pafp why are you so obsessed with me? — GOSSIP

spiderpaw ✧

after dark 𓆩🕷‎𓆪 7.20.2023
Apr 29, 2023

[] Spiderpaw sprawled in her usual lazy tangle of limbs in SkyClan's camp, suppressing a purr at the sensation of warm newleaf sunlight bathing her wavy fur. The apprentice set to her usual obsessive neatening of that lush black pelt, beginning the process of grooming her thick, feathery fur until it was sufficiently shiny. Someone has to look good in this Clan, the shecat thought with a barely-held-back giggle. Some soft noise made Spiderpaw recollect her oft-wandering thoughts and she glanced to her side. The apprentice's usually frosty gaze was more playful than usual, a mischievious glitter in her heavy-lidded eyes. Spiderpaw leaned slowly over in the warm patch of sun, thumping the ground next to Briarpaw, one of her (few) friends.

"Look," Spiderpaw began in a languid, deep mew that oozed with gossipy interest, pointing subtly with one white-dappled forepaw, fur swinging. The subject of her attention was a fluffy amber-point shecat; Spiderpaw paused her careful grooming to drawl, "It's Flowercloud ..." The apprentice's intonation of the shecat's very name oozed false pity, and the black smoke's mind sparked with the juicy info, "She acts all happy and stuff, but rumor is that she is, like, so totally in love with that guy ... what's his name ... Crowmask." Spiderpaw mewed lowly to the lilac tortoiseshell by her side, glancing at fae, "I honestly thought it was kind of pathetic," Spiderpaw mewed with a curl to her lip, not bothering to censor herself, "But she seems so ... glowingly happy lately, it made me wonder if something snapped with her, like with Deerso-" The apprentice rapidly cut off, filtering herself for once with an almost guilty look at Briarpaw, "Anyways, it makes me wonder if we shouldn't expect to see Flowercloud in the nursery sometime soon ..."

// @Briarpaw everyone feel free to gossip after briar response >:)


A tongue lapped at lilac tortie fur idly as Briarpaw counted each stroke in their head. The sun was warm as it beat down on their coat and it was hardly humid, so hopefully no rain for a few days at least. The young apprentice hummed to themselves as they groomed their white chest fur next after finishing their back when a familiar coat seemed to plop down beside them. While they normally wouldn't want to share a patch of sunlight, they'd make an exception for this she-cat.

Spiderpaw was one of, very few, cats that Briarpaw would consider a friend and it made it even better that Spiderpaw was not related to Briarpaw what so ever. While they loved their siblings, them being their only friends was a little sad wasn't it? Regardless, the lilac tortie lifted their head as the she-cat leaned over to them with a few words.

Dual colored eyes of sapphire and lemon moved to where they spoken for Flowercloud was, and Briarpaw opened their mouth in awe. Her? Carrying Crowmasks' kits? That'd be wild! Briarpaw didn't think that Crowmask had interest in Flowercloud but suppose they could've been wrong! Then Spiderpaw nearly slipped up on their mothers' name and they narrowed their eyes for a moment before shaking their head. Like they needed more siblings! The five they had were enough as it was.

"Orangeblossom and Dizzymoth would appreciate the company that is for sure," They pointed out to their friend with a gesture of a white paw, "Oh but you know what I heard?" They glanced around for a moment to make sure no one was in ear shot before leaning into Spiderpaw with a soft whisper, "Sparrowpaw likes Fireflypaw- like likes likes," They gave a smirk as if rather proud of this information, even if it was very well not true. Were they going to admit that? No of course not. "SPEECH"


  • //
  • BRIARPAW devoted and loved
    — they/fae/she; 5 months; single; lesbian mongamist
    — Skyclan Apprentice; mentored by BEARHEART
    — Snarky, hesitant and a little bit of a over achiever

    casual character. penned by wolf.​
  • Untitled48_20230412141835.png



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Gossiping wasn’t typically something Figfeather participated in. The only time she’s dared to dabble is when she heard cats whispering about the former WindClanner’s, that she couldn’t resist… Otherwise Figfeather found gossip rude, unfortunate for the two apprentices that the goody-two-shoes warrior had to pass by right as they murmured back and forth.

At first she figures she’ll bite her tongue, not say anything. She doesn’t want to be that new warrior who acted all tough towards the den-mates they left behind! Yet when she hears Sparrow‘s name mentioned her eyes flicker harshly to Briarpaw and Spiderpaw, ”I heard Sharpear has ticks bothering him, and you two look bored.” It was a clear way of silently saying “I don’t like what you two are up to” and to change the topic if they really wanted to continue basking in the sun.
From a distance, he looks as if he's sleeping while sitting upwards- his face looks peaceful, though his ear twitching here and there is the only sign that he is indeed still awake. He can slightly hear the sound of hushed voices, though it's so soft that he has to strain to listen. Gossip was normal; he even liked to participate himself sometimes. Figfeather seems to dismiss the apprentice's babbling, bringing up one of the sweeter elders in the elder's den. He smiles, standing up so he can pad over to the group, chuckling in his own amusement.

