camp WHO KEEPS YOUR FLAME? (vigil + meeting)

The walk back to camp is silent. Sunfreckle, Silverlightning and Fawncloud took on the task of bloodying themselves to bring their leader's body back to camp, so that she may have a proper vigil. Howling Wind trails behind them, eyes glazed over as if deep in thought. But she's hardly thinking. She feels numb. For a moment, she almost wants to shout at the stars, blame them for how weak their lives must be to not be enough to save Emberstar. But she reminds herself that she must hold true to her faith. She watched Emberstar return from horrible deaths. The lives were powerful...they just weren't enough this time.

The group pushes through the brambles into camp, and all chatter seems to stop when eyes befall the scene. Howling Wind strides forward, cheeks still damp with tears that she's already cried. She passes her warriors, casts a long, sorrowful look at the bloodied body of her friend, then continues on towards a spot she knows well. The bottom of the Highrock. She halts, staring hesitantly at the perch where the flame point always stood when making announcements, naming warriors...everything. Never again would her voice ring out through the clearing. It will be replaced by an older song, wise but not nearly as lively. The clearing is worse off without that youthful voice.

The tabby climbs up, and it feels wrong to stand where she once stood. She gazes across her clan with saddened eyes; stars, how can she do this? After what feels like moons, she finally speaks, forcing strength into her voice so that it doesn't crack. "Emberstar walks with StarClan now." There are gasps in the crowd, as if many of those in camp still expected her body to rise to her feet. Howling Wind had just confirmed their worst fears. "She died a hero. She protected ThunderClan until her last breath, and it will not be in vain. We will rid the forest of those dogs! Until then, no one leaves this camp without a patrol. Guards will be posted outside the camp walls at all times. I want our best scouts to find them; surely they'll return to Snakerocks!" She pauses and draws in a deep breath, fighting down the urge to cry once again. She has found herself in the position she thought she'd never hold. The life in her head ended with her in the elder's den, watching Flycatcher or Flamewhisker take up her role. Emberstar was young, she was meant to outlive Howling Wind by seasons. And yet, she here stands, on a boulder that still smells faintly of her dear friend. Emberstar, if you can hear me...please help us in this fight. The beasts couldn't take more from them.

She couldn't remember a time before now where she had paced so much. Confined to camp, all she could do was wait...Waiting was far worse than any other task. She would rather be out there, tearing into the canines that had tried to take Ragwortpaw's life. She was worried about Emberstar, but she had full faith in the flame point. Her battle skills were unmatched...unlike anything she had ever seen. She was worried about her clanmates who had bravely marched into the forest to protect their leader...a part of her wished Flycatcher hadn't of gone, what if something happened to him? They were so close to meeting their kits...something couldn't happen to him.

The red tabby sat among her clanmates, doing her best to keep them calm..."It's alright...they should be back any minute now.." Her long, fluffy tail draped over one of her clanmate's back, desperately hoping to relieve them of their worries. However, despite her attempts, the camp still smelled so strongly of fear it was nearly suffocating. She could only pray that everyone returned safely, and the dogs didn't find their camp.

After what seemed like moons of having her gaze glued to the entrance, she spotted movement. "They're back!" she announced, before raising to her paws as quickly as she could. Before she could get too excited, a smell that she knew all too well hit her nose.


Lots of it. Silence swept through the camp faster than the fire had. Flycatcher... The thought immediately rushed to her mind, and she was afraid to know who was injured. Her eyes squeezed shut, but after a few moments she forced an unwilling eyelid to open. It wasn't a blue tabby that was being carried...


It was Emberstar. Her body swung limply from her clanmate's backs. Blood stained each of them, likely from the large wounds that littered her pelt. Her legs stiffened underneath her, and her attention immediately snapped to Howling Wind. Was Emberstar going to come back? They must've brought her body back here so she could awaken in safety. She refused to believe anything else...The lead warrior made her way slowly towards the deputy. Now that she was closer...she could see the tears that stained her cheeks.

No...please no...

Her heart was racing, and she found it growing harder to breathe. Instead of Howling Wind's normal spot, she watched the tabby climb to Emberstar's spot...announcing exactly what she didn't want to believe. Emberstar was dead...Flamewhisker let out a mournful cry, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. Dogs had claimed another life of someone she cared deeply about. "Thunderclan won' the same without her.." she managed to say after she had gathered herself back together. Swallowing hard, she rose her attention to Howling Wind. "Those dogs will wish they never found this forest." Her claws begged to sink themselves into Emberstar's murderers...they were lucky she couldn't fight yet.


