whistle while you work | reinforcing the dens

As if the weather wasn't cold enough, it had begun to snow the past few days, eventually whipping up into a blinding blizzard. Tasked with assigning patrols, Flycatcher had been loath to send cats out, lest they get lost or accidentally wander somewhere they should have been in the snow. What small patrols he did send out, he ordered to be quick, and that they were not to make any small talk with other patrols and simply do their duties and return to camp.

Speaking of camp, it seemed they could get a little reprieve from the weather here at least. The weather was still terrible of course but it didn't feel as bad with the walls of camp and their natural surroundings acting as a sort of buffer between the cats and the worst of the weather. With little else to do both within and outside of camp, Flycatcher had insisted they double check all the dens and make sure they were properly reinforced so as to be able to deal with the sudden change in weather. He's helping put the finishing touches to a den wall, when he spots a clanmate nearby looking a little lost at what to do. "Take your supplies over there," Flycatcher urged, gesturing with his head to a patchy part of the den wall he had yet to fix up. "I think it could do with a little work."

For once Berryheart was not grateful for his solitary space. Though the medicine den was wonderful for collecting thoughts, or napping relatively uninterrupted, it came with the unfortunate caveat of having no source of warmth. Within warriors dens it had been easier- many bodies that let free warming breaths would slumber around you, and would keep the chill away. Now he was left only with the solution of busying himself, not particularly his first choice- but on these rare days when sleep would not take him, and when the outside was too blanketed with blizzard to face, camp upkeep seemed the most satisfactory option.

Snow had always made movement difficult with a missing paw- he was grateful for the more trodden-on parts as he made his way toward Blue. Reinforcing walls seemed a sound choice, and he picked up some of the gathered supplies, lifting his dulled gaze to search Blue's face for instruction. Luckily, without words he was given course- and, a dutiful nod dipped his speckled head. He may now had duty outside of these dens, but he would not let his talents rot in his bones as he pursued newer skills. As the dens did, his abilities needed their maintenance too- and so, he got to fixing up. A speckled tail whipped in a bacon, an open invitation for someone to wander over and aid.

As if their tail was really a beacon, Hollow Tree appeared beside Berryheart. The cold was getting to them as well as the prey. Her stomach rumbled and she could only hope it wasn’t loud enough to hear. Placing down her gathered supplies before getting to work. Helping her brother reinforce the den. She hoped this would be enough to keep the snow out and cats warm. How she wished she spent more time collecting feathers and pelts to make nests warmer.

“Hopefully this storm will be over soon.” she says out loud but not really towards anyone. Focusing on her paws and being sure that these reinforcements would hold up.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

Following Flycatcher's gesture, the medicine cat gets to work. Flycatcher watches him for a moment before giving an appreciative nod. "Thank you, Berryheart, I'm sure you have more of an eye for this than I do," He said with a light-hearted chuckle. He wasn't bad at fixing up dens or making nests by any means, but he knew Berryheart was quite talented at it and that his own skills paled in comparison to that of the tortoiseshell.

As they are working, they are joined by one of Berryheart's many siblings, and Flycatcher gives Hollow Tree a small nod as she joined in the efforts. "Here's hoping," Flycatcher chimed in, nodding in agreement to Hollow Tree's hope that the storm would be over soon. "I think I'm beginning to get sick of all the snow."

She had never been very vocal or forward, learning new things was something she should enjoy but the act of learning them and thus being forced to ask to be taught was so terribly overwhelming, but when she strolled forward to the scene she raised her head and spoke with as much confidence as she could muster, "May I help? I've never done this-could someone show me...how?"
It helped that of the cats gathered one was a trusted Lead Warrior of ThunderClan and the others were her relatives which certainly helped lessen her unease at having to speak up. Berryheart was as familiar as her mother and Hollow Tree while once distant was warming up to her bit by bit. His pale blue eyes wash over the three older cats, noting with some amusement that her uncle and their medicine cat was a bit more skilled with the finesse required to patch dens with ease and expedience. Though she liked Flycatcher fine, she gravitated over to the tortie tom and her tabby aunt to sit near them and watch as carefully as she could; hoping to pick up on the task with a swiftness.