private WHO'S GOIN' DOWN, WHO'S GOIN' DOWN - sangria

Jan 10, 2024

Today was a stormy one, and Fantastream decreed they would be staying in rather than making the usual trek to camp, much to the obvious dismay of Coffeekit. They'd paced the fuzzy flooring at least six times over with a bitter puff to his mocha cheeks. He didn't understand why they couldn't just run through the rain like in the backyard, but after Blazestar's death, it seemed like everything was on lockdown. No climbing, no traveling, and no discussion of recent events; otherwise, his mama would get misty-eyed. That last rule was made up by himself, but the first two only irritated him further. What does Starclan need him for anyway? It's no fair. His thoughts are bitter with naivety and sadness. It wasn't that long ago he'd been getting swung around and triumphing over the massive leader. Now he was just 'gone,' and with 'the stars,' whatever that meant. All Coffeekit understood is that his mama's friends were really sad, and Blazestar couldn't come to play anymore. Which hurt in a way the tabby couldn't fully comprehend.

The sound of his favorite kit bumbling in caused his antsy pace to cease and an excited gleam to return to hardened greens. Awkwardly, she meandered to a nearby surface and set down a strange two-leg thing with a bright yellow flower sticking out of it. Eagerly, he wrapped around her legs and called upwards. "My girl! My girl!" The boisterous chirrups lilting at every emphasis of 'my'. Over the moon for a welcome distraction and the chance to keep his bored mind occupied. He looked up to see a familiar orange pelt adorned across their two-leg's body and a giddy squeal while she bent down to scoop him in her free arm. His chest roared to life with abundant purrs as she held him daintily and scratched the sweet spot just below Coffeekit's chin. Yet, as quickly as his day turned around, the moment was soured. Softly, she set him to the floor, and with a gingerly bounce, he trailed behind her. Only for his two-leg to head back and shut their exit calling out some nonsense. Physically, the kitten deflated by the sound of retreating footsteps, vanishing into the usual hum-thrum of their den.

Aw... What am I gonna do now? Glancing over his shoulder, just above him lounged his sister. He wasn't sure how she was taking the news either. Often out and about in her own world or smacking him for pulling on her tail or trying to bowl her over. For a change, he didn't feel the usual petulance and instead a bit worried. Ever since the tree-climbing stint, they noticed a slight change in her demeanor, and he doubted learning about what Death was helped. He sure felt weird, and maybe he could do something nice so things weren't so off. Recalling the pretty yellow floret, his fur spiked with enthusiasm. Perfect! Turning tail, he booked it over to the shelf and with a little wiggle launched himself onto it. Sticking his striped leg into the rounded contraption, he dug needle-thin claws through the soil and ripped the stem from its base. Leaning forward, he snatched the flower up and hopped back to the soft ground. Trotting over to the windowsill Sangriakit was snoozing on, he leaped onto the ledge and nudged her side. Mumbling with gusto through clenched teeth. "Loofw what ivw got wou!" Holding out the gift with a proud chin up and a friendly tail wave.
[penned by tasmagoric]


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*✧・゚ Raindrops trickle down the window, and bright green eyes track their path as they race across the glass. Her attention drifts from place to place, wandering its way outside of the home even while her body remains perfectly still. It's a rare thing, really, when Sangriakit isn't moving around, but today doesn't seem like a very fun day to play. The storm outside means that they can't go to visit SkyClan today—but with a small frown, the torbie thinks maybe that's a good thing. Going to SkyClan has felt weird ever since she and Coffeekit got stuck up in that big tree and Figfeather wouldn't let them get down. Now whenever she looks at the tall tree surrounding SkyClan's camp, she just thinks about how scary it was, and how Coffeekit almost fell. And if they had fallen, they probably would have died. Just like Blazestar.

Blazestar is the reason that everyone in SkyClan is sad now, even her mom and Figfeather. And it's all because he's gone, and with StarClan. He's dead, and that's what makes everybody sad. Sangriakit tried asking where Blazestar went, because maybe she could find him, but she'd only been told that he's dead and he isn't coming back again. That makes her sad, because it was only a few days ago she was playing rogues and warriors with the golden-furred tom. If she knew it would be the last time she got to play with him, maybe she would have let him win.

Sangriakit had only ever thought of death fleetingly before, when she'd overheard the warriors in the clan talking about it. She'd known that falling out of a tree could make a cat dead—but she hadn't thought of it as anything tangible until she got told Blazestar was dead. She still doesn't understand it completely, but she understands that the weather outside is remarkably reflective of her mood today. Bad. Coffeekit also seems unhappy, but when he sees the glittering silvery thing she'd dug out from under the twoleg nest the other day, she's sure he'll be a bit happier.

Lost in thought, Sangriakit isn't paying attention to her surroundings, absently watching raindrops race down the glass in between blinks of her hevay eyelids. She faintly hears Coffeekit mewing below, gaining the attention of the smallest of their twolegs, but she doesn't pay them any attention until she hears paws land on the sill beside her and a short nudge to her flank. Her head lifts from where it rests upon her paws, rolling her head until she's looking up at the tabby. It takes a moment for his words to register, filtered through the obstacle of the flower in his mouth, but Sangriakit visibly perks up when she realizes what it is. A gift! "For me?" She tilts her head to the side, russet ears flicking with interest. The flower is bright yellow, like the sun that's hiding today, and Sangriakit loves it already. "It's really pretty... where did you get it?" And why, she almost asks, but she doesn't really care why, when she's getting something. "I also have something for you!" Snowy paws scrape at the windowsill until one of them catches on the shiny thing, and she drags it closer to both of them. A grin brightens her own face, and she carefully pushes it closer to Coffeekit.