Go run and warn Skyclan

She had never ran so fast before in her life. The undergrowth cried as she tore through the forest like the beasts that were wrecking havoc on her clan. For once, she didn't care how much she disturbed it. There was only one thing on her mind...Sootstar is coming. Her claws viciously gripped the ground, not taking any chances on slipping. Even though her life wasn't on the line here, or at least not yet, there were many lives that were. The apprentices that had used slept in the Thunderclan nursery...Little Wolf's children. There were nursing queens and kittens sleeping peacefully in the other clan's nursery, elders...all of them...not expecting the horrible awakening they were fixing to get.

It was darker now than when they had encountered Windclan on their border. As her and Oakfang neared Skyclan's territory, she knew there was no time to waste waiting on a patrol...Starclan, there probably wouldn't be another patrol this late at night. She closed her eyes, fighting the wrong feeling that was stirring. They had to cross the scent markers...if they waited, Windclan would beat them here.


Howlingstar's final word replayed in her mind, and it only solidified her actions. As they came to the border, she tore through it, hoping Oakfang would follow. She had only been through Skyclan's territory once before...when she had helped carry Morningpaw's body to their camp. As she lead the way, she tried her best to shove those thoughts away...Morningpaw had been the one that Emberstar had based the foundation of their Code off of...and here she was breaking it.

"Skyclan!" she couldn't remember exactly where their camp was, an running aimlessly around their forest wouldn't be of any use. They needed to find someone...anyone that could get them to Blazestar. They were running out of time.

anyone may intercept them!!

After what had happened to his mentor, Drizzlepaw felt like it was hard to not keep an ear out for anything, just in case. Of course, hearing about the boars at the latest gathering didn’t make him feel any better, with how close ThunderClan was to them. There wasn’t any sightings yet, but that didn’t calm his paranoia in the slightest. At least he had the excuse that he was doing it for the clan, even if it’s a lame one. Still, it makes him feel more at peace, and that’s what matters.

Maybe it was just a restless day for the spotted blue tom, but hearing a voice not belonging to someone he’s acquainted with calling out for SkyClan, he’s quick to jump to action. He might get scolded for it, as he’s not a warrior yet, but he knows things would have been bad with the dog if he didn’t do anything, and he feels the same now. He can deal with any repercussions later.

The scent of the other forest dwelling clan hit him quick, and it makes his nerves calm down just slightly. But even so, her worried mannerisms quickly made sure he knew that this was not a laughing matter. Especially trespassing like this…it must be something real bad. “I’ll be back with Blazestar as soon as I can.” He doesn’t want to just let Flamewhisker go any further, but this is obviously urgent. As soon as he finishes his sentence, he dashes back to fetch his leader like he did not so long ago.​


Normally after the last dusk patrol went out, Johnnyflame said his goodbyes to his clanmates and then made the trek back home to spend the night with his twolegs. Like clockwork the tom would appear just in time to curl up at the foot of their bed before lights out, his own way of showing them they hadn't been forgotten despite his lack of presence during the days.

There were always exceptions to this rule though; the night of the shelter raid, the night he'd spent helping Duskpool acclimate to a nest in the warriors den, and tonight, when he'd stuck around to try and practice his night hunting (which was by far the skill that needed the most work).

Like Drizzlepaw, the events of the last little while had him more vigilant than usual as he traipsed the shadowy woodland, and so it wasn't difficult to hear Flamewhiskers call or to track her down once he did.

The stocky lead came loping into the clearing with a brow pinched in concern, muscles tense and amber eyes holding wariness. Aside from some bickering, Thunderclan had never been aggressive to them before -not in the days that Johnny had been with the clan, at least- but all of his training went against letting strangers into the territory like this unless they intended to join, and he was fairly certain that wasn't the case.

"Is Thunderclan in trouble?" he asked, watching as Drizzle raced off to find Blazestar.

Riverclan had been turned away last time they came asking for help, but from the koi tomcat understood that was because Thunderclan had Blazestars favor given it's where his kits had come from. He wasn't sure if Skyclan would be allowed to help if there was a problem, but either way Johnny wanted to know was the trouble was- especially if it was enough to disregard borders.

don't try to rush your enemies .
Oakfang huffed, chest heaving in tandem with the rapid thrum of his heart threatening to burst out, maw parted, breathing slowly yet raspy as he tore through the undergrowth, following Flamewhisker. The frosty-muzzled tom didn’t waste a second when Howlingstar spoke, gaze watching the last trickle of Windclanners before they vanished in the cover of darkness.

His voice spilled out across a dry, yet heavy tongue, head pivoting, peering into the canopy of dense undergrowth, sides heaving, ears pinned back. Let’s hope there are some near, otherwise, we may be forced to barge into their camp and that would be a fight waiting to happen. One I’m sure SkyClan could not afford when they realized the unfeathered truth of what is coming.

