private WHY are you so angry? || Fireflypaw


Swift as darkness, cold as ash
Apr 28, 2023
It's not often Dogskip chooses to rest in camp. He often chooses to go out into the forest and find some little hideaway somewhere to spend a few hours of peace before returning to the clan.

But today, he simply didn't feel like doing more walking. Fatigue gripped him shortly after finishing a border patrol, and he wanted nothing more than to return and take a long rest. Maybe even sleep.

He'd been struggling with exhaustion for a while now, having little to no energy most days. All he wants to do is sleep. It's his only comfort. Which is why he chooses to pick a quiet part of camp to settle down in, out of the way enough that if anyone approached him it would surely be on purpose.

He lays flat on his side, ears pointed and listening idly to the clan going about their day. Much as he would like to fall asleep, he is unable to do so with so many cats around him. If anyone got the bright idea to prank him while his guard was down, he'd surely be scolded for scoring claws down someone's face in surprise, so open his eyes must stay.

And so he lays there, limp like a discarded dish rag and trying to enjoy a moment of solitude.

(( @Fireflypaw ))​
Pointed paws walk around half-hazardly, accidentally stepping on the tails of his clanmates that don't move them out of the way soon enough. Quick apologies sound from the seal point's lips as he rushes about camp, tansy hanging limply from his jaws. He doesn't notice the familiar body of Dogskip, cannot scent him past the mouthwatering tansy in his jaws. Not until he's already right in front of him, staring down with ghostly pale hues.

"How long have you been this tired, Dogskip?" Fireflypaw notices things, he always does. The way Dogskip's grumpiness might be caused by trauma, or possibly even by bad sleep schedule. Was he eating his grass properly? Mother always helped her inhabitants. "Why're you so grumpy all the time, then?"
Woe, his rest is disturbed by their slightly less strange than Dawnglare medicine cat apprentice. He isn't sure he's in the mood for conversation, but he won't send Fireflypaw away. He's asking why he's tired, and it is his job to keep up with everyone's health. The least he can do is indulge him.

"A while now. I don't remember when it started, exactly." He answers. He's grown used to it, by now.

He's content to end the conversation there, but then Fireflypaw poses a question he didn't expect. Why was he so grumpy all the time? He blinks a few times. The audacity. Can he fault him for asking? Not quite. He knows he has a sour attitude, nobody ever asked why. He might be the first to do so.

"Life has a way of taking the light within you and snuffing it out." He says. It takes until there is only your own life left to take. He figures Fireflypaw is too young to truly understand. You can hold onto your light, but life will beat it out of you one way or another and it always makes it hurt. It's like being attacked by an unseen, untouchable enemy, one that plays with its food before finally putting it out of its misery.​