camp WHITE WINTER HYMNAL (prompt, snowball fight)

Tybalt trudged through the camp entrance, a measly looking blackbird dangling from his jaws. He'd been out hunting nearly the entire day and all he'd managed to find was a single pathetic mouthful.

His mood didn't improve as he dropped his catch on the fresh-kill pile. It was nearly empty, with what little there was being just as measly as his own kill. He gave a long, exhausted sigh as he stared down at the pile. If they couldn't start bringing down more prey soon, cats would starve.

He turned his head back towards the camp entrance. He could go back out. His muscles ached, and all he wanted to do was collapse into his nest, but he couldn't just let his clanmates go hungry.

Tybalt turned and padded back the way he had come, only for a freezing snowball to smack him on the shoulders. With an agitated hiss, he whirled around, amber eyes blazing with fury. "Who did that?" he snapped, his pelt prickling as the chill spread across his frame.

// Feel free to be the cat that threw it!
A lifted white forepaw is what gives her away, lips pulled back to reveal pearly ivories arranged in a devious grin. She'd been goofing off during her break, playing in the snow a bit with some pals when she spotted the grumpy tom. If anyone looks like he needed to be cheered up, it's him. Of course, it would be typical of Stagstrike to instead turn his fury up a notch instead of his sense of fun. When he rounds on her, the fur along her spine bristles instinctively, but she does not let her amused expression falter.

"It's just a little snow, Stagstrike. The forest is covered in it, if you haven't noticed!" She teases, tail flicking behind her playfully. Who spat in his breakfast? She wants to mutter to her companions, but what would be the point? He's always like this, all growls and no fun. She places her paw back on the ground and cocks her head, almost urging him to throw an insult back in her face. If he's asking for a fight, she's one of the only cats in camp who will give it to him. So go on, Her glittering eyes challenge, lighthearted sneer still on her maw.
Softkit had witnessed the whole sordid ordeal from her perch on some moss near the mouth of the nursery, placed there strategically to keep her paws from having to make direct contact with the cold snow that littered the landscape. She'd come to realize that there were plenty of things that snow could be used for, if you looked past how it burned to the touch.
She supposed now, watching Stormywing launch a ball of the stuff towards Stagstrike, that this was another use. Snow balls, Softkit considered deeply, retreating into her own thoughts as Stagstrike turned to confront Stormywing over the attack. They would work similarly to mossballs, she figured. Maybe she'd have to try out snowballs, although she doubted she'd have as much fun with them.
A low growl rumbling in his throat, Tybalt whirled around to face Stormywing. He felt ready to box her ears. He hated being cold, and after spending the day in search of food, the last thing he needed was to be cold as well as hungry. Unsheathed claws sinking into the snow, he opened his mouth to snap at her, stopping when he caught sight of Softkit peeking wide-eyed out at them from the mouth of the nursery. Pelt still prickling, he swallowed back his vitriol before scraping up a pawful of snow and flinging it as hard as he could back in Stormywing's direction.
He stares daggers at her, and her own face scrunches up in response, grin tightening as she stares back. She doesn’t know what he’s gonna do - leap at her, cuff an ear? Whatever he does, she’s prepared, muscles bunching as they face off. He looks about ready to spew profanities at her when his eyes flick right, and she follows his gaze to little Softkit peering at them from the nursery. Ha! Can’t say nothing with a kit around, can he?

While she’s distracted, he manages to land a hefty snowball right on her shoulder, drawing out a yowl of alarm. She whirls back towards him, but instead of anger her eyes glitter with triumph. “I got the infamous Stagstrike to play in the snow? It’s a miracle!” She laughs, bounding forward to try and spray more snow at him. “Take that, furball!”
A sense of bemusement adorned the lightly colored she-cat's features as her gaze settled on the lively snowball fight unfolding before her. Positioned near Softkit at the nursery entrance, she had taken up the responsibility of kit-sitting for the day. Leaning over, she offered a good-natured retort to the smaller feline, a purr of mirth accompanying her words. "Silly, aren't they?" Her blue eyes sparkled with amusement, and her tail gently swayed from side to side.

Observing the cats engage in wild antics amidst the snowy landscape warmed her heart. It had been a while since she witnessed such carefree moments of fun in the cold season. Even in challenging times, the simple act of reveling in play could bring a welcome respite. She felt grateful that Stormywing had opted for spirited play over potential bickering. After all, a touch of competitiveness amid the snowflakes couldn't possibly bring any harm—perhaps, it could even enhance the collective joy.

snow. she liked this white powderlike material. it was cold, but it was fun. shed been leaping into a pile of it all day, though it seemed to be dwindling into a not-pile. her fur was soaked, and her jaws chattered. her chubby head turned over at the commotion, and he tilted her head curiously. they were throwing snow, and she watched as stagstrike- the one that ate all of birdkits food, roll up the ball of snow. carefully, shed copy his movements. moving the snow into a ball with a look of intent. not malicious, but innocent fun.

then she would fling the ball of snow towards @SOFTKIT. a loud obnoxious laugh would escape into the air, whether it hit or not- and shed begin rolling another one up.