It flew out of his mouth the moment he saw the patrol return. He puffed up in alarm, his eyes wide and his blood cold. He refused to believe the bloody scene before him.

He was stiff with shock and horror. He just...He just saw Emberstar! She was just here!! She couldnt... She couldn't be gone!!!

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he approached them. He couldn't do this anymore. How many more cats was he going to lose?

"But what about her lives, she... She had to have more than one left, right??" He whimpered, pressing his head against Sunfreckle's shoulder.

"She can't just be gone... She can't...!!!"

He wasn't even a warrior yet. He.... He looked forward to the day she gave him his warrior name. Now, it will never happen.

It's not fair.

One of the brightest lights he had ever met, snuffed out before he could even say goodbye.


He couldn't accept this. What was Thunderclan without her? How would they go on?

He knew the answer... They would go on just as always. They had no choice but to move forward. And he knew... He would stand tall in the dark and carry on... For those he still has, and for those who watch from the stars.

But for now, he wept. He wept into Sunfreckle's shoulder, almost afraid to look at Emberstars bloody and mangled body.

Rabbitnose approached him quietly and pressed his head to his. He didn't have anything to say, or rather, if he spoke, he would start bawling just as his son was. He was trying to be strong, like Emberstar would have wanted, but.....

It was hard.

She had accepted him and Sunfreckle into Thunderclan, offering them a home. A family. She was there when his kits were born. She was such a bright part of everyone's lives and now... He would never see her smile again.

Tension crackled through the camp clearing, electricity strumming through the stagnant air as they waited anxiously for the patrol to return. Stormchaser had stayed behind, to aid in guarding their camp in case a slobbering beast decided to stomp it's way through their gorse tunnel. He sat near the edge of the brambles, elongated ears pricked forwards to detect the slightest bit of sound. Ragwortpaw had sent them off, declaring of a dog attacking their own leader. His white paws kneaded the frozen soil beneath him, feeling the loose soil wedge up between his toes. The warrior wanted more than anything to be out their in the fray, digging curved ivories into a coarse pelt and avoiding bone-splitting jaws. But, he was instructed to stay here. Flamewhisker continously paced the camp, her feathered tail flowing behind her. His deep amber gaze follows her for a moment, watching her swelling belly with a small smile. A dream he'd like to have on his own some day, but alas, he didn't think it was in the deck he was dealt.
Paws thrummed nearby, grabbing the attention of everyone in camp. The large tom brings himself forwards, nails slipping from their sheaths just in case. Howling Wind steps forth, her cheeks cloaked and damp with tears followed by the rest of her patrol. Sunfreckle, Silverlightning, and Fawncloud all come adjoined; on top of their shoulders covered with the thick crimson ichor of a familiar flame point molly. Stormchaser's eyes widened immediately, his sharp jaw slacked in shock. Was that—Emberstar?! Is she hurt that bad? He moves quickly to them all, ready to open his maw to ask but closes it with an audible snap as Howling Wind climbs the High Rock.
He didn't need her to tell him what was happening, the body of their leader lay limp upon their backs with zero movement from her. Emberstar was gone. Howling Wind speaks now and he lowers his head, eyes cast downward to the ground while he listened.
Anger flowed through his veins as fire ignited within his chest, threatening to burn up his internal organs as the brown tabby continued on. Tears stung at his eyes, their depths blazing with hellfire and hatred. He wanted nothing more than vengeance for his fallen leader and for the grief those mongrels caused them. "I'll tear 'em to shreds!" He caterwhauls in response with such fierocity that a snarl edges his tone, his cheeks now damp from the overflowing emotions he held within his heart. "Emberstar will never be forgotten.." His gaze flickers back to her beaten frame with a clenched jaw, ivory incisors piercing the inside of his lip till the tang of blood appeared on his tongue. It felt wrong, all of it. Wrong for Emberstar's lives to be ripped away like this. It even felt wrong to look at her broken body. The warrior didn't want this to be the last time he saw her. He wanted to remember her free spirit and individuality, her smiling face. But he was stripped away from that now. Damn those rotten hounds.
✦ ★ ✦

