WHOPPER|| Big catfish


Beware, Beware, the Daughter of the Sea
Jun 15, 2023
Tidesong hums softly as she perches by the river, waiting for fish to come by. She has already caught two minnows, but wants to take more than that back to camp. Two minnows wasn't much, and she knows she can't be picky in leafbare, but.... She wants to catch something that can be eaten in more than one bite. So she waits, admiring the water as it flows by and listening to its gentle song as the water ripples. It was nothing like the ebb and flow of the waves where she grew up. The water here was kinder, less likely to sweep you away into an abyss of no return. It allowed her to open her eyes under it, to take from its bounty. The river was kinder than the sea, and she was grateful for it. She wondered if ancient beings resided in the river as well. She'll never forget the strange creatures that came into their tidal cave and left with the tide. She has only seen one creature here that she saw there, crabs.

And just like then, she avoids them and gives them a respectable distance. She will not be pinched.

But today, she encounters a NEW creature.

She knows what catfish look like. She has seen smaller ones gulp anything that gets in their mouths. But today... Today she witnesses a truly monstrous beast. It nearly takes her by surprise, but she shuffles back in alarm at the gaping mouth that comes to try and claim her with a startled scream. Before her, partially beached, lays the biggest catfish, the biggest fish, she has ever seen in her fucking life. She stares in horror and wonder at the beast before her.

"I see.... The river says I have overstayed my welcome....And should be happy with what I have caught so far. Sorry, river dweller." She utters a shaky apology to the catfish and quickly picks up her two minnows and scurries back even further to watch the fish shift itself back into the water.​

"Wuh!" It wasn't a word, really... but it burst from Ferngill's maw all the same the moment he saw what Tidesong had scurried away from. She'd skittered backward in a panic, murmuring some apology to... to the beast that had thrashed from beneath! It had such a strange face, sad-looking and wet, and Ferngill could only assume it was on the surface to cause havoc on land that it could not commit from below.

Cautiously, he crept to Tidesong's side- a verdant eye flickered to her captured minnows. "Maybe we should fish somewhere else..." he mused, eye shot wide. Not only was it terrifying, but... the splash that thing had made! Well, it couldn't mean well for the current stocks, could it? "This, uh, fella's probably scared off all the minnows."
penned by pin
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And these guys wanted him to just... get in the water?! With things like that living in there? Valepaw stood in horror to have witnessed its huge mass lunge after Tidesong just to sneak away back into the rippling waters. A horror all on its own, he was certain he'd be having nightmares about it for the next several moons.

"Th..there's fish.... that big," he asks in hardly more than a whisper from beside the dandelion-tabby he lingered behind fearfully.

He shudders, almost as if rejecting the thing he's seen through physical reaction. Swimming was daunting enough without there being literal monsters in there! Silverbreath had promised he wouldn't drown.. that the river wouldn't get him. Can you trust that?
Swamphowl watches what happens with a bit of surprise, mouth opening for a moment, hanging there until he gives himself a subtle shake. So it's a big fish. Fine. Accept it and adjust. The longer he watches the huge, wriggling thing, the more ideas that come into his mind. He hesitates for half a moment, but then eventually suggests, "Maybe if we all work together, we could drag it back to camp," he suggests, knowing the idea is a bit... ambitious. But it would likely feed a large amount of their clanmates, so maybe it would be worth it to try? Not to mention, then they wouldn't have to worry about it jumping out of the water again to try to swallow any of them whole.