camp white lilies // training

[ pls wait for @THISTLESIGHT !! ]

Snowypaw stands in beside her mentor with uncertainty. Some warriors she knew by virtue of their position in the Clan, like Smogmaw and Frostbite. Meanwhile others just happened to be frequent targets of her and her siblings antics, like Pipitclaw and Skunktail. Thistlesight... is neither of those. She figures she must've seen him before (camp isn't necessarily expansive, after all,) and if Chilledstar granted her to him, then surely he has some merits. But in their short time together thus far, she just... can't get a read of him. Sometimes he doesn't seem to be there at all! Perhaps that's just to be her life for the next short bit, as ShadowClan still needs their able bodied warriors out hunting and not babysitting the kitpprentices.

"So..." she draws out, annoyingly long, before positing a, "What are we doing?" to the tom.​