He prayed to the deities above that nothing would come harm to his leader while she followed the battle patrol, but he had a task, and that was to warn the Skyclanners of their impending doom before Sootstar made her unfashionable appearance. Let’s hope we aren’t too late.

He breathed a sigh of relief as an apprentice made themselves known, claiming they’ll bring Blazestar. He sucked in a pine-scented breath, shaking his helm. “No, but you will be.” He spoke, voice uncannily as he stared at the warrior with narrowed amber hues. “Sootstar is coming.” He began with a lash of his tail, glancing at Flamewhisker as he spoke.
thought speech
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Grapejuice had taken to sleeping in camp more often lately. It was more comforting than back in the twoleg nest, the fresh air and sounds of the forest could not be beat. He knew his twolegs must worry about him, so he always made sure to return after his duties.

Tonight was another peaceful night where he slept in the warriors den. It should have stayed peaceful, but he was disturbed from his slumber by a RACKET OUTSIDE. He grumbled and rose to his paws and irritably strode out of camp to see two Thunderclan warriors.

Why are they here. Should he bite them for yelling so loud. He wants to. But Oakfang uttered the words that woke him up in an instant.

Sootstar is coming.

In the dead of night again the moorland queen was coming for his clan.


Immediately he remembered all the kits in camp.... They needed protection. That was more important than chewing on Sootstar.

He knew time was of the essence, and now was the perfect time to be obnoxious and loud. So, he ran back into camp and to Blazestar's den.

"BLAZESTAR, THUNDERCLAN IS HERE AND THEY SAY SOOTSTAR IS COMING!!" He shouts, hoping everyone else hears him too.

He has already decided to protect the nursery this battle. He will not let any of them get hurt by Windclan claws.​

It's funny. The words 'Sootstar is coming' might have once instilled in him a fear, a dread, a dawning horror. Now he only feels a rage that boils to the surface, threatening to burst from him like fire; he sees images of dandelions caught in an inferno and rendered to ash, he sees WindClan draped in a thick blanket of soot like snow that suffocates. Long limbs carry him to stand alongside Johnny with an every intensifying furrow of his brow.
Dandelionwish, more than anything, remembers that it was his fault that WindClan even knew where SkyClan's camp was; that his lamenting caused them to attack and force Coyotecrest to reveal the location, to target a clan at its heart. If he had kept his mouth closed it would have never happened and now WindClan was using this information to do so again, to strike once more. Over his dead body.
The cream and chocolate tom turned, head snapping back to the leader's den as Drizzlepaw and then Grapejuice rushes to fetch him, "We HAVE to stop them from reaching CAMP!" Stars, there are so many kits here, so many litters were just born recently and every tiny fragile life would be trampled under cruel WindClan paws because he knew they'd not spare a single one of them...
Almost instinctively he tenses, looks to the edge of the camp and considers bolting out on his own because surely this is retaliation for his mere existence. He remembers the brief, sharp look glanced at him during the gathering, Sootstar's anger palapable. He considers leaving and throwing himself to the wolves to slow this oncoming attack, the least he could do..

Teeth flashed at the indignation of the ThunderClanners - to come so far into their territory screaming their clan's name, was it a raid?! Accusations prepared to fly from an acidic tongue when one began to explain himself. Mere days ago he'd sat beside someone with that name, her intrigue in his clan no different than a gnat in the ear of a dog, now, he was relieved he'd been so cagey - she'd been scouting for weakness. "Hah! Here to lose another life, I wager?" He cocks his head high, smirk betrayed by the narrowing of eyes and bristling of fur. Silversmoke had no reason to fear what WindClan could do to him, though the battles with the moor rats had been quick, he had been utterly unimpressed with their skills. But, visions of his sun, of the nursery and all those within who couldn't defend themselves, of Blazestar and the shelter cats who had little experiences, all danced across his mind like little fireflies in the night. It was difficult to focus on just one, and as he stood there with his vision burning into the ThunderClanners, he wondered if he was quite so safe after all if he was willing to lose it all for his home's protection.

"WindClan won't even make it past the borders, we'll make sure of that." Silversmoke nodded in appreciation towards Oakfang, struggling to remain in one position. Moons had passed since he'd last sunk his claws into real flesh, day after day he'd trained, dream after dream he'd conceptualised new ways of winning against opponents that sought him dead. He should've been nervous to test himself again after so much time, but the thought of adrenaline and hellfire left the Lead Warrior's pupils wide with excitement. Blazestar was coming, he was frozen until the ragdoll gave direction, but... Silversmoke had to know. "You told us this for a reason." The tufted ears of the maine coon twitched in racing thought, ThunderClanners were cruel towards kittypets, their ensured survival could not be cause for their warning. Did they seek a favour? His jowls shifted as he grimaced; this was the one situation where being indebted was not terrible, not when they had just saved SkyClan's camp. "Is ThunderClan fighting too?"

When the sudden pungent odour of ThunderClan hits her nostrils, Howlpaw is already alert. Her eyes only widen when she hears an as-of-yet-unknown cat calling out their clan's name. She darts off after the other SkyClan cats present, nearly colliding with Drizzlepaw as they went to fetch Blazestar. Howlpaw arrives just in time to hear Oakfang give his grim explanation that SkyClan was in trouble and that Sootstar was coming.

For a moment her eyes widen with surprise, and she glances between Flamewhisker and Oakfang, trying to gauge if this was real or if they were testing them in some way. But their expressions are serious, and from what little she remembers of Flamewhisker she cannot imagine her to be so cruel. Her shock soon gives way to hot rage, claws briefly sliding out to pierce the dirt in her frustration. She could recall WindClan raiding SkyClan before in order to gather herbs but what now warranted such an attack? Was it because they boasted of their new warriors made of former WindClan cats? Or their new warriors made from the former shelter cats? Either way, it did not justify whatever this was. Poor little WindClan got their pride hurt and now they had to make themselves feel better by attacking cats who did not deserve it. "What does it matter what their motives were," Howlpaw said, glancing at Silversmoke, sounding more snappy than she intended. "We can hash things out later if needed. We need to prepare for WindClan!" Her tail is lashing now, not out of anger towards anyone present but of WindClan's looming presence. "We must confront them soon. They cannot be allowed to reach camp."

/ oblig mentor tag @SLATE
જ➶ "W-Windclan is coming? But why? What did we do to them?" The tom is quick to ask given the situation. Really are they upset over knowing that Skyclan had some of their former members. It is his only guess given that this is his first time dealing with any of this. The Gathering had been strange as it is but the spay he witnessed is the only evidence to this sudden violence. He has heard about Windclan and their misdeeds and how they attacked Skyclan before. With a frown he steps forth, the idea to help stop them forming in his mind. Yet he also hesitates. For he is not a seasoned warrior like so maby others. Still he has to do something to protect the place that has allowed him to call home. "I'll help to stop them. We do need to go now if we are to keep them from camp!" He speaks quickly as he moves forward as he flicks his tail. The collared youth will live up to Thistleback's name.
Part of Blazestar has been waiting for this day for many moons, since frost dusted his whiskers and winds battered his pelt. Sootstar had found her reason, at long last, for sending her warriors into SkyClan territory again—but the Ragdoll suspects even if he hadn’t flaunted her refugees at the Gathering, she would have eventually found another justification. Drizzlepaw and Grapejuice’s frantic cries bring him warily from his den, blue eyes nearly dark as pitch. “They must be coming from the other side,” he realizes slowly as two panting ThunderClan warriors sit just outside their camp walls. “You would not have warned us if you hadn’t met her in ThunderClan territory. Howlingstar must have turned her away.” A rush of gratitude for the other leader surges through him, and he quickly gathers his thoughts.

Yes, you’re all right. We must stop them from reaching camp. We will not have a repeat of last time.” His jaw sets, teeth clicking together with a grim snap. “We will meet them head on. We’ll show them how SkyClanners defend their territory.” He peels his lip from his fangs, feeling adrenaline begin to burn in his shoulder and paws.

There is not much time to organize a strategic war party—but he knows he needs muscle, swiftness, cleverness. And he knows he can’t take too many, for the threat to their camp is real. “Silversmoke, Johnnyflame, Slate, Coyotecrest, Dandelionwish, Greeneyes, Brambleheart, Sootspritespark, Drizzlepaw, and Howlpaw,” he decides swiftly. “We must not hesitate.

Swiftly, his eyes roam, searching for the ginger and white figure of his deputy. “ @orangeblossom , I need you to organize camp reinforcements. Ensure we are prepared for the worst.” His tone is grim. “If we fail, it’ll be up to the rest of you to defend our kits, injured, and elders.

With a wave of his tail, Blazestar prepares to plunge through the pines, but he pauses and turns to Flamewhisker and Oakfang. “Both of you and Howlingstar have our thanks, but this is not your battle to fight. Get back to your own territory in peace while you still can.” He beckons for the battle party with a crane of his neck, and he pelts through their territory with all the speed his bulky body can muster.

// out; will link battle thread once it’s up >:)

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❪ TAGS ❫ "Sootstar is coming." What could have provoked this? Blazestar had allowed those former WindClanners to attend this moon's gathering; is that what they were peeved about? If that was the case, Sootstar sure knew how to hold a grudge. "Back for more? Took 'em long enough." Slate snorted, referencing the last battle they fought with the moor clan several moons back.