Alongside Fawncloud and Silverlightning he lumbers along on carefully placed steps as if afraid to jostle the limp fire striped she-cat they carried atop their backs; but there was no fear of waking her though there was no denying she was gone. In most cases a cat could be mistaken for sleeping. In most cases a cat looked serene in death. Emberstar's body was a ruined wasteland, torn to shreds and bloodied by violent teeth and claws. He had not expected her to get back up and she'd not proven him wrong, but the disbelief and grief of his clanmates made clear their surprise. Like Briarstar prior, Starclan could not fix everything. Some wounds were too much for even the most skilled medicine cats and Berryheart was still learning, still new and forsaken by a teacher who had been cast out for digging her claws into anything that dared cross her as a problem.
The leader's blood on his back had dried, he felt his fur prickle in unease but it only darkened in patches and was near invisble on his vibrantly striped pelt.
It itched. He felt stained, sullied. He wanted to scream and throw himself rolling into the snow to be rid of it, but that was for later. His grief was not so heavy he could not bare it, he'd grown stronger in carrying such things.
Sparkpaw's young voice broke into a cry of dismay, once Emberstar had been set down for her clan to bid farewell to he sat down himself so he could hook his lone forepaw around his son's smaller form and tug him close. "Shhh.." His soothing felt hypocritical from the tears welling still in his own eyes that had not yet begun to fall. "I know...I know." It wasn't fair. None of it was. Rabbitnose's head leaned into his shoulder and he glanced around the camp for Frecklepaw or Mousepaw as well though they might be out hunting or on patrol. Silverlightning was here, so Mousepaw was being watched by other warriors than her mentor currently.
Howling Wind's turmoil struck him sharply, he watched the usually serious deputy hold fast to her mask of calm; speak from the heart but not crumble. She was a far stronger cat than they gave her credit for, that they'd almost lost her to a madman just before this was a horrifying recollection-imagine a clan with neither leader nor deputy to help pull them back together when they fell.
Sunfreckle blinked both green eyes, face dampening and ears pinned back but his voice remained surprisingly steady, he wasn't sure how he was doing it but he'd not question it, "...she was a wonderful cat, proud...kind. She'll be missed.."

nightbird's jaw was set tightly as the group returned to camp. emberstar's body lied limp across the backs of those who had carried her back, it wasn't a pretty sight. the fallen leader's wounds ran brightly with red, it was odd to see her so lifeless.

dark ears tipped backwards as various clanmates shared sentiments and wails, tail twitching behind her uneasily. she didn't have anything to share about thunderclan's beloved leader, not at such a sensitive time. despite the somber atmosphere, it would do everyone good to not dwell on their emotions. there was still a threat out running around. this loss did not change that, and now they didn't even know where the dogs had fled to.

it was easy to think that way when nightbird was not looking at the point's body. silver eyes glanced one more time, and it pulled at her heart. she regretted it instantly, forcing her gaze away. heavy emotion had no place in this moment, not for her at least. an outburst was not necessary, she would leave that to the leaders loved ones. the molly would just sit, stony gaze trained on anything but emberstar, praying she would be sent out of camp to find where the dogs had wandered off to. the atmosphere here was suffocating her slowly.
[ ☾✩ ]

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
With steady pawsteps he walked alongside his fellow warriors, exceedingly careful not to jostle the fallen body of Emberstar. Loss and grief was not a concept unknown to him. He'd lost his family to a mudslide a moon or two before joining thunderclan. The collective agony and anger the clan felt over a situation they could not control, he understood it all too well. Mournful wails and declarations of revenge rise as he sets his jaw, grey eyes stony as he looks ahead. He couldn't agree more with the sentiment of making those hounds wish they'd never found thundeclan turf. The blood of a grand leader stained his blue pelt, a wonderful optimistic molly that should've lived many more years. It was because of her Silver was allowed to call this clan home. "Those dogs will pay for their crimes in blood and if fate allows it, with their very lives." He utters with a rare display of anger, a single lash of his plumed tail.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

It took an insane grooming session, but Ragwortpaw has at last rid her pelt from the much- mostly. There were still harden bits of mud that clung to her pelt, but nonetheless her appearance was an improvement.

Ragwortpaw is paying close attention to camp, watching for a patrol to return with Emberstar at its head. Surely any minute now they’d all be marching through the gorse entrance proclaiming their victory. There is rustling at the entrance and Ragwortpaw stands up, heart pounding at her chest, but instead of orange there is brown tabby fur at the helm. Emberstar wasn’t with them, and the patrol looked defeated.