"What's goin' on, guys?" He chimes with a wide smile, lips quirking upwards to expose his canines. If they wanted to gossip about him, they could do it in front of his face. After all, what is so juicy as to need a good whisper? It wasn't like his life was that interesting, let alone he himself. He was just a normal medicine cat apprentice. Wind breezes past his face, and his ear instinctively twitches upwards to listen to Her voice. "Hi, Figfeather." He greets the molly with a sheepish smile, suddenly bashful thanks to his inability to properly greet a warrior- new or not. Where were his manners?
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Crowmask had always kept to himself, but hearing his name from the apprentice's mouth, accompanied by Flowercloud's own, was not something he would take lightly. Gossiping was for fools and children, and if these apprentices ever wanted to become warriors they ought to know better. He padded up, give a very sarcastic grin to Spiderpaw to indicate he had indeed heard what she had oh-so-clearly stated about him and his lover, and then plopped down next to Figfeather. Fireflypaw seemed quite nervous around the two of them, and he couldn't help but wonder why.

"How ya doin' Fireflypaw, Figfeather?" He made a small, petty point, to not glance at either of the other two apprentices as he began to groom himself. Crowmask flashed his scars at the two eagerly gossiping apprentices while he did so, thinking that it might insight some more insidious rumors.
with just the warmth of your hands


[] Spiderpaw rolled lazily further onto her chest, curving her long neck to reach the shags of fur hanging down her shoulders to clean them; after all, it wouldn't do for one of the (few) actually pretty cats in this Clan to have unkempt fur—speaking of few pretty cats, the apprentice's ears flicked in interest as the names of two other apprentices left Briarpaw's jaws. Her brow furrowed slightly in concentration, managing to summon the visual connection of a squirrelly-looking brown tabby and a boring tan-and-black apprentice. Spiderpaw rolled her heavy-lidded eyes, the guilt of mentioning Deersong all but forgotten, "Really? That mousy little thing?" Her voice dripped with condescending, false shock, eyebrows raising a fraction as one ear twitched; she returned Briarpaw's smirk despite herself.

The barely-positive expression slid off her face like water off a RiverClanner's back as Figfeather approached; Spiderpaw's resting bitch face assumed itself in full force, casting a frosty blue gaze of thinly-veiled contempt over the red tabby as she muttered under her breath, "I'm sure he does," quickly compensating for the remark with a falsely bright smile that definitely didn't reach the black smoke's irritated gaze. It hadn't been long since Figpaw had shared a den with the pair; What right does she have to act all holier-than-thou?, surfed across the front of Spiderpaw's mind, but she had no interest in spending any time in the musty, old-cat-smelling elders' den. As such, Spiderpaw opened her maw to change the topic; however, both of the subjects of their gossip appeared quickly, and she simply couldn't resist the opportunity.

Utterly forgoing the pointless formality of a greeting—after all, it's not like either of them actually deserved any respect, ranks be damned—Spiderpaw commenced with an often-used tool in her arsenal of pettiness. Her shadowed eyes slowly, unabashedly made their way up and down Fireflypaw and Crowmask, not bothering to mask her obvious appraisal of the dark-pelted pair. Her nose twitched, barely visible wrinkles appearing on her muzzle in a carefully controlled expression of distaste. It was times like these Spiderpaw felt loath to share a single molecule of oxygen with her Clanmates, much less an allegiance and camp. Her icy irises darted to the flashes of scarred skin Crowmask bore on his pelt; Flowercloud wasn't the prettiest, but couldn't she do a little better? Yeesh.

"Oh, nothin' much, Fireflypaw," Spiderpaw mewed, acid slicking her sweetened tone; she wasn't unaware of cats' feelings, she just chose to ignore them, and the mild challenge in the medicine apprentice's tone. It wasn't the first time she'd felt the silent pressure to 'say it to their face', and Spiderpaw drawled on, "Just chattin' about some ... potential feelings ... in the apprentice den," she paused to let the words hang in the air, content to let the insinuation lie there until someone challenged it. That they had to do so at all was undignified, honestly, Spiderpaw thought; she wouldn't have been caught dead in such a humiliating position as both of the toms present, succumbing to such embarassing rumors; she was certainly above that and had an image to maintain. Although she supposed those two didn't exactly have much to live up to.

tl;dr -> spiderpaw reacts poorly to figfeather but moves to change the subject until firefly & crow walk up, at which point she gives them an obvious up-and-down and insinuates about sparrowpaw's rumored crush on firefly
// all opinions are purely ic lol <3
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If one thing was certain, it was that Sparrowpaw seemed to always gravitate toward Fireflypaw when they weren't busy with their daily duties, happy to chat with the friendly tom and perhaps share a meal from time to time. They valued the point's company, and their friendliness was welcoming.

