pafp Why Are There So Many Songs About Rainbows|frog hunting


step out of the sun
Feb 9, 2023
on the outside always looking in ✧°.☀ ———————————— What trouble could be right outside of camp? That's what Wolfpaw had to keep asking himself as he tentatively both followed and lead Magpiepaw out of camp. It was both of their idea to go and get some freshkill, and yet it felt to Wolfpaw that he was the only that was thinking about what might happen if they are successful and came back to camp with food. Someone was going to ask, "Who's mentor took you two out?" and when they can't answer... who knows what might happen. "So what happens if we get caught or something? Like do we just go on tick duty or would they make us kits again? Is it really worth it?" He said these words and yet his paws kept taking him to a small marsh spot that he could smell the stink of frogs at.

He looked at Magpie and figured he might as well get over it, they were doing this now. His eyes scanned the small smelly pool. Trying to pickup and breaks in the water's edge, "Can you see any of them?" He whispered to the wobbly cat next to him. Then it occurred, Wolfpaw was almost certainly not going to catch a feast of frogs, he would be lucky to catch one. So a smile broke on his lips, the pressure was off "Okay, wait you stay here. I'll herd a couple to you." He waited for Magpiepaw's nod of approval and then started to delicately move to the other side of the pool.

There is when the fun would begin. Ignoring the mud that was getting caked between his pawpads he slowly dipped them into the pool. The slight vibration of the water sent a small frog that had been hidden from sight into a nearby bush. "Perfect". Wolfpaw then splashed straight into the pond, splashing up and around him. Then he had to spot their victims. His grey eyes quickly spotted two big green frogs hopping in the direction of his brother, "Bingo". Now was the chase down.

// @Magpiepaw
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ will i ever be more than i've always been?

"I wouldn't mind being a kit again." Magpiepaw muses to the others concerns, not very bothered at the reprocussions of a supposed rulebreak. At worst it was menial chores, at best he was left to return to the nursery where he could continue living in idealic bliss unbothered by the world outside.
"All ventures for knowledge are worthwhile investments."
Which translated to 'he didn't care'. Life was short, fleeting. Cats did not live very long and leaders lived less. So they should enjoy what bliss they could gather up in these moments.
Can you see any of them-yes, several. Nestled in the pits with big round eyes just visible above. If startled they will sink down and burrow away disgustingly.

Wait here-he nodded in reply, trusting that Wolfpaw knew what he was doing because Magpiepaw certainly didn't and the sloshing slapping about in the mud was somewhat unappealing. He remembers his sudden dunk into a pit moons prior that nearly ended in him suffocating and he's grateful the pools here are more shallow. He didn't want to recreate the incident. Wolfpaw's prancing about earns him the surprise of two frogs, fat and lumpy and waddling forward in rapid toddling with the occasional burst of speed from a jump and he realizes he can probably catch these. They are not like the quick darting lizards, they are sluggish; it seems almost unfair.
Magpiepaw rises to stand and plods over swiftly, bobbing along and weaving from side to side but it works in his favor this once and he is able to throw himself over one of the frogs with his entire body flattening the great lumpy creature. "The other one!"

A firm gray paw comes smashing onto the second frog with a moist squish. Granitepaw sinks his claws into the creature until its skin is punctured through, and it gives a horrifying death croak in its final moments. His dark green eyes narrow to slits, studying the newer apprentices with a frown. "What are you doing out of camp by yourself?" Despite his grim expression, Granitepaw doesn't particularly care if anything happens to these two scraps of dark fur. Would the rest of ShadowClan? Hadn't they been dug out of the garbage as kits?

He gives his short fur an irritable shake before lifting his paw from the frog he's caught. Granitepaw thoroughly licks the offending paw. "You're lucky one of the warriors who might care about the rules hasn't seen you."

// mentor tag @DOGFUR


She is happy that she can go out with the warriors on patrol sometimes, glad that they can agree to escort her while she looks for herbs. She is afraid to be out in the marshes on her own, afraid to meet the same fate as her brother. She is not ready to leave this earth yet, there is still so much she feels she can do, lives she feels she can save. If she is not here to take care of Shadow Clan what will happen to them? Will they wither away into nothingness? She is uncertain.

Granitepaw's scolding voice is what draws her away from the spot she had been searching in, her white tipped paws drawing her closer to the source and when she sees Wolfpaw and Magpiepaw she understands what had gotten the gray-furred toms tail into a twist. "He-hes right its n-n-not safe out here by-by yourself" A frown pulls down at her lips, dissapointment in Magpiepaw shining evidently in her green eyes as she cast them on him. She had thought he knew better.

Dogfur was one of the warriors who did not care if the apprentices or kits were outside of camp. His apathy towards little ones willfully endangering themselves was well known. He was no snitch—of course not. He did not think he would cry over their poor bodies if something did happen—apart from perhaps Magpiepaw because the wobbly apprentice was amusing to the tortoiseshell.

"Saw one little kit once, black tabby with a smudge of white on its chest, get swallowed up by a hawk." Dogfur lied, looking between Wolfpaw and Magpiepaw with sunken yellow eyes. "Too fast for me to save it. Excellent catch by the way, Granitepaw." The half-mentor praised the gray and white tom, plopping back on his haunches.


It did not take long for one of the apprentice's mentors to appear, her wedge-shaped head tilted and a graceful gait to her steps as she traversed a well-worn path away from the swampiest of ShadowClan's earth. Ferndance's expression was as neutral as a Ferndance expression could get - polite smile, attentive ears, body language demure as she considered her options. Her eyes grew enlarged as she heard Dogfur speak, her smile creasing the corners of her mouth as it grew ever so wider. "We called the great hawk the Flearump Falcon. As big as a cloud it was, and some stay it still roams the pines to this day, preying on lone cats... and apprentices who seek forgiveness instead of permission." Her wide pupils settled upon the pair, her attention more on her own apprentice than Swiftclaw's. It was a scourge to have to be the responsible one and, should the timing be different, she may have praised Wolfpaw and Magpiepaw for their initiative in finding food. Ferndance, even with her lackadaisical opinions on viscera, preferred not to see the clan's youth find the same fate as Pitchstar. Yet... was it truly such a crime to enjoy oneself before warrior duties ensnared your life?

She hummed in consideration. "You know I would've let you go out if you'd asked." The Lead Warrior pointed out, almost offended that Wolfpaw didn't think her cool enough to have done such a thing. To scratch a rebellious itch, she supposed it made sense not to tell her, but that simply wouldn't do. "The next time you want to be sneaky... be clever about it. Make sure you're the ones bringing food back instead of Granitepaw, it'll lessen the sting of insubordination." She advised. Reclining back on her haunches, she took some time to gnaw at a troublesome itch just above her hind leg, hoping that, by some short miracle, her teeth could find one of the persistent bug pals that plagued her so. When she raised her head again, she had craned her neck to a nearly uncomfortable degree, looking like a statue intending to pass judgment. Her voice turned a tad bombastic. "Now... what to do with you... what to do with you..."