She must be just taking her time! She’s probably hurt after all, she needs to walk slower and everyone is just sad because she’s lost a life or something!

Howling Wind takes position on Highrock. Emberstar walks with StarClan now.
Oh! She feels her eyes burn as tears immediately swell up, they don’t start spilling though- she refuses to blink. Ragwortpaw doesn’t want to cry, she does not want to make a big deal out of herself, but she is in utter shock. Emberstar had nine lives, that is what everyone had told her! Had they lied? Was that just a fib they told children to keep them safe? Everyone else looks equally shocked, but Ragwortpaw fails to be convinced.

”But- but… Did StarClan not give Emberstar her nine lives?” Ragwortpaw croaks, looking up to @HOWLING WIND directly for an answer. Though eyes hidden behind fluff, it is clear by the way her lip quivers she is doing all she can to hold grief and shock inside.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTPAW, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 5 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
  • Love
Reactions: LITTLE WOLF

No one expected the body of their leader to be bought into camp. Just moments ago, things had been normal. Pebblepaw couldn't remember what they had been preparing for, a patrol perhaps, but the moment they recognised the flame point's lifeless body, nothing else seemed to matter. Their blood ran cold enough to freeze the apprentice in place, his mouth parted in shock. He wanted to move, but he couldn't move. He wanted to yowl out to StarClan, but his slacked jaws were locked in a useless position. He wanted to ask the heavens why they'd taken her, but all he could do was lament over how much he owed to Emberstar. She'd been the one to give permission to let him and his siblings become apprentices instead of submitting to the anti-kittypet biases that other wildcats held. She'd given him a chance to make something of himself, and he hadn't given her anything to show for it. He had no personal stories to share about the cat, he knew her as a leader rather than a friend, but each anguished cry from a clanmate felt like a punch in the gut that reminded Pebblepaw of what an exceptional cat they'd just lost.

Whilst others cried others rallied to Howling Wind's demands - deal with the dogs. Copper eyes briefly glossed over the deep wounds on Emberstar's body, a pit growing in his stomach at the thought of what the creatures could do to an even smaller cat. He'd be torn to shreds by dogs, it was not a death he wanted for himself (though, guiltily, he reminded himself that Emberstar likely hadn't wanted that end either). Pebblepaw moved like a robot, lowering his head and raising his right forepaw close to his chest as he fretted over his home's position. They briefly turned to Ragwortpaw, glossy eyes widened at her question. Right... he'd never asked how many lives Emberstar had, it felt impolite, but... she was a young leader - could it have truly been her last already? Confusion broke Pebblepaw out of his stunned state, and with great hesitance, he tilted his nose up towards Howling Wind. StarClan was a great idea, his belief had been stalwart as a wild cat, until someone answered the younger apprentice though, doubt would prickle within the apprentice's mind.


No valiant rescue. No felling of nightmarish beasts. No saving the day and bringing back war tales.
No, instead the clan is faced with the sobering sight of their lifeless leader being carried home. Sunnyday's jaw hung open as he stepped forth from the warriors den in a daze. It didn't feel real, he wished it wasn't. Emberstar had been young and kind with the potential of living a long life that was meant to have shed the light of joy through even their bleakest times.

The sight of the broken, bloodied corpse was beyond descript. He wished he could forget how it looked so that his memories of Emberstar's gentle features remained untainted in his mind. The tom squeezed his eyes shut as he tore his focus away from the ruined form. He couldn't stand it any longer. However, grief was not the only thing swelling up within him. Slowly he drew the energy to open his eyes once more and he looked towards Howling Wind with a deepening sense of dread.

"Emberstar, I fear I won't be able to keep my promise to you. Not with her standing firmly in my way."

The golden tom found himself shifting further back in the growing crowd, actively trying to evade being too close to what was to become their newest leader. Fear, grief, anger, frustration... the emotions swirled uncomfortably in his gut. Life was going to change whether he liked it or not, and he feared that the kind heart of ThunderClan that he admired most was about to fade from existence like the warmth from Emberstar's body. "No..."

Leafbare was a difficult time, sure, but never in all her years could Little Wolf remember one that had taken so much from them. How could they face tragedy after tragedy and still be expected to continue on as if their clan was not falling apart before their very eyes? Like Flamewhisker she had not been enthralled with the idea of being made to stay behind, though her slowly growing belly was a reminder of why she had to. Still, it was frustrating knowing her mother and her son were going into the jaws of danger and she wouldn’t be there to fight alongside them if worst came to worst.

