Blazestar has never nursed kits, but he’s had enough deputies who’ve been queens—and has seen the disgruntled, stifled look on his own mate’s face—after too much time stuck in the nursery. The nursery as it is now is nonexistent—a makeshift shelter has been constructed, but it’s hardly as comfortable and well-worn as the holly-wrought den the wind had destroyed. He’s sure Bobbie in particular has been worn thin by the constant demands of her new kits, by the tragedies that have struck SkyClan, and so he’d asked the queen to take a walk with him.

The wind continues to blow, and Blazestar’s thick pale coat streams about him as he guides Bobbie through their territory. With the shelter of the pines, it’s traversable, if difficult, at least. He casts an amused glance the lilac she-cat’s direction and says, voice raised over the gale, “At least it’s not raining, right?” He wonders if she’s concerned about Drowsykit, Lupinekit, and Crowkit. He adds, “Orangeblossom and Yukio will take good care of them. Orangeblossom is experienced at this point, and Yukio needs the practice for when his own kits come.” He flicks the creamy tip of his tail against her flank. “Besides, I’m sure you need a break. I remember when my own were that small… Little Wolf was a good sport, but with five of them crawling all over you and tussling and making demands…” He smiles wistfully into the treeline. “I used to take her for walks, too. And sometimes… when the kits got older… we’d take them all with us.



A white-streaked mane of fur is ruffled in the air and Bobbie somewhat embarassedly pats down her thick head fur, worried it'd look rather silly in front of the Clan leader. These winds lately have been ferocious indeed; she's been having to snuggle the kits quite close to stifle the sound of howling wind and put them to sleep, and even then the crashes of downed branches will occasionally startle one of her children awake. Needless to say, Bobbie's been worn more than a little thin by the interrupted sleep, but there's little she can do about it and her kits can't be blamed; the huge sounds must be quite frightening to their little ears, after all. It only makes her appreciate this foray from camp more; the lilac queen loves her children dearly, but they can be a pawful; what was that old chestnut? Absence makes the heart grow fonder? Perhaps that was it.

Her pale green eyes glance over at the massive flame-point form as he speaks in a voice raised to be heard over the howling wind that ruffles both of their fur; Bobbie's round ears strain to catch the words that dance like the yet-unfallen raindrops through the air. Bobbie agrees in a faintly amused if nervous voice; Blazestar still makes her a tad anxious, "Ah, yes, I su-suppose so," The queen's eyes are trained on the other cat as he speaks; sometimes she forgets he's a father as well, an ex-mate to a cat in another Clan. She supposes these more earthly roles fall in her mind's eye under the imposing shadow of the leader role. Bobbie nods, a touch wistful herself, "I trust them ... I suppose it's just natural to wo-worry after your kits. Probably be worrying after them the rest of my life," The queen laughs faintly, a surprisingly girlish sound.

Blazestar continues on about when his own kits were as young as hers are now; Bobbie's ears twitch with interest, eyes following the other cat's similarly wistful expression. She's no gossip, despite the reputation queens may have in that regard, but ... she'd be lying if she said she wasn't curious about the leader's past. Well, no need to be nosy; Bobbie's eyebrows raise as she wonders: five? Stars, she can barely manage three, and they're (relatively) well-behaved. She gives voice to these thoughts, mew amused, "My goodness, five? I feel like I can barely keep a handle on three. I step away for a moment and su-suddenly all three of them are clinging to me and two of them are crying."

She follows his blue gaze towards the treeline, the etchings of nostalgia achingly familiar lines in his face. Bobbie wonders if he sees old memories, forgotten ghosts, haunting that line of trees just as she does in the distances of the sky; wonders if an unseen form and five others dance spectral amongst the trunks in his vision, just as a single one lurks in the edges of the horizon in her own. Does he still uncover those poisonous reminders, spot a flower and remember it was someone's favorite, jump at a certain pelt in camp as she does? Bobbie supposes she'll never know, imagines those things are held as close to his chest as she holds her own memories. The lilac head dips in acknowledgement; now's hardly the time for lurking in her thoughts again, "That sounds n-nice. Maybe one day I can take those three out, once they're apprentices. Assuming Drowsykit's not too sleepy as usual," She smiles at this last.
She looks at him sheepishly, perhaps embarrassed to have been seen through. Bobbie tells Blazestar she trusts the other queens, but admits she will worry about her kits likely for the rest of her life. He shares a sympathetic smile with her. “You will,” he confirms. “My firs—my kits are almost grown, and I still worry for their safety every day.” Stars, he’d almost told her about the second litter—the litter no one knows about but Little Wolf and himself.

At least, no one else knows it’s his second litter, and it’s a secret he regrettably feels he must take to the grave, both for his former mate’s sake and for those kits’. Surely they should be made to feel as comfortable as possible in the Clan of their birth, never having to consider putting a paw in a separate world.

