private who would you die for, who would you lie for - ratwhisker

Aug 14, 2023

"You disgust me."

The words hit her ears as she stalks the dead undergrowth- practicing , working. The way the words slid off the nearby felines tongue sounded like venom, and not friendly.

So of course, she found herself investigating, cerulean gaze low to the ground as she pulled her small frame foreward, steps shaky as she continued listening to the conversation.

“Good. It will be in your best interest to listen the next time. This would have never happened if only you listened.”

The Sight before her was... cruel. Unforgiving, a father before a son; but not in a way that speaks remorse, grief; no, it was very obvious of the intentional pain that Ratwhisker bore upon Dawnstorm, a paw reaching over her cream muzzle as her eyes widened in shock.

The tortie barely looked conscious, face pressed into the dirt, eyes unfocused, and the tom before him staring pitifully down.

She needed to get Ravensong, Smokestar- she... she had to alert them. But for a moment of weakness, she could only stare, and try to muffle the gasping sound escaping her.

She had never had cruel parents, she had a caring mother, a caring brother- and though, a part of her wanted to dive forward, stop the traitor in his tracks- she found herself taking shaky limbs backwards.


Underneath her leg, too focused on the scene before her, a stick broke- shattered on the ground and giving her away.


The small body tore from the scene as blue eyes met the toms own, and fear tore through her belly. All she had to do was get to camp, tell Lichentail, tell Smokestar- get him out.

Her paws hit the ground hard, her lungs heaving in fear and adrenaline to get safe. Why was he doing this? Why would he hurt his own son? What is he going to do to her if she got caught?


power belongs to those who take it .
He jerked, muscles pulling taunt at the snap vibrating through the air, sharp yellow hues peeling away from his son’s battered form in gut-churning disgust to stare into Lilacbird’s hues. She bolted and Ratwhisker couldn’t have that, not when he swore to the stars that he would turn Dawnstorm into an exemplary warrior that RiverClan had ever seen, even if the sight of him made him spit in disgust, even if his insides burned with unspeakable rage.

He tore after the fleeing warrior, hot on her heels with a seething snarl, larger body gaining the upper paw as he attempted to slam into her, knocking her to the ground with paws keeping her from moving, breath fanning her face in silence, he stared at her in contemplation. “A warrior never runs away from a fight, but RiverClan is a fool to raise such cowards.” He muttered, muzzle wrinkling, voicing his thoughts. No longer did he keep his emotions in check, no longer did he have to pretend that he simply wanted what was best for his bastard of a son, but he couldn’t leave her, not when she saw however much. It would ruin his plans. He couldn’t have that. He wouldn’t. “How much did you see? It’s wise to be honest, Lilacbird. My patience is wearing thin.” He snapped, nostrils flaring.
thought speech

it was futile from the beginning wasn't it? her paws hit the ground, flinging her forward- yet the heavy weight of the bigger tom collided Into her. she felt the thud of her head against the ground, a soft blue gaze filled with terror, flooding open the gates. she was sure if he couldn't feel or hear the thudding in her chest of her heart pounding against its cage of bones, he could see it plastered in her face. always so easy to read, her eyes were a gate way to her emotions.

a warrior never runs from a fight, but her lips peeled back as he spoke that. but he continued to speak, and for once, she knew she had to fight that fear. for a moment, there was a confidence, such a small amount that she gnawed at and tried to grip in ivory claws. "you know nothing about b-b-being a warrior! youre- scum!" she hisses through shaky breaths. she had no desire to answer his second question, his maw snarling to her. she seen enough. her breaths were heavy, and in a quick motion she would attempt to kick her hind legs into the male to shove him from above her. if successful, her body would turn and twist, attempting to grip snow- dirt, anything that her claws could grab towards his face and make off again, hopefully able to slow him down for a second. for just enough she might be able to escape.

power belongs to those who take it .

“And you do?” He hissed in return, tail lashing in rising anger. “Foolish girl, you know nothing.” He snarled, biting back a wince at the flurry of frantic kicks, grip loosening and in that second, Lilacbird broke free, grabbing with the earth like the coward she was, frail and unworthy. He sneered, nothing like his son, worthless as the tom was, but still incredibly useful, even if Dawnstorm made him want to tear his fur out in frustration.

He watched with a peculiar expression, snow flying upward in her haste to pull away from him, dodging the tossed earth with ease. He found it funny—the sight. His yellow hues narrowed, surging forward, paws slamming into her body again, teeth bared dangerously close to the exposed flesh of her neck with a promise of death if she moved, claws digging into pliable flesh, giving way with the prickling pressure. “It will be to your benefit to keep quiet about what you saw, girl or death will be in your future.” He rumbled threatenly, breath rasping out in angry puffs. “I will not be so kind the next time.”

Lilicbird didn’t understand. No. How could she? They would never understand his methods. Foolish beings. One must raise their young with an iron paw, or else they will walk all over you, but not Dawnstorm ( his stomach still churned at the name ), no, his worthless son still had some use.
thought speech
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do you wanna know how it feels

She didn't listen. She didn't want to listen. She couldn't listen. But everything happened so fast. She thought for a moment, she gripped to the idea and to the hope of escape. But within seconds, Ratwhisker caught her in grimy claws, teeth snapping dangerously close to her neck after a moment of tumbling.

A yelp escaped her, followed by helpless whimpers as claws dug into her pelt. She was trapped. A loud gulp, her body quivering in fear that filled her eyes. She wanted to scream, hopefully alert a near patrol- but shed be dead by then. She didnt want to die.

And he gave her no option. Not at this moment could she even dare to question him with his breath so hot on her neck. "I-I-I... wont... t-t-talk."

She felt like a traitor. To Dawnstorm. He deserved better than a clanmate like her. Riverclan would do better without her. She felt it burning into her, his condescending nature, she was worthless. Could she even dare go against these words and live to see the next day?

Should she dare keep this promise of stuttering breath, or tell them as soon as she's home and escaped this?

She didnt know. She just knew she was scared.
do you wanna know, know that it doesn't hurt me
she/her ⋆ 30 moons old ⋆ lilac tortie with blue eyes ⋆ information