pafp WHOLE NEW WAY TO SEE [asking questions]

Feb 28, 2024
𖠰𖠰 The medicine cats’ den stands as an unexplored space within camp, its shadowed floor untrodden by his soft kit-paws. It’s new, and that just can’t be. Of course, there are few places within camp that Branchkit knows he can’t be, and one of them is the leader’s den. The thought makes him frown, because he wants to know what’s in there. Chilledstar—what are they hiding in that den? Why are they hiding in there now? It’s weird. But today, the leader’s den isn’t what interests him. Nope, instead soft blue eyes are drawn to the cave that opens up beneath two of the big rocks in camp.

He hasn’t been told he can’t go in there, at least.

The kit doesn’t give the subject more than a heartbeat of thought, making no official decision before curious paws send him scurrying into the den. The first thing that he notices is that… it smells funny in here. Weird. This is where the sick cats stay, he thinks? So that must be what makes it smell strange. But after the smell, the second thing he notices is the dark figure of Starlingheart. His aunt is really nice, Branchkit had decided, and she makes sure that the whole clan stays healthy. That’s… a lot of cats. How does she do it? And… what’s the weird thing she’s looking at now?

Without any conscious thought, the kit bounces over to stand beside his bicolored aunt, peering more closely at the thing she’s messing with. What it is, he has no idea, but most everything is still new to the little kitten. "Wha’s that?" He squeaks out, wrangling the words into shape. He’s been getting better at forming full words, and figuring out how to say even more words. Gigglekit and Morelkit are still better at talking than he is, but at least he can communicate easier. Snowypaw always seems to know what he wants, anyway, but sometimes she isn’t there to help him. "Food?" He follows up his first question quickly, paws tapping against the ground as he stares up at the older feline.

// @Starlingheart

It's easy to find purpose in the small things. Caring for her clan, helping to look after the kits for tired queens when she had nothing else to do. She's happy to do it, to sit in the nursery and dream about a time when things could have been so different. It's not difficult to imagine how it would have been had her paws not been set down this path. She could have lived in there, her purpose solely focused on rearing the future generations of her clan and she would have been more than happy to do it, to play out her days entertaining the younger generations and guiding them so that their paws would never falter from their own paths. But she is content to steal the small moments she can while caring for the clan as a whole.

Today is one of those days where she must do the dreadful task of pulling all her herbs out of the rock wall she keeps them in so that she may inspect them, get rid of anything rotting and decaying so that it does not infect the rest of her stores and render them useless, where she must count and count and recount, see what she is running low on, what can be left to grow out in the territories so she may cultivate it later when there was more need. Goldenrod. It was always goldenrod she needed more of.

A small voice startles her from her thoughts but when she looks up and her green eye lands on the face of her nephew, a soft smile springs to her features immediately. "Hey Branchkit!" she greets him cheerfully, waving at him with a flick of her snow-capped tail. His question evokes a small laugh from her throat, a purr of amusement quickly following "N-no it's not food" better he learns early not to go around eating random plants in her den "These are- they're herbs. I use them on cats when- when they're injured and sick and they make them- they can make them all better" she explains gently "It's very important that- that you don't eat anything without-without mine or Magpiepaw' permission though okay? Some things- some things can be not very good for you" her mind flashes to the image of a berry, a sickly shade of red that makes her stomach churn. Quickly she shuts the thought out and tries to focus on the here the now. "I do have something you can try though if-if you'd like" with one paw, she reaches up into her stores and sinks her claws into one of the honey wrapped sticks she keeps, pulling it down and placing it in front of the kitten. "This is-this is called honey. I give it to cats when-when they're sick sometimes. But it also can make a good snack. Every-every once in a while. G-go ahead, you can try it. But just-just this once" she didn't want him barging in here and eating up all of her honey stores, after all.

  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 75214491_NhVBn1uSQsE4P99.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training

Where her older brother was to go, Gigglekit was quick to follow, especially when it meant that she got to see a new part of the ShadowClan camp. Today her tailing him leads to the medicine cat's den, though Gigglekit is hesitant to enter at first because of the menagerie of scents that assault her senses as she draws near. She can hear Branchkit talking to someone inside, though, and Gigglekit's bravery and curiosity gets the best of her when she hears Starlingheart offer her brother something to snack on.

