whitepaw's heartchart and opinions!!

hello my beloveds, it's time for the fun ole time of seeing what whitepaw thinks and feels about your babes!

Heart Chart and Opinions!

Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

Reply with your characters to see how whitepaw feels about them!
” I really like Sunflowerpaw.” Whitepaw speaks softly, kneading the earth beneath her paws.“They’re nice. I don’t have to make myself louder to be heard and comfortable with them.” She adds, tilting her head.“I dunno, we don’t know each other well but I guess a sorta “clicked” with them and I consider them a close friend.”

Snakepaw /
Whitepaw’s gentle expression switches to a frown.“Snakepaw,” She starts. “He’s my cousin, though it’s easy to forget given he avoids me most of the time.” She huffs.“How I feel about him is… complicated, I guess. I wanna get to know him, but from what I’ve seen and heard, he’s… rude.” Whitepaw huffs.“It’s… not a great feeling, to know you have family and for some reason, they just… don’t like you. I don’t fully understand really, he seems close with his mom and dad, yet none of them really talk to me.” She murmurs, seeming a bit sad. “I wish they did.”

Adderpaw /
Whitepaw perks up again.“I like Adderpaw! I don’t know him fully, I know him about as well as you could know anyone you shared a den with if I’m being honest.” She shrugged but smiled.“I think he’s nice, though he doesn’t seem to show it a lot for some reason.” She tilts her head.“A while ago I challenged him to a game of tug of war, and I lost fairly badly, but I didn’t mind. Adderpaw had stormed off though…” She murmured, pouting somewhat.“For a while, I thought I made him upset but he apologized! So it’s okay now.” She beamed before she froze and gave a sheepish smile.“Uhh don’t tell him I said that though… I don’t think he’d be happy about it.” She sheepishly giggles.

Tigerfrost /
” I really admire Tigerfrost, I think he’s really cool.” Whitepaw hums. ”I don’t interact with many of the warriors but he’s one of the few that seems to look out for me and it’s nice.” She admitted.”He gave me shade during my apprentice ceremony! I know it’s a little odd but it meant a lot to me. I really don’t like daytime meetings.” She pouts for a second before smiling. ”I know some of my clanmates seem to find him scary? I don’t really get why… I feel safe with him.” She shrugged. “Which is more than I can say for a majority of my clanmates if I have, to be honest.”

write your character's opinion on them <3
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