Perhaps he’s more at ease with Bobbie than he is with many of his Clanmates these days. She is noticeably anxious in his presence—perhaps because he’s Clan leader and she’s still getting used to ditching formalities—but Blazestar senses a kindred soul. Two tender hearts, one broken by circumstances, the other by a cruel lover—it’s a rarity, he supposes, to find someone he can truly relate to. Even though he likes Howlingstar and had once been an ally of Cicadastar’s, neither of them knows what it’s like to walk in his pawsteps, and even though Bobbie only partially does… he has a feeling she would understand the rest, if she knew.

Bobbie says she can hardly handle three kits, in reference to his five, and he laughs easily. “My poor mate had the brunt of that job. I’m afraid leading a Clan doesn’t leave much time for playing with kits. Yours are a pawful, too, aren’t they?” He teases. Crowkit is certainly opinionated, while Drowsykit and Lupinekit seem at least moderately better behaved… but kits will be kits, no matter what. “They’ll make fine warriors someday. The Clan is lucky to have you all.

He's sincere when he says this. Though he hates the circumstances that had led to Bobbie joining SkyClan, he can confidently say she is an asset, and so are her children. “Their father doesn’t know what all he’s given up.” His whiskers tremble. It’s hard to know there are two kits in the forest who will never look at him with father forming on their lips; how could a cat abandon his mate without a second thought? Does his heart ache at night, knowing he has sons and daughters who will never know him?

He shakes his head—the last thing he wants to do is upset Bobbie. It’s a tender wound, even after all these moons. Perhaps it always will be. “Of course you can! They were born in greenleaf, so once this awful wind stops, you’ll have plenty of good weather to take them out.” He smiles, chasing away the sad conversations from before. “The Rockpile was my favorite place to take mine… perfect for sunning, and plenty of prey nearby. That was in leaf-fall, though. Our pleasant days were numbered.” He blinks, realizing as he says this how true it truly is.


It's nice, to have a walk out of camp and spend a moment away from the constant mewls and kitten arguments and stubbed toes. The pleasant conversation continues; perhaps it carries an underpinning of sadness, or perhaps that's simply her own inclination. Often it feels as though the very air is charged with sadness around her, like a static shock, and Blazestar has his own old spirits hanging about; he makes her nervous, it's true, but oddly puts her at ease as well. To be around someone without judgement for her own history, for her kits' lack of a father, feels like a rarity; a cat who can understand the aching loss it leaves is rarer still. It's as though someone clawed a cat-shaped hole in her soft heart and left it to fester. She stirs herself from this somewhat morbid comparison to keep her attention on the conversation.

He stammers, odd for a leader perhaps, but far be it from her to pass judgement on that; she'd thought her childhood stutter defeated, but it'd made a return as of late. Bobbie keeps quiet as he returns her conversational bats, eyes careful but focused with genuine interest. She's chatted with the other queens, had the occasional conversation with a Clanmate, but to talk casually with a cat sharing both the mantle of parenthood and of heartbreak is foreign, but enjoyable. The kits have kept her paws full much of the time, left her little space for thinking of their lost father; to hear him mentioned dampens her mood a touch but brightens it at the same time to hear herself and her kits mentioned as something lucky to have.

It's a mantle she feels her kittens, her three loves, certainly deserve; a pawful perhaps, and the idea of them leaving her behind as they march towards adulthood makes her sad—but Blazestar is right, she hopes, that they'll grow into fine warriors in the relative safety of a Clan that so far has accepted them. She prays that they'll never have to know the heartache she shares with the flame-point leader, that their training will shield them from the painful helplessness she'd felt before her arrival here; her limp has eased with time, but the reminding scars and old nightmares of gnashing teeth have not. Her kits will be trained to handle whatever life throws at them; she can't hide them from it forever, much as she would like to, but they'll have Clanmates to protect them. To accept them.

Herself ... she's not entirely sure the Clan's lucky to have her. Arriving on their doorstep battered with injuries to waste herbs on and a swollen belly to waste prey on; her kits are as much of a blessing to the Clan as they feel to her, she hopes, but she lacks any skills. Any benefit to the Clan on her own. The dimpled scars that mar her soft lilac fur are a painful enough reminder that her previous life, which most cats (out loud or not) regard as a soft one, has left her with nothing; she cannot fight, cannot leap in the sky for prey fast as a shadow like her new(ish) Clanmates do. Bobbie's hoping to leave the nursery with her kits, not that she'd ever frown upon the life of the permanent queens (not now, knowing how hard it is to handle kits), but she wants that assured skillfulness so many of the cat around her hold. Perhaps it'd be rude to talk Clan business matters now, but she thinks about broaching the topic.