"Can I have some?" She asks as soon as she lays eyes on the honey stick, and she anxiously kneads the ground as she waits for a reply from Starlingheart. Apparently medicine cats were very important, according to just about everyone that Gigglekit had asked, and she didn't want to make her aunt mad by messing up something important. It made Gigglekit feel accomplished in a way, to have been in such an important den when she was usually just confined to the nursery.


It is decidedly in heightened vigilance that the silver-furred deputy surveyed his surroundings. Chilledstar's cautions echoed in vain and fell on unheeding ears, and young cats too naive for the wider world continue to slip away from camp's security. Now, every spare moment finds Smogmaw alert, scouring for wannabe escapees with his calloused and stiffened gaze. Pinched eyes peruse the enclave and ponder on how many casualties must there be before a precedent is set. The grim count already tallies many, as each successive failure presents as a stain upon the clan's authority.

With a wandering line of sight and a listless lope, the tom is mid-circuit when his neck snaps sidewards at a gaggle of kits. Branchkit at the fore, Gigglekit a step behind, the two plod along the clearing's edge before ducking into the medicine cat den. Perturbed, Smogmaw pauses at the clearing's centre before starting on after them. He knew not whether Starlingheart was milling about in her cave or out and about in the greater marsh, but he was confident that uninvited paws tromping all over her possessions wouldn't go without objection.

He passes through the stone cleft that bisected the cave's entrance, and sure enough, the kitlings are inside the cavern. The swollen urge to reprimand them swiftly subsides, though, when he glimpses the moon-and-midnight molly behind the two youngsters. She's enthused, too, submerged in the many applications of honey in her work. Cause for concern at paw no longer, the tabby is already backtracking on his steps out the den when a specific sentence snags at his ears.


You can just... eat the honey?

He pauses in the cavern's entry, pivoting about heel with a slow blink.

Starlingheart's already administering the nectar to Branchkit when Smogmaw creeps up on them again. He doesn't dare ask it, but the pinching in his lips makes for a poorly concealed facade, as his eyes fall on the precious honey in longing.

𖠰𖠰 The medicine cat greets him with a smile and a friendly call of his name, a reaction that Branchkit had expected. His aunt is nice—she makes sure everyone in ShadowClan is healthy and not sick or hurt, and it seems like she also makes sure all the plants are in the right spots in her den. As she explains that the plants aren’t food to be eaten, the kit’s head tips dramatically to one side, confusion flashing across his expression. She uses the plants to make cats feel better? He thought she just touched them to heal them, or something! The connection between the plants she liked to organize and the healing never… connected, in the kit’s mind. But he supposes it makes sense, now that she’s explained it to him. He nods eagerly in understanding while Starlingheart tells him that he can’t eat any of the plants—unless, of course, she or Magpiepaw tell him to. And then she tells him that he can try some honey.

Branchkit hasn’t ever heard of honey before, but if it helps cure sickness then it has to be good, right? And she says this is the only time he can try it, so the kit licks at the stick without hesitation. "Oh…" he gasps, surprise sparking in his eyes as the taste fills his mouth. It’s… sweet? Somehow, it tastes exactly like how it looks. "’s good! Thank’ou!" The kit’s chest rumbles with purrs, and the noise only grows louder as his sister approaches to ask if she can have some as well. "Yeah, try!" He speaks through a mouthful of thick honey, tongue lapping at the bit that drips down onto one pale paw.

Out of the corner of his eye he spots a familiar figure, striped dark and staring intently at the honey-covered stick he holds. Smogmaw says nothing, but murky blue eyes focus on him anyway. Branchkit’s sand-colored muzzle twitches into a bright smile, tail twitching as he calls out to the older tom. "Oh, ‘mogmaw! Wan’ some? It’s good!" His mouth feels tacky, sticky with the honey that he’s been lapping at, but he hopes that his words will still be intelligible. At least he’s gaining some better control over his speech.

Hovering and clinging was something Laurelpaw tried to avoid in himself. He clung to Halfpaw like wet moss on occasion and he still felt fondness for cats far-away for the simple reason that they were at one point his friends. Starlingheart was a cat he tried to avoid clinging to, she had named him and he can remember her trying to take a little bit of care of him and his sisters before. But, things changed since he was Laurelkit. She had been burned in more ways than he could comprehend, maybe if older cats explained it to him now it would click a little better, but he was still a little too young to fully comprehend, despite how he would insist he understood. For that simple fact he figured he should not impose himself on her, she was busy enough without him clinging behind her, she had Magpiepaw for that after all.

