private white winter hymnal | howling

Tybalt had--like he had every morning since he'd realized he was alone again, and that Ghostpaw wasn't coming back--left the camp early that morning to hunt. And now, as he laid his catches onto a withering fresh-kill pile, his gaze travelled to the medicine den. He had never gotten along well with the deputy, and he hadn't been to check on her since she'd been brought to the medicine den, figuring that if her condition changed that he'd hear about it without having to go asking around about it.

But as he looked at the plump squirrel at his feet, he supposed that she was probably the one that needed it most. Taking the prey in his jaws, he poked his head into the medicine den and scanned the area for Howling Wind. His gaze settled upon her, and he stepped into the den.

"Hey," he called, his voice muffled around the prey in his mouth. "I brought you something. Figured you might be hungry." He padded forward and dropped the squirrel in front of her.

Howling Wind lifts her head groggily from where it lay on her paws, eyes focusing on the squirrel by her nest. With a soft groan, she adjusts herself before squinted eyes glide towards the face of the cat who placed it there. It's one she doesn't expect to see. Stagstrike isn't a warrior she has often relied on. He's unruly, impetuous. But he's protective of those he cares about, and it redeems him. He's a good warrior, has the potential to be a great one if he can ever get his head squared on his shoulders. Deep down...he can be trusted. He wants to try and she can see that in how he is visiting her now, a cat she knows he's never liked.

"Thank you," She rumbles, wincing as she leans forward. She takes a bite, chews....her ears prick. " are," She winces again, forcing down a pained cough, "-patrols going today? Any sign of him?" Of Trufflepelt. She refrains from shivering, but peers up at Stagstrike with worried eyes.