camp WHISTLE WHILE YOU WORK // nursery repair

// I’m not sure if this is too late to count for the prompt event but doing it anyway cuz it’s a fun prompt B)

Nature is a beautiful, wonderful thing, but stars it is just as terrifying. The tortoiseshell sits in front of the tattered nursery with a heavy frown set on her face. The wind the night before had been brutal, tearing holly branches and leaves aware from the walls and letting in several rather aggravating drafts. With so many kits in the nursery during leaf-bare, that simply wouldn’t do. They have to stay warm! Luckily, her paws haven’t forgotten how to tenderly weave the tendrils of foliage to create strong, cozy den walls. So, with a look of determination, she steps up to the holly bush and gets to work.

As her paws hold one large branch in place and her jaws hold another, she spots just what she needs a couple of tail-lengths away. To the nearest cat, she utters through the tendril in her mouth, “Excuse me? Coulth you ‘rab that for me?” Her ears point towards the fallen branch, her golden eyes pleading. Once she has that, she should be able to patch up the biggest of the drafts rather quickly. She feels giddy, her smile evident even through the load between her teeth. She sort of missed this job, the expert weaver of den walls, always called upon when any hole was found. It feels nice to know she hadn’t given that up when she became a queen.

it cannot come as a surprise that the young tom named drowsypaw feels absolutely exhausted. he's supposed to be helping with the repair of the nursery, giving the kits and queens alike somewhere warm and cozy and safe to be. but he's so tired. he wants to sleep. once again, the sheep return, baa-ing in unison as they float around his head in the tune of a soft lullaby. he's swaying sleepily on his paws, eye lids heavy as if weights are holding them down. he's really trying to stay awake, but it's not easy when he's like this. and he's always like this, isn't he? most of the time. it's only the voice of butterflytuft that makes the sheep disappear with a startling pop noise. the music that lulls in his head stops abruptly and he scrunches his nose in confusion.

"h..huh? oh... oh! right! yes! mhm!"

he really hopes she didn't say anything else because if she did, he wouldn't remember. he was not listening enough. he grabs the branch, and passes it over before returning to fix one of the smaller holes, trying to remain focused.

"butterflytuft... were you always good at patching up dens? and how come we don't have den patcher-upers? like as a rank?"


”We do.” Figfeather replies to Drowsypaw’s inquiry lightheartedly. Bending over she drops some more den repair materials at Butterflytuft’s paws, with it being leaf-bare it was important to ensure the walls of the nursery were patched up, StarClan forbid the queens and kits catch a cold due to cold drafts in the night. ”They’re called apprentices.” She gives an amused wink to her litter-mate knowing full well the queen partook in some of the camp chores every now and again. Regardless, Figfeather would always view the responsibility as something that fell (mostly) on the shoulders of apprentices.

Looking to her sister once more she meows ”I could round up some apprentices to get this patched up for you, Butterflytuft.” Still not quite understanding that the she-cat enjoyed den-work.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
"Oh, I can help!" The young pointed feline mused cheerily as she bounded over from the direction of the camp's entrance. She'd just finished up her training for the day, and as Figfeather had just pointed out, den repairs were supposed to be apart of her daily chores. Besides, helping her clanmates fix the nursery was better than the afternoon of laying around, trying to pretend she wasn't hungry, that she'd had planned before.

On her way over to the group she paused and bent down to gather a few more branches in her jaws, before trotting towards Butterflytuft and laying them down on the hard earth beside her. With a warm smile and flick of her tail in greeting to those already at work, she delicately picked up a small, spindly branch and eyed the den walls uncertainly. In truth, she'd never done this particular job before, and wasn't really sure where to start; but she also wanted desperately to be of use to the elder mollies. With a decisive nod to herself for encouragement, Sage chose a ragged hole in the wall to her right and began messily weaving the branch she grasped into the rest. "You'd think, with all the materials we have in the forest, there'd be stronger stuff to stand up to the wind," she murmured casually around the stick in her mouth.
Den work had to be the worst possible choice of work out there, besides picking ticks off of cat of course. Though suppose it came with being an apprentice in the clans but even then it made no sense to him at all. Why would they not want to sleep under the stars? Let in the sunlight! After all winter didnt last forever! Though he doubted anyone shared his take on things and he found he didnt care all that much about it.

Watching Figfeather join Butterflytuft at the nursery he watched them exchange words before Sagepaw bounded over to them as well, with intent to help. Oh butterflies! Of course now that she was more than willing to help he was obligated to also join even though he was perfectly content in his spot of sun. Albeit the patch was weak due to the colder season but it was sunlight nonetheless!

Spottedpaw sighed softly and got up from his spot on the ground, shaking wetness from their fur for a moment as laying in the snow probably wasn’t the best course of action. Regardless, the young tortie point made their way over to the gathered group of cats and puffed out his chest, “You know who’s a good den maker?” He had caught the tail end of his siblings’ words as Sagepaw commented to Butterflytuft.

Then the young cat went to pick up a stick from the ground to show he was indeed the best den maker- but Starclan always was humbling. The tortie point then simultaneously slipped on a patch of wet ground, mud perhaps, and fell backwards onto their butt. Spottedpaw jolted slightly at the sensation of hitting the ground and looked with rounded eyes in surprise, before their ears burned with shame. Well so much for that.

  • ooc :Speech

  • 10 moon old Skyclan Apprentice // Transmasc (he/him) // Uncertain Sexuality (Bisexual)

She offers Drowsypaw a trill of gratitude and plucks the branch from him with a claw. From there, she works it into the mesh of twigs and leaves, her paws and teeth moving harmoniously as if she were weaving a song. Her ears flick back to the apprentice as he asks his questions, a light chuckle leaving her. “I suppose so. It’s the one thing I was always really good at.” Hunting, fighting, even climbing had escaped her grasp. She had never been on par with the other apprentices when she was in training - not even close to it! But working with her paws to repair things around camp, that had always come so naturally to her.

Figfeather’s jolly voice cuts in to answer the tom’s other questions and she offers her sister an amused smile in return. But when the offer to get apprentices is extended, the tortoiseshell shakes her head softly and returns her gaze to the task at hand. “That’s alright, I like doing it! It’s relaxing,” She hums. Her sunflower gaze shifts to Sagepaw and Spottedpaw, and she can’t help but laugh softly at the latter’s fall. She opts to answer Sagepaw’s thought to give the other apprentice time to recuperate. “Holly can be tough and protective, but sometimes the winds are just too strong. But it’s okay - we can always rebuild.”

Relaxing? Figfeather looks at the bright orange and black she-cat as if she was half bird-brained. The task of repairing dens and interweaving foliage together to block out the wind had always been tedious and teeth grinding to her. Butterflytuft, with all of Figfeather’s love, had always seemed to find the most joy in things typical warriors loathed. If busy-work like this made her happy who was she to protest?

As they discuss holly and its ability to stand against the wind the tabby’s nose twitches thoughtfully. ”Is there anything in the forest that works better than holly, Butterflytuft? I could let Orangeblossom know.” She proceeds and again extends her paw to assist in some fashion. ”I’m sure she’d be able to spare some cats to head into the forest to get you something better. Especially for the nursery.”
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing