who you gunna call? - mystery object - ghost busters

( ) The past few days, wind had ripped through the forest, and with it brought a fairly chilly day. What leaves had been on the trees, were now littered all over the floor. It was still morning time, but she had some time to kill before heading out on a patrol for the day. The orange tabby slipped out of the camp, and headed out for a walk. She was thankful that there was finally a break from the strong winds, and she could actually stroll on a nice peaceful walk without being blown over to Shadowclan.

The tabby made it pretty far away from the camp, until she padded across some leaves and felt something strange underpaw. "Hm.." she tilted her head, then used her forepaw to brush away some leaves. "AH!" she immediately puffed her fur up, then jumped to the side, lashing out with her front claws. A hiss erupted from her throat, and she tensely waited for the object to leap up and attack her. She waited in this position for a long time, before slowly creeping forward. Along the ground, hidden beneath the leaves was a dog head. It's teeth were all showing, and it looked angry. She stepped back again, letting out a warning growl. "Come out and face me you coward!" she hissed, smacking the face again with her claws.

so she has found a werewolf halloween mask XD
someone needs to tell her its fake haha


Wildpaw huffed quietly to himself as he sniffed around some of the abandoned mouse dens among the undergrowth, disappointment and hunger gnawing at his insides. He wanted a meal, a proper meal! Not some scrawny thing that he had to share with the other apprentices. He had hoped that by going out on a quieter patrol he might get luckier in finding something. But instead all he heard was hissing and someone getting called a coward. Trouble? Oh, he was going to rush straight towards that!

The apprentice ditched the hunting patrol and he barrelled through the undergrowth towards Flamewhisker's location, soon coming across the sight of the snarling dog facing the she-cat. He was whole heartedly prepared to die for his clanmate, which was why he threw himself at the demonic hound. The throat... he should go for the throat! And when he did that's when things got really strange!

The young tom's mouth pulled into a taught line and he was left feeling somewhat... bemused? Deflated? He wasn't quite sure how to word it, but amusement soon enough bubbled to the surface and he had to choke back a laugh. Clearly something had already mutilated this particular hound, so all of the terror and bravado had been for naught. Though a sly plot sprang into his mind as he decided to push himself behind the mask before springing forward towards Flamewhisker with the intentions of giving her a real fright. "RWAR!"

A yelp, nearby- hisses- for a moment, Berryheart wondered whether his request for caution had gone entirely unheeded. However, after an initial shout there was no following din- curious. Dappled ears swivelled, sky-pointing, and a keen nose picked out the scent of fellow Thunderclanners nearby. Wonky eyes sought out the perpetrator- Sunset, bristling at something upon the ground. Closer, closer did he draw until the thing became identifiable- a dog's head. Rather, a dog's face, as if such a thing could happen...

Unlikely as this was to be organic, Berryheart found himself suspicious. Perhaps this was another Twoleg creation, cast to the dust by careless hairless paws. So many things where whipped here by the winds or carried and abandoned by scattered brains. How forgetful were these creatures?

He had not much time to ponder- life soon sprang into the thing, malevolent possession- or likely something entirely more logical- propelling it forward with a roar. A bemused expression decorated Berryheart's flecked features, though from neutrality it seemed his face was hardly able to shift. "I've never seen a dog quite so catlike," he murmured, the rare aura of humour fringing his words.

A yelp rings through Finchcatcher's ears, a terror-filled pause to the warrior's stride follows. Danger. Someone was in danger. Had... had ShadowClan - had Pitchstar - come back? Had a worse danger fallen upon the oak forest?

He follows. Follows the scent of ThunderClan before him, a clumsy race toward danger. Heavy paws, scaring away pray, he recalls Nightbird's insults. Prey couldn't matter less, in this moment. Danger was upon them.

He arrives on the scene, upon Flamewhisker, Wildpaw, and Berryheart.

"Is everyone... okay...?" he asks, his panic-filled question trailing off into confusion. The tom looks around. Where's the danger?

Chartreuse eyes spot it, between the trio before him.

It's... Well, it's certainly creepy, isn't it? Dog-like and toothy, though deflated at the same time. Wildpaw taunts Flamewhisker with it. Flamewhisker must have been the one to yelp, he realizes. Finchcatcher wonders if he would have done the same. A joke - he thinks it's a joke, at least - from Berryheart follows.

"We're not gonna keep that thing around, are we?" he asks, sniffing at the peculiar object. Foul. Maybe they could leave it at the border for ShadowClan to deal with.
( ) From the corner of her eye, she spotted Wildpaw rushing toward her and the snarling canine in the leaves. Before she could warn him about the creature, he was already leaping at it. Panic flashed in her eyes as she waited for what seemed like eternity, but in reality it was only mere seconds, for Wildpaw's certain death. Suddenly, the face rose from the leaves. Within moments she flashed forward, attempting to pelt it with many smacks, until it fell off of his body.

The tabby jumped back, shooting Wildpaw a brief, nasty glare before returning her attention to the beheaded canine. "What in the world happened to that dog? Where's the rest of it?" she asked slowly, glancing at their other clanmates who had arrived. Her pelt prickled with embarrassment as she realized they had probably just witnessed that entire ordeal. She then carefully poked the head with a paw, narrowing her eyes as it felt...strange. Copying Finchcatcher, she too leaned down to smell the face. It didn't smell like dog...it smelled strange. "Maybe we should bury it....It doesn't seem dangerous, but just in case.."


Amusement swelled within the apprentice as he savoured the brief moment of chaos that his trick had roused, even if he had been batted a couple times through the mask until it had fallen away from his form. Totally worth it. It was probably one of the rare times that he actually laughed. "Why bury it? We should dump it at ShadowClan's border and let them get a fright next." He suggested gleefully as he pictured the chaos that would cause in his head.​