Yet, sometimes he would give in to the temptation. To see if she needed any help with disposing of old herbs, finding cobwebs or clearing old nests. He not only enjoyed the clear tasks given but also took pride in helping someone who put time into him.

Today was a weak self-control day, which led his paws straight to the medicine den. It wasn't until he nearly smacked his face right into his father's tail that his quest was interrupted. It seemed he wasn't the only one who needed extra company today. Two kittens stood, one smacking his lips, the other eager for the same fate. His father also stood practically drooling over the amber honey Starlingheart was giving out. His eyebrow cocked for a second, apparently the only way to break Smogmaw's poise and gruff exterior was a snack. It didn't matter though, his plans were dashed and he was embarrassed for even coming to the mouth of the den to begin with.


✧ . Where Branchkit and Gigglekit are, Morelkit is bound to be near. Especially when it comes to curiosity-led moments like this, a new area of their home to explore in view — the medicine den. This is where the medicine cat lives, he’s learned. An important cat, Starlingheart is, and one also related to him.

As his brother strays into the den, Morelkit stays back with Gigglekit, lingering at the den’s entrance. Of course, Morelkit wants to see what’s in there and wants to explore all of it, but his sister stays back, and he can’t leave her behind, can he?

So he waits — Branchkit can always tell about his findings later. That is, until he hears Starlingheart’s voice and the offering that follows, and Gigglekit is no longer beside him. Kitten limbs bound into the den behind his sister, his eyes wide as he takes in the new sights, the new smells. The honey his brother eats.

And me? “ Morelkit asks after Gigglekit does. Branchkit says it’s good — the strange, golden substance he eats — so he wants some too!​
  • MORELKIT AMAB. He / Him. Kit of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A blue tabby and white tom with pale, blue-gray eyes.
    ✧ . Needledrift x Chittertongue ; Adoptive son to Ferndance
    ✧ . Mentor to be determined
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

A small chuckle escapes her lips as eager faces line up to be next to indulge in the honey. New-leaf would bring a new bounty certainly. The bees were always busiest this time of year, after all. And besides, she had been the one to make the mistake of not giving it to Branchkit in a quieter fashion. It would be unfair of her to share with him and not the rest of the kits (plus Smogmaw and his son) Alright alright you may all-all have some. But just-just a little bit" she acquiesces as she turns to grab one more honey wrapped stick from her stores You'll all have-have to uh to share between these two" she says, placing the other stick down on a leaf next to the one Branchkit had already taken from.

She motions for Smogmaw and Laurelpaw to join the gaggle of kittens, a flick of her tail indicating that they were both more than welcome, if they liked as she stepped back. Things may be rocky between herself and the deputy, but she had never been the type of cat to be bitter, nor had she ever been the type to hold a grudge.


  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 75214491_NhVBn1uSQsE4P99.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
𖠰𖠰 At the entrance of the den, Laurelpaw stands as a smaller shadow of his father, seeming interested in what’s going on inside. For a moment Branchkit considers offering him a bit of honey, too, but then Morelkit bounds over to him and Gigglekit, and the little tom bursts out in a series of light giggles. "Share?" He echoes in a voice thick with sticky golden honey. Morelkit and Gigglekit are okay to share with, because they’re his littermates. Smogmaw and Laurelpaw are also okay to share with. But will there be any honey left for Branchkit to eat after sharing with all of them? Starlingheart told him that he only gets this much honey, and no more after that…

The kit frowns, amber eyes flickering to both his siblings and then back to the older she-cat. Luckily for him, Starlingheart picks up another honey-covered stick and sets it down for Gigglekit and Morelkit. The lilac tabby tom lets out a short laugh, beaming brightly at his littermates. Maybe they can get more honey some other time, but for now he plans on enjoying the honey that he already has.

"Sharing!" Gigglekit agrees with Starlingheart and Branchkit, tail high in the air as she excitedly leans in towards the mysterious substance that her aunt was allowing her to partake in. Without much hesitation, Gigglekit swipes her tongue on the honey and sits back, licking her chops as her eyes sparkle.

"It's good!" She decides after swallowing the sticky honey, and she looks between Branchkit and Morelkit and nods determinedly, as if reassuring the both of them that the honey is, indeed, delicious. She looks over her shoulder at Smogmaw and Laurelpaw, and grins. "It's real good. We're sharing!"