private WHO'S DRIVING? [ ✦ ] sparring practice

When Bluepool had suggested to Scorchstreak that they should train their apprentices together, she had not been expecting her to say yes but she is over the moon that she had. Their entire way to the training grounds, she does not shut up. "-And so I said 'there's no way you could fit five mice in your mouth at same time!' But guess what? He sure proved me wrong!" she laughs at the memory, tilting her head back as she does, and when her golden eyes return to the earth, there are tears in them that she wipes away with the back of her fore-limb. "Oh look! Here we are!" she says as they approach the flattened grass that marked the area where she had trained Periwinklebreeze countless times in the art of battle, where she would now teach Featherpaw and it all began with this spar.

"Okay! So, Pinkpaw and Featherpaw, you two will be sparring today. I know neither of you really knows what you're doing but that's okay, just do your best. We will watch over here" she gestures to a spot a comfortable distance away "And once when one of you taps out we'll go from there" Getting a basis of their skills was something important, it was a way to gauge their strong and their weak points, to build them up from the bottom. She settles down in the spot she had indicated, gesturing with her scrappy tail for Scorchstreak to join her as she tucks her legs underneath her.


The grown-ups were talking, so Pinkpaw shouldn't eavesdrop and stuff... She totally does anyways, but she keeps quiet, only flashing Featherpaw wide - eyed looks whenever there was another shocking development in Bluepool's story. Five mice was way too many! You should chew your food one at a time or you'll choke! Did Bluepool not care about rules like that? She'd like to be Bluepool's apprentice. She seemed super fun, and most importantly, she was not a tunneler. Pinkpaw felt like she was getting a taste of the moor-runner life now even. She didn't have to get in a hole to go somewhere... Why can't she do this all the time.

Yes, Pinkpaw is still mad. She still has her pretty smile but she's sooo grumpy. The grumpiest. Her head swings toward Bluepool as she talks.

That's what they're here for? " Sparring? Like, um, fighting? " she asks, blinking in confusion. " Why? Featherpaw's my friend! " she tells the older cats, tail flicking in concern behind her. Friends aren't supposed to fight... unless it's like, a game...

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​
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Training a tunneler is a much different process from training a moor runner, and normally Scorchstreak would flatten her ears and refuse any moor runner who suggested that they train their apprentices together, as though they would learn anything of substance that way. But Bluepool is a different situation, a special case. The calico says yes without hesitation, expression open and friendly—an increasingly common occurrence, she realizes. She looks forward to seeing what Pinkpaw’s skills are, though she doesn’t expect much from her white-splashed apprentice. And she would never refuse time spent with her silvery-striped friend.

That is how Scorchstreak finds herself walking alongside Bluepool and their apprentices. She remains mostly silent but for an agreeable flick of the ear here, an acknowledging nod there as the other warrior prattles on and on. She doesn’t mind it, and pays close attention to every word out of Bluepool’s mouth. "Five mice? I wouldn’t have believed it, either," she comments, tipping her head thoughtfully as the other laughs so hard that she brings tears to her own eyes. It’s humorous, though not that funny—but she’s glad to see her friend happy after the past couple months.

The other warrior announces the plan to their apprentices once they reach the area they’ll train in, and of course Pinkpaw speaks up against the plan. Surprisingly, she doesn’t seem wholly concerned about the fighting, but rather about fighting her friend. Scorchstreak attempts to sound encouraging as she responds to her apprentice’s concern. "Friends can spar; it can be more fun to spar against your friends. Bluepool and I are good friends, and we’ve sparred before." She aims to gently bump her shoulder against her fellow lead warrior’s, an increasingly-common smile settling onto her muzzle.

Featherpaw was not particularly engaged in Bluepool's story- it was the same sort of time-wasting nonsense she always spouted, meandering around the point, saying things that made no sense- like being able to fit five mice in your face. Doing things that made no sense, like dragging a tunneller apprentice and a moor-runner apprentice out together. And of course it had to be Pinkpaw. Who else? Their mentors were friends, and all this would do would spur the grubby-furred calico's idea that they were friends.