Upon Flamewhiskers call that the patrol had returned she would raise her head and look in their direction, determined to believe that they had all returned safely. When she smells the blood however, all hopes of that vanishes. Immediately her mind goes to the worst, she frantically searches the crowd for her family that had gone with. When she finds each of them in turn she lets out a sigh of relief, watching as Burnpaw trudges away to the apprentices den. She would check on him later, give him his own time to mourn for now.

She comes to stand next to her apprentice, gently laying her tail over the gray furred youths back. "She did" she says quietly "But sometimes things are just meant to happen" she had to believe there was a reason to the seemingly senseless loss otherwise she’d die of grief. Her green eyes meet her mothers as she talks, searching that stoic brown tabby face for the emotions she is sure are swirling inside her. "I hope… I hope everyone else is okay" she says to no one in particular, scanning the other cats for wounds and any indicators they had seen their fanged foes. Only a little does her voice break but she is determined to stay strong. If for no one else than for her family and for her apprentice. They needed her now more than ever to be strong.
Her ears pin harshly against her skull as she watches the reactions of her clanmates. Wails of grief can be heard above the declarations for war, the anger, the mourning, the desire for revenge. Among all of it, Howling Wind's somber gaze lands on young Ragwortpaw. How to answer such a question, when StarClan's power has been proven time and time again, but has failed this once. She chooses her words carefully, responding back, "StarClan gave her nine lives, just as was promised. We've watched her come back before. But these wounds were too great even for StarClan's power."

A frown tugs hard at her maw. "The dogs were not at Snakerocks when we arrived. They could be gone, Emberstar could have driven them off...but they could still be in the forest. I need volunteers to scout for them, follow their scent and make sure they're no longer on our territory. I'll need our best trackers, our stealthiest hunters."

// Considering this is technically Howling's first meeting, I'd like to go ahead and give activity shoutouts to @Flycatcher @Flamewhisker @BERRYHEART @Sunfreckle @Hollow Tree @RACCOONSTRIPE @FAWNCLOUD @Sunnyday @Silverlightning @LITTLE WOLF @BURNPAW ! @Moonpaw. @RAGWORTPAW Keep up the great work!!!

Feel free to have your character volunteer if they fall under the categories of skilled tracker or skilled in stalking! I will DM volunteers :)
His paws are numb, following the patrol back to their camp. He slips through gorse and bramble, his head clouded with misery, with rage. Emberstar's lives had been stolen -- and she has not resurfaced, will not. Her body is cold and limp, suspended between Sunfreckle, Silverlightning, and Fawncloud.

The tabby does not mutter heartfelt goodbyes to the flame point. His mind sharpens through the haze of his sorrow and confusion, listening to his mother's voice through it all. Directing them. Guiding them. "I'll need our best trackers, our stealthiest hunters."

Raccoonstripe's head jerks from its resting position on his chest. His dark eyes flame with passion. "Let me go, Howling Wind. I'll make sure every last one of those disgusting mutts are driven out of our territory." His tail begins to lash behind him, involuntary. The dismal murmurs and prayers of his Clanmates are lost to him in the fanning flames of his drive for revenge.

War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
With careful adjustment the ticked tabby tilts his head in a way that would allow him to peer up at Howling Wind. Silently he listens to the words that spill from the wise molly's lips. She was looking to recruit those who would aid her in finding the dogs and at once Silverlightning volunteers himself. "I would be more than willing to accompany you as well, Howling Wind." The warrior voiced right after Raccoonstripe. They needed to ensure the safety of thunderclan again before the dogs began inching closer to camp. Every second wasted was an opportunity given to those slobbering mongrels to seek them out.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

once again howling wind's voice calls across the clearing, looking for volunteers to find them once again. raccoonstripe and silverlightning were first to offer themselves up, and she was going to be quick to follow. "i'll go," nightbird uttered, voice steady and unemotional. a small part of her felt at fault. she had been one of the cat's to discover them, maybe if she had been more urgent upon informing the rest of the clan they would have made more haste to drive them away. the only way to fix this dissonance would be to see to it herself that they were gone.
[ ☾✩ ]


The return to camp was hard. The final moments of Emberstar's life still etched on his mind. Flycatcher did not know how ThunderClan would go on without her. They had Howling Wind of course, and he was certain she would do a fine job. But it would be hard to imagine ThunderClan without Emberstar here, her bright, vibrant persona a welcome sight when she made called meetings.