"They ce-certainly keep me busy. Stars forbid I try to take them ou-out of the nursery or they all start wailing and climbing on me," She mews in an amused tone; his own children, from what she'd seen around the Clan, had grown into fine cats indeed and she hopes hers do the same. Perhaps shyness made Crowkit rude, Drowsykit slept a little too much, Lupinekit was easy to be discouraged, but her kits were so much more than that; it was hardship that had driven them to grow up without a father (a topic she hopes they never ask after because she doesn't know what to tell them), but it was also hardship that had grown their little family so close already. Her kittens loved each other, protected each other, soothed each other and she loved them so much she thought her tender heart might burst with it. Bobbie blinks at his sincere comment, that her former lover didn't know what he'd given up; perhaps the effects of carrying kits still linger, because she blinks back sudden tears. It means a lot for her to hear, for some reason. The leader's tone is aching but genuine, and the queen mews more quietly, "Thank you."

The topic changes to one of a more light-hearted nature as Blazestar smiles and waxes wistful about his own time spent with his kits, when his family was apparently all together. Apprenticehood for kits—the thought shocks her a bit, that in only two more moons the kits that are now fuzzy bundles that cry out for her when hit by a leaf and snuggle into her shoulder fur to sleep will be gone and learning how to be warriors. Learning for the battlefield—Bobbie yanks herself away from that thought quickly, stars forbid she start down that path. She mews, "Perhaps I'll take them there once they've learnt to hu-hunt, then. Plenty of time until leaf-bare now." The lilac queen ponders that thought, her kits living with the skills of a warrior promised to them by birth, able to take on anything that should face them. Maybe it's selfish, but she'd like to be on the battlefield alongside them when they do. Bobbie takes a deep breath and rather nervously raises the topic, "I wa-was thinking ... that, um, that I could try to become a warrior once they're apprentices. Wo-Would that be possible?"
Bobbie tells him when she tries to take her kits from the nursery, they all cling to her like lichen on a dying tree. Blazestar gives her an almost-sad smile. “I imagine so, but soon that won’t be the case. They’ll be begging to be apprentices and start their training… and you’ll miss these days, believe it or not.” He adds silently, the days before they must raise their claws in battle. The days before they’re no longer safe.

Better to not think of Morningpaw, scarlet in the snow. Better, as always, to not.

He fights the thought away semi-successfully, instead focusing on Bobbie’s sincere murmur of gratitude. “Thank you,” she tells him, and he blinks at her kindly. “There’s nothing to thank me for. I’m only saying what everyone else is thinking.

Admittedly, Blazestar is startled to hear her question him about warriorhood. He eyes her curiously. “Of course! The Clan always needs capable warriors. We take them from all walks of life in SkyClan. Including former kittypets,” he purrs. He flicks her flank casually with the fox-plush tip of a golden tail. “What do you know, if anything, about hunting and fighting? No worries—I’m not judging you. I was greener than your smallest kit when I first came to the forest.” He laughs to think about it. What a fool he’d been then—and in many ways, that hasn’t changed.


The leader assures her, his tone perhaps touched by a not-unfamiliar sadness, that one day her kits will be begging to be apprentices. It's difficult to imagine, that the little dark-furred forms will one day push away her love with oncoming teenage angst and prefer to await, with glittering eyes, battle training instead of snuggles in the nursery. Difficult to imagine, yes, but she doesn't doubt the leader; she's seen on occasion how quickly kits turn from mewling little shapes into cats almost as tall as their mothers eagerly waiting with bated breath for that fateful ceremony. She supposes she'll try to appreciate these times more, exhausting as they might be, although she'd be lying if she wasn't a touch interested to see exactly who her children will grow to be. Already they have those little quirks, habits, that didn't come from her or their father—a reminder that they're growing quickly into separate beings entirely, their own cats. She nods in agreement.

It's uplifting to hear that she has the chance to become a warrior, a reminder of how accepting SkyClan is. Perhaps the reminder hurts a bit, uncomfortably telling of her lack of skill, of her lack of someone to care for her until now, but there's little that doesn't hurt her sore heart these days. These pleasant conversations with Blazestar suspend the ache a little, reminding her of a different thing—that with SkyClan she has the chance to change that, to raise her kits with the support of an entire Clan and not the father who didn't want them, to grow her own skills. She's once more grateful to have stumbled across this Clan instead of one of the others; she's yet to meet anyone from outside SkyClan, but tales of the other Clans' cruelty towards lost kittypets makes her wonder if she'd still be alive should she have found her way, blood-soaked, to the moors instead of the pines.

