life came to their borders, sometimes in hopes for a better life and while Springpaw has a very acute sense of stranger danger, she is glad that her clan can be a new start to so many. A safe haven for those looking for something different to break up the monotony of daily life spent in a twoleg's nest.

She follows her mentor dutifully. Tree climbing was slowly making more and more sense in her mind, the only skill she was seemingly good at. Everything else just didn't seem to come naturally. She was clumsy on her paws. tripping over herself and hesitating too much both in hunting and fighting. As Orangestar weaves through the forest's canopy, she does her best to keep up, jumping from branch to branch and feeling thankful for her smaller frame. The branches did not lurch as much under her weight as it would for a bigger cat like Wolfpaw or Hawkpaw.

When Orangestar decends she stays, claws gripping the bark under her feet as she peers down curiously at the stranger below. This stranger was even stranger than the normal ones! She lived with twolegs she reveals but only sometimes and Springpaw has to wonder if they ever miss her, if she ever stayed away for too long. Moonseeker stays silent next to her, but Eggblossom introduces himself. She opts to follow the formers lead and stays silent, tail flicking in the air as she awaits direction from her mentor. But if Winona happened to look up at her she'd offer a hesitant yet friendly smile in the mollies direction.
  • WopM9br.jpeg

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    A small she-cat with fluffy black and white fur and bright blue eyes
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
જ➶ Her gaze shifts and turns up as someoke from the boughs of the tree speaks to her. And that is when she realizes that there are so much more of them than she really thought. "Good gracious, there sure are a lot of ya." But her words don't hold intimidation or fear. She is in awe and wonder at their figures that adorn the trees. She hopes to be like that some day. As she fixes her forest green gaze on the one that spoke she nods lightly. "Yeah! I go and see them often and they let me stay. But I got them itchy paws, always like to be moving and doin something ya know." Her voice leads into a comfortable chuckle and her tail sways gently in the air as she finds herself smiling even as he tells her how this life will be. "Oh of course! I ain't no spring chicken and I'm prepared to work my behind off for yall. I wanna learn all I can." Flicking her eyes away from the charming youth she them focuses on the rest of those in the trees and she waves her tail gently to them.

Giving them no reason to be wary of her. One of them speaks up and she dips her head brightly and of course with respect. She was told that this was their woods and she needed to he understanding of that. "Nice to meet you too. Name's Winona, what's your's, bud?"[/B] Her gaze stays on Eggshellbloom then with curiosity.