"Let's see if they can bite as well as they can bark." He huffs with a roll of his great shoulders. WindClan's leader sure knows how to put on a show at each gathering, rambling nonsensically about how unfairly her clan was treated by everybody else. It seemed that almost every other clan has had a taste of WindClan's fury lately, and SkyClan was next on their list. This oughta' be easy. They're small 'n thin. It'll be like snappin' a twig in half. Every cat knew that WindClanners tended to be smaller in size than other clans. They liked to act high and mighty, but they don't reign victorious as often as they'd probably like. They probably figured that SkyClan would be an easy target; they were the "kittypet clan" after all.

However, Slate was no kittypet and it would be unwise to underestimate his strength. He was going to fight WindClan rogue-style.

In the dead of night under the quiet overseeing stars, Sparrowpaw slept. Most of the Clan slept, the lullaby of rustling branches and chirping crickets a comfort they leaned into.

When they were stirred from the depths, it was slow and hazy. Voices, shouting, volume steadily increasing, but meaning lost. Gray eyes groggily opened and squinted, but when the next shout reached their ears, a bolt of nerves shot through them, and they were sitting upright in an instant, ears twitching.

Other apprentices were already waking around them, many already having left the den, and it wasn't long before they scrambled to their paws to join them, peering warily outside. Warriors, pacing this way and that, words of war and preparation and WindClan pinning their ears to their skull. Blazestar, calling, gathering together a patrol to be sent out to a fight. The fur along their spine rose.

Steps light and frightened, the small tabby crept out into the clearing. "WindClan is- coming? Here?" they uttered in a small voice to none in particular. "Why? What did- what did we do?" They didn't share a border. They would come all this way just to hurt them?

Wide eyes stared, paws rooted to the spot, as cats they knew gathered together to set out to fight. "Why do you have to fight?" they nearly whispered. What if you don't come back?


Drizzlepaw gives Sparrowpaw a pitiful look, understanding his plight. Despite being at the gathering at seeing Blazestar's comments, he still doesn't see why WindClan felt the need to go to such extremes. But despite knowing that Sootstar is the root cause of all this, he can't find himself being too sympathetic since the cats still willingly follow her. A few have already joined SkyClan, and he can't fathom being that scared to remain obedient. And that's assuming they're not really that bad...he just can't forgive them. If he has to fight, he'll do so with his whole heart.

"They're looking for any excuse to cause more bloodshed. I...don't think anyone wants a fight, but there's no choice." Sootstar wasn't one to back down willingly, he's sure of that despite how little he's seen of her. No, there would definitely be a battle this evening. "We'll be okay in the end, I think. It sucks it had to come to this, but they asked for it. Just do your best, okay?" SkyClan needs to rally together to ensure there's no lasting damage. His home doesn't deserve to be ravaged a second time by the pathetic excuse of a clan.​
Angry at all the things I can't change
Thunderclan's pungent woodsy scent washes over him and he snaps his head over his shoulder the moment he overhears Drizzlepaw calling for Blazestar. Heaving himself to his paws with a taunt expression his jaw sets as the story is revealed with haste. Sootstar was coming and it wasn't hard to imagine why. Some share their concerns over the possibility of windclan reaching camp and his tail lashes wildly behind him. "They won't come close." Not this time, he would make sure of it. Before the situation was well out his control as he sat within a den of wolves and was forced to reveal the location of skyclan's home. But now, the moorland queen held no leverage over him and he would do everything in his power to ensure windclan scampered back to their rolling hills with their tails tucked between their legs. Blazestar calls his name along with several others to form a quick military group. A curt nod is tossed in the ragdoll's direction and he wastes no time rushing after him.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith

A panic-led shout of his home's name reaches his ears before the smell of oak leaves can hit his nose. It leaves him wide-eyed and following suit in nearing the ThunderClanners who'd called out for them, dread twisting at his half-asleep form.

This can't be good, he thinks - he knows. Howlingstar wouldn't let her warriors run through the pine forest, wouldn't let them shout for SkyClan's attention without a good reason. Perhaps it's the slumber he's just been torn from clouding his mind, but his knowledge of such still doesn't prepare him for the warning call that reaches his ears.

Sootstar is coming.

His claws dig into the soil beneath him, the thought of smooth, river-lapped stone beneath his paws at the forefront of his mind. At least they've been warned this time. At least he won't have to fear his sister's safety, his friend's safety, as the moor-dwellers march toward their medicine den. If he moves quickly, could he get to RiverClan and back before WindClan's arrival is made? Could he bring extra reinforcements, build their defence before Sootstar can lay a single claw upon the pines?

Greeneyes has no time to think of the logistics, to even move towards the stepping stones he'd once crossed before. His name is brought forth in from Blazestar's maw and his limbs are urged in a different direction as he is called into battle.

His first proper battle. One where he's fighting, rather than running to retrieve aid. The thought makes his chest tighten. Still, the young warrior quickly nods his head, hurrying after the golden-furred leader as he tries to push his fears aside.