"Not much, I'm a-afraid," The queen answers, a touch embarassed by her lack of skills in the face of so many capable cats around her. She instinctively blocks the familiar thought, memory rather—the gnashing jaws of the dog, the fearful freezing of her limbs. The pains of hunger dulled by days without proper food, the bruises of unfamiliar and pointed terrain. Best not to think of such things, she tells herself, to focus on the bright and better present; as always, though, the terrible memories seep in. Bobbie shakes herself firmly and elaborates, "I have claws and teeth, obviously, and I kn-know how they're used, but I don't know any battle moves or anything. I don't know much of anything about h-how to catch wild food either, I'm afraid. Known that for a wh-while." She returns his laugh easily, if perhaps a bit wryly; maybe making light of the memories will drive them away, finally.
“Not much, I’m a-afraid,” she admits, and Blazestar shrugs. “There’s nothing you can’t learn. I could even help, if you want. I’m not the best hunter or fighter, but… I had to learn quickly.” He grimaces. “I went from clueless kittypet to Clan leader almost overnight.” The sound of her laugh brightens him somewhat. She shouldn’t be made to feel bad for her lack of survival skills—after all, before her foray into the forest, she’d had housefolk to care for her, and then she’d had her mate after that…

Blazestar realizes how he’s inserted himself into her life—even offering to train her! With a flustered chuckle, he adds, “Well… maybe you should have a more skilled teacher. I can always ask Silversmoke or Slate to help you…


Bobbie brightens at the Clan leader's words—if anything can be learned, that fast too, then she can certainly become a warrior, can't she? After all, if Blazestar could go from a kittypet like herself to the leader of an entire Clan, anything must be possible. It's faintly amusing to think of the intimidating flame-point as a bumbling kittypet like she'd once been, although difficult to picture, and she smiles despite herself. The lilac queen's smile remains at the idea of him teaching her how to be a real warrior; Blazestar still makes her a bit nervous, but she'd say he's the cat she knows best in the Clan, oddly enough ... perhaps the heartbreak of recent moons had this singular upside to it, this somehow easy bond.

He seems to change his mind, offering Silversmoke or Slate as better teachers (the latter makes her suppress a shudder, recalling his unfortunate resemblance) and Bobbie's unsure of how to protest that without making a fool of herself. Her ears are a bit warm as she mews hesitantly, "I think you're pl-plenty skilled, I'd ... I'd love to have you help me. To be honest, th-those two scare me a bit anyways ..." She laughs quietly at this last; the two big toms certainly cut imposing figures. Bobbie rushes to add, "If you don't mind, anyways. I imagine you're pr-pretty busy, leading the Clan and all. I don't w-want to take up your time."
Blazestar is pleased by Bobbie’s response. It’s clear she does not resent his offer—and, in fact, balks at the suggestion Silversmoke or Slate assist her instead. “Sure, I’m busy,” he replies with a smile. “But I don’t have an apprentice anymore, and I think we could both use the company.” He finds he is actually looking forward to teaching her more about life in the forest; he’s the first to admit he’s no expert, but perhaps it will be more beneficial learning from someone like herself. They’d both stumbled to SkyClan—or, in his case, to Rain’s colony—without any survival skills at all. It had been the kindness of his Clanmates that had taught him to climb, to hunt, to defend himself.

After a few heartbeats, he says, “Once your kits are apprentices, we can start. How does that sound?” He looks at her hopefully. Perhaps her days would need to be filled anyway; he knows many queens are itching to return to warrior duties after their kits are apprenticed, but Bobbie has not known the fulfillment of warriorhood yet. What a gift, he thinks, to be able to be the one to teach her.


The lilac queen is equally, if not more, happy with Blazestar's smiling reply as he had been with her own. SkyClan is accepting, yes, certainly more than most, and yet .... she's aware there are cats within her new Clan who would think less of her for the thin red strap buckled about her neck. A sun-bright sign of her origins. Blazestar shares an origin, an experience, with her; to enter the forest without any skills and emerge a leader of a Clan that, in Bobbie's opinion, he can be more than proud of is a sign of hope to her. That, and he's correct that she can use the company, though she's surprised he would want it as well—surely he has better cats, more experienced warriors, to share his time with? Not that she would dream of complaining about it; his offer is already a great kindness in Bobbie's eyes.

"You're r-right about that," She gives voice to the thought with a slightly self-deprecating smile, letting the words hang in the air for the few quiet heartbeats. Blazestar fills the silence comfortably, offering a timeframe; once her own kits begin to train, he offers with a bright glance. The thought of being trained (sort of) by their Clan's leader, perhaps fostering a close friendship (something she hasn't had the comfort of for some moons), brightens Bobbie's face considerably. And that's without mentioning the excitement that bubbles in her chest at the though of acquiring a warrior's skills. The lilac queen nods, mewing, "That sounds gr-great. As long as you're willing to put up with my m-mistakes, of which there are sure to be many." Her mew is light and self-critically joking, but her tone deepens to sincere gratitude as she says for the second time today, "Thank you."
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