Who Sold Their Lives To A Dream | Nightmare

𓆝 . ° ✦ Mosspool dreamed of the day of her return. It was not an uncommon sort of dream for her. Her dreams were often of memories, and she often thought that was proof that even in her sleep she was orderly and productive, at least she thought so when she was conscious. She was not much of a lucid dreamer.

Still, she was aware enough to let dread creep into her heart as Smokestar began to list the lost. She remembered who would be in that list. Her leader, Cicadastar. He would always be her leader, even if Smokestar was leader now. In her mind he felt to grand to be replaced, though she knew that was unfair to his successor. She clenched her jaw, bracing herself to hear that name again, and yet it was that name before his that hit her harder.

In her sleep, Mosspool whimpered.

For Smokestar did not say Steepsnout as he had in reality. Instead, he said Hazewish. A single word and her world turned upside down.

Mosspool did not react with the mute shock that had fallen over her at Cicadastar's passing. His death she had been able to meet with dignity, though it had shaken her to her core. It was like a star winking out or a river drying up; too grand and terrible to be imagined, but also too much so to be felt too deeply. There had been a great distance between herself and the former leader. They had scarcely had a real conversation, she had simply followed his every word without question.

There was no distance at all between her and Hazewish. There had been more conversations between the two of them then there were drops of water in the river. Mosspool had questioned every word out of her sister's mouth, and they had bickered endlessly. She felt the shock of her loss just as she would if an ear or a lung or her heart itself had been ripped from her body. Which is to say; she cried and she screamed until her throat was sore.

The scene of her return around her faded as she wept, fading without her notice as she gave thought to nothing but that her sister was gone and she would never break another rule.

Glancing up, she found in her dream there were stars above her and she pushed her voice through her anguish to say to them "How dare you?" and "I did everything for you. I was perfect for you." and again "How dare you?" There were more words too, terrible unspeakable words; blasphemies. Mosspool cursed the stars for not protecting her sister and for calling her away only to return to this. All the belief that she had forged along the journey was cast away in an instant. The things she had said about the fallen - that they were with the stars now, but that they were dearly missed - felt cold comfort in the face of her grief.

It was too terrible to bear.

All her noises did not make it to her waking body, fortunately, as they surely would have woken the entire den. Instead, all she let out was a single strangled cry as she scrambled to her paws. Her eyes were wide and her breathing heavy as she surveyed the den. Then, slowly, she sat back down in her nest.

Mosspool curled her tail around herself, and feared that she was a hypocrite.
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  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

Dreams were confusing to her. Unfinished messages, nightmares, memories of journeying and struggling against the water. The latter was more recurrent after her recent scare. Ferngill had been in her dreams for three nights subsequent to him pulling her from the river. In this case, she knew exactly why she was having those dreams. With leaf-bare showing its rear now, or any day soon, she often caught prey in her sleep and tonight was no different. Winter had brought peace this year-round; she only twitched her paws a bit in her sleep. No sounds..
Until there was a cry.

Being a light sleeper, Bounceheart would be woken. As Mosspool was a new warrior, it was likely she was somewhere on the edges of the warrior's den. Bounceheart had chosen the spot she would sleep in quite some time ago (as in, around the time she had joined) and moving it felt strange. This year, with new terror-dreaming warriors and leaf-bare nipping at her toes, she was reconsidering. No one to share a nest with, and on the outside of the piles of cats - she was a bit cold. And woken by anyone's whimpering and sleepless whispering.
They turn over, but don't sit up. A gray tail just drapes over the other warrior. "Just a dream. Don't let it get you." That was multi-faceted advice; don't let it torture you, don't let it happen, etc. ​

PETALSTEP — Keep about your wits.
Where her thinner-furred clanmates were at a disadvantage on frosty nights such as this, Petalstep was lulled to sleep by the slight cool touch that ruffled through the feathered strands of her pelt, the true cold unable to penetrate through the thick maze that protected her flesh. Her nose was a different story, protectively tucked between snowy forepaws as the young warrior enjoyed the routine slumber she cherished.
Then- there is a whimper. Easily stirred and forever alert, chartreuse pools are quick to flicker open, slitted pupils searching for the source of her disturbance.
When she see’s the form of Mosspool suddenly twitch with incoherent mumbles on her maw, the ivory tabby finally lifts her head, brow beginning to arch inquisitively.
Mosspool was a commendable peer, made a warrior shortly after her return from the Great Journey, a trip one with a faint heart would have likely been squandered.
Unblinking eyes watch carefully, only blinking in response to the she-cats sudden thrash.
Meadow green optics flash in her direction then, frenzied in the way they fly right between Petalsteps ears. Bounceheart murmurs groggy advice amongst several other stirs from once sleeping warriors nearby.
After a heartbeat, the brawny molly lets an inevitable yawn part her maw.
"Take a breath of fresh air, if you need." Petalstep murmurs after a moment of thinking, voice hardly a velvet whisper. The molly did not know how to help her denmate, in all honesty- didn’t even know if Mosspool wanted an outreached paw to take.


𓆝 . ° ✦ Slowly, gradually, her heart rate steadied and her breathing slowed.

The gazes of her clanmates upon her made embarrassment well up in her belly. She wished she had not been seen like this. It was unbecoming of a warrior to be so disturbed by a simple dream, and she should not have let it bother her so. Still, she could not help the shiver the memory of her nightmare sent down her spine.

"Right." Mosspool replied to Bounceheart's advice quickly, with a sudden steadiness to her tone. She unwound her tail from around herself.

It felt especially humiliating to meet Petalstep's gaze. Mosspool respected her a great deal, considering her calm and capable. She did not want her to remember this moment when she thought of her. Their last spar was what she would much rather the other molly remember. She glanced away at the suggestion that she should step out for a breath of fresh air. "I'm fine." In her own ears, the words sounded more confident than she felt.

Even though she felt wide awake, she laid back down. Her eyes stared unseeingly at the den wall as her thoughts swirled. All she could think about was Hazewish. She felt fortunate that her cry had not woken her sister. She would never tell them about this dream. However, she would spend more time with them, once the sun rose.
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  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.