Still, Featherpaw found himself glancing over to Pinkpaw more than once when she set upon him a wide-eyed look, ridden with shock at the tale."You should try it," he muttered to her sarcastically, without really thinking about it. Five mice- she'd choke to death, probably. He'd have to sort her out, again...

Sparring. Do your best. Featherpaw fixed Bluepool with a stormy glare- and Scorchstreak wasn't spared of the chocolate molly's wrath either, a grin upon her scarred face as she insisted friends could spar. He scoffed, shaking his head. "There you go, puh... P-Pinkpaw. It's fun." Fun was all she seemed concerned with. And if fun was the way to get her to learn to actually protect herself, then... Featherpaw supposed she would oblige.

If it was her who could be trusted to teach Pinkpaw yet another lesson about how everything really worked, then...

"You g-go first." Charity. Or- unwillingness to bash her in the head, straightaway.
✦ penned by pin
When Featherpaw murmurs, you should try it, Pinkpaw tips her head. " Maybe I will! " she jeers. Not like she wanted to, like, a few seconds ago. But now she totally did.

Friends can spar, apparently. Pinkpaw looks at her mentor with wide eyes as she explains this. Pinkpaw didn't think she played lots of violent games when she was in the nursery... What did she play? Well, she cna't really remember, but, uh, it probably wasn't that. Fighting was bad, and stuff! It can be more fun to spar against your friends, apparently. She hums. She guesses she wouldn't really know because she's never even done it before probably... Bluepool and I are good friends, and we’ve sparred before. Pinkpaw looks between them both, jutting out her lip in contemplation. Is that what friends are supposed to do? Bump shoulders?

She totally forgot what they were even here for as she considers if she should bump Featherpaw's shoulder. Was he too tall for that? Since when is he TALL? He isn't even! He's just... And she's just... uh...

When his voice catches on the sounds of her name, Pinkpaw perks again. She's all confused for a second... okay, more than a second, but if it's fun... " If you say so, " she answers skeptically. She wanted Featherpaw to have fun. And would their mentors have fun watching them? That's like, super messed up! Or maybe it isn't?

You go first, Featherpaw says. " Um, okay! " She doesn't know how to fight at all, but Bluepool said it's okay...

Pinkpaw drops into a crouch, her gaze so intense that she probably looks like the fiercest WindClan warrior ever. She totally missed before, when she tried to fight someone, but this time she wouldn't. Her haunches wiggle in the air, tail following suit— straight up like a flower stalk, before she springs straight at her with a fierce mew. Were her claws supposed to be out or what? Cats fought with claws out, right? So... hers probably should be too.

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

When Pinkpaw protests, Bluepool nearly laughs. Featherpaw is my friend! She says and while she understands the sentiment she does not understand the reluctance. Luckily, she is spared having to explain to the young she-cat because her mentor steps in at the perfect time and explains that friends can spar if they want to, that her and Bluepool spar all the time! She smiles when the tortoiseshell warrior bumps into her shoulder, purrs even and nods her head in agreement. Featherpaw's icy glare was not something that could distract her from the feeling of red fur brushing against blue and she almost laughs at the cross look on his face, the very same that is always there though it seemed to become more exaggerated in Pinkpaw's presence.

When she settles down in the grass to watch the two young cats spar she notices something immediately "Claws in you two!" she calls to them, a frown creasing her features. She did not want them to rip each other to shreds, as she is certain her apprentice would do if given the opportunity. She turns then to the cat next to her and in a voice low enough that only she could hear she whispers "Which one of them do you think will win? I'm betting all the prey on the moors that it'll be Featherpaw and I swear Im not saying that just because I'm biased"

Her explanation seems to placate Pinkpaw; though the younger tunneler doesn’t seem entirely convinced, perhaps Featherpaw’s comment also helps to persuade her. The chocolate tabby’s glare does not shake her, though she does offer him a raised brow as she settles down beside Bluepool. As the apprentices face off, she sees the calico spring at Featherpaw, and she’s about to praise Pinkpaw for a decent jump when Bluepool calls out for them to keep their claws in. An expression of confusion crosses her face—there’s no point in training without claws, is there?—but it’s wiped away just as quickly as it comes. They’re hardly out of the nursery, she reminds herself. There’s no need for them to actually injure one another, not now.