Upon return, he lingered back a bit, mingling in with the crowd of ThunderClan cats who had gathered since the return. Across the crowd, Flycatcher's gaze found Flamewhisker and he made his way to his mate's side. When he reached her, Flycatcher pressed against her, comforting her and seeking comfort too. A part of him wanted to say more for Emberstar, but he felt as though he had said his part earlier.

When Howling Wind calls out and asks for cats to help track the dogs, he turns to the deputy and gives a curt nod. "I'll go," He says. "And if we find those dogs they'll be wishing we hadn't...not after what they did to Emberstar."
The voices of his clan mates ring through out his ears, a few vouching themselves for Howling Wind's scouting patrol to find these beats and ensure they had gone. "I'll go as well. We'll send them to the depths of Hell from where they came." The blue warrior responds, his eyes and heart set ablaze. He was a decent enough tracker, perhaps not the best, but well enough to track down a couple of mangy mutts. Stormchaser thrived in stealth, despite being half cloaked in pristine shades of blue tabby and white. It's never seized his hunting prowess before. He'd make himself useful and by StarClan, if they did happen to run into the dogs, he'd do his damnest to make them wish they'd never set foot in their forest.
✦ ★ ✦
Several warriors speak up, the first being her son. She levels him with a worried stare, but nods. He is followed by Silverlightning and Nightbird, both of which were on the patrol to first discover the dogs at Snakerocks. Flycatcher and Stormchaser follow their lead, and Howling Wind dips her head. “Thank you all. Flycatcher, you’ll lead the patrol. Please, be careful, all of you. Find their trail and track them down, we have to know their whereabouts. But do not engage them. They’re too big…we’ll need to plan how to drive them out if they’re still in our forest.”

Her paws shuffle nervously before she dismisses the brave volunteers with a flick of her tail. Now, it is time for the clan to pay respects to their fallen leader, their clan’s founder. Heaving a shaky sigh, she climbs down from the Highrock and pads slowly over to her friend’s limp body, eyes downward. Silently, she crouches beside her and buries her nose into her fur, ignoring the stench of blood that surrounds her. Are you watching over us, Emberstar? She believes so. She grasps onto that faith, the belief she isn’t actually doing this alone.

She did.
Little Wolf stands next to her, Ragwortpaw finds comfort in her mentor’s presence. But sometimes things are just meant to happen. Miraculously, Ragwortpaw understands and feels further comforted by this explanation, sometimes things were past even StarClan’s will- when fate was written in the stars even StarClan themselves could not erase it.

Sometimes things just happened. Howling Wind affirms this, Emberstar’s wounds were just too great. The powers StarClan bestowed onto her could only do so much. Ragwortpaw’s faith in StarClan does not diminish thanks to the explanations of those surrounding her.

Howling Wind then calls for a patrol to go and scout the dogs, Ragwortpaw half looks at Little Wolf- she wants to help. This was no task however for a pregnant molly and her apprentice who had just narrowly avoided her own demise. The blue she-cat will spend this time with her clan and fallen leader, she had to thank Emberstar for saving her.

It’s small, and it is not much, but she moves to place a pretty stone near Emberstar’s still body. It was covered in berry juice, making it look blue, red, and even purple-ish where the colors touched. Initially she had made it for herself, but now she thinks she’d like to give it to the orange leader. ”Thanks for saving me. Goodbye.” Ragwortpaw meows with a loud sniffle.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTPAW, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 5 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Her paws felt heavy as she made her way back to camp with the others. It almost felt like a blur to see her mother standing where Emberstar used to. She knew Howling Wind would make a good leader but it was hard to accept Emberstar was gone. Hollow Tree hung her head low. Listening to her clanmates but not really processing their words.

Emberstar. Please watch after us.

She briefly looks to the sky and wonders if Morningpaw is there to greet the leader. Blackmoon too. The warrior takes a deep breath to steady herself before focusing back on the meeting. Her clan needed strong cats and Hollow was determined to be one of those. There would be time to grieve when the dogs were out of Thunderclan. The ones to volunteer were all good cats. She knew they would be successful, they had to be.

Padding over, she leans down to press her nose on the bloodied body that was once Emberstar. “Thank you for everything. You gave us a home and I will never forget that. Please rest easy.” and say hello to Morningpaw and Blackmoon. Hollow Tree leans back, briefly aiming to lay her tail across Howling Wind to comfort her mother.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]