Her ears flicker backward when she registers the noise that her apprentice lets out as she leaps toward the other. Her battle cry could use some work, Scorchstreak thinks. She wouldn’t know much about battle cries, of course—she prefers to remain silent and let her claws do the taking for her—but Pinkpaw seems to enjoy talking, so perhaps it could help to get her more interested in her training. Her attention is grabbed, though, by the silvery warrior beside her, who says she’s betting that her own apprentice will be the victor. "I’m also betting on Featherpaw," she lowers her voice as well, ear flicking with amusement. "I heard she’s got an amazing mentor…"

Her focus is only off the sparring apprentices for a moment before she returns her gaze to the two. Her tail sweeps in a wide arc as she begins to knead at the dirt—restless. She wants nothing more than to shout at her apprentice, telling her the best way to bring her opponent down, but this is their first spar. She’s meant to be observing only, seeing what Pinkpaw knows already, seeing what’s there to build off of. She forces herself to settle back down, going still once more in a show of extreme effort.
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Pinkpaw took her invitation- the conversation between their mentors was out of sight, out of mind. Seeing the other apprentice drop into a crouch made guided his thoughts down the path that she might jump- and he was proven right as she launched herself forward. She squeaked with effort, a battle cry maybe, as she sprung.

Focus widened yellow eyes- he could not lose. Reacting as quick as he could, Featherpaw slid out of the way- though he felt the breeze of Pinkpaw's landing. It had been much closer than he would have liked- and as Bluepool called out, claws in, you two, Featherpaw sheathed her own. Maybe it would be a bit more fun, less tinged with actual consequence, without claws...

Left to retaliate, Featherpaw racked through her mind. The objective of a spar- it was to pin your opponent, wasn't it? She dawdled in thought for a little too long, but made a decision and blazed forward as fast as she could manage. He... he could not fail. Not after he had tried to prepare as much as possible. With his great-warrior father, he should have honed claws too...

An enemy would have killed her by now.

Featherpaw surged, attempting to headbutt Pinkpaw in the side to throw her off balance. Knock her to the ground, pin her. It was a routine in her mind, but was easier said than done.
✦ penned by pin
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Just as she whizzes past Featherpaw, she hears Bluepool's call. Claws in! " Oh! " Did that make Bluepool mad at her? She really didn't need more cats mad at her right now. Pinkpaw huffs, fixing her mistake. Claws in... so she could only his Fetherpaw with soft paws. That does sound more fun. Less risk... unless she was powerful enough to kill Featherpaw without claws? Hopefully, um, Featherpaw would let her know if he was close to dying...

" You're so faaast! " Pinkpaw laments, scrunching her nose. Was it all that moor - running she was doing? Was Pinkpaw made to be the slowest cat ever, by being a tunneler? Or was it because Featherpaw was a little bit older than her? Well... Pinkpaw just had to be faster. Surely, if she just tried hard enough, she'd be okay...

Except, she's kind of all out of ideas now. That was her move and she thought it was a good one but Featherpaw moved so easily... Maybe she should just do it again but faster? She's totally wondering what their mentors are whispering about and stuff, too...

But before she can even do her warrior crouch or ask about what fun secrets the warriors were sharing, Featherpaw is slamming into her. Pinkpaw scrambles to stay on her feet, letting out a small oof! as Featherpaw headbutts, like, all her guts. She doesn't have time to think about super cool battle moves anymore, and instead would clumsily lash out to try and smack Featherpaw in the head, on the cusp of totally falling over onto the icky cold ground.

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​