They saw them often, but of course it was the one time they desperately needed them for something that they just couldn't seem to find them. Well, they thought as they set out with a patrol, they would try again later.

So when they spotted the young medicine cat chatting with a group of warriors and apprentices upon returning to the camp, their expression lit up and they couldn't help the gasp they'd sucked in. Oh-! Oh! Now was their chance!

Sparrowpaw hastily excused themself from the returning patrol, making a swift trot for the apprentice's den and vanishing inside, only to reappear moments later with something in their mouth. With faded eyes fixed upon Fireflypaw, they beelined in the group's direction. "Fi!" they mumbled around the object.

There was no particular reason why they wanted to give it to them- the tom had simply crossed their mind upon spotting it, and snatched it up on their way back from training. They liked it, and they wanted to share it.

Only after they reached their side did they put it down, stooping to bump their shoulder with their nose in greeting. "I got something for you- here, feel it!" Nudging it closer, they reached out for a dark paw and guided it toward what was simply a pinecone. "I found it on the way back from training, isn't it neat? I wanted to give it to you," they chirped gleefully. Their tail swished behind them.

Sparrowpaw looked down at it. "It's a really nice shade of brown," they began to explain. "And if you feel it, you can tell there's not a single broken piece on it, it's perfectly intact! And isn't it huge? I think it smells nice, too." It still upset them to think that Fireflypaw couldn't see anymore, but they would help them see in other ways instead.

It was only then they lifted their head sharply, as if remembering there were other cats nearby. "Oh, sorry, hi! I didn't uh, I didn't interrupt anything, did I?" Their tone adopted a hint of sheepishness.




A stiffle of a laugh came from the lilac pelted apprentice as she agreed with Spiderpaw about the mousy little thing that was Sparrowpaw. Then watched as the she-cats face fell into its resting position and the lilac tortie found themselves rolling their eyes at Figfeather, "He always does," They retorted with a flick of their ear at the ginger-pelted warrior. As they took a paw and picked at a claw idly before blinking a few times as Fireflypaw approached along with Crowmask. Briarpaw eyed Crowmask with a knowing expression, they tended to be more expressive than their dark-pelted counter part.

"Yeah hey Fi~! Seems like there a little gift for you," They gestured to Sparrowpaw as they bounded over with excitement over something they had been carrying. A smirk crossed a white face as dual colored eyes gave a raised brow at Fireflypaw and then too Sparrowpaw as the brown cat excitedly spoke about the object they had. It was brown in color and looked soft, but why would Sparrowpaw bring it the thing to Fireflypaw? Of course cause they liked each other and it was adorable. Like a little romance story elders told to kittens.

Briarpaw glanced at Spiderpaw with a look of 'told you' before snorting in amusement. The lilac tortie gave a little dance in place before looking around the group with a soft laugh, "We where just about to discuss why Thistleback seems to interested in Johnny," They seemed terse when they spoke of the topic. It had to be a rumor right? Deersong was their fathers' beloved, one true love and all that. But ever since he brought Johnny in- things had shifted and they didn't like it. Not one bit. "SPEECH"


  • //
  • BRIARPAW devoted and loved
    — they/fae/she; 5 months; single; lesbian mongamist
    — Skyclan Apprentice; mentored by BEARHEART
    — Snarky, hesitant and a little bit of a over achiever

    casual character. penned by wolf.​
  • Untitled48_20230412141835.png

the growing group of cats is quick to catch her attention. mostly apprentices, she sees briarpaw among them and takes that as a personal invitation. settling into the group, she watches as sparrowpaw comes bearing a gift for fireflypaw. she hadn't noticed the closeness of the two, but who could blame her? there had been too much going on recently to dwell on the relationships within the ranks. her mind had been elsewhere, but now she could use her free time to catch up a little bit.

eve offered a warm smile to sparrowpaw at their realization tugged by shyness. an offer to join if they pleased. white paws tucked under her chest as briarpaw's words landed in her ears. as speculatory as they were, her ears tilted back by just a hair. pale gaze narrowing onto her sibling ever so slightly. too interested in johnny, they said. eveningpaw had only seen it as her father being welcoming, friendly towards a newcomer that he had brought in. was there something else going on? something she failed to see? her tail flicked behind her. no, it was silly, thistleback and deersong loved each other. johnny was just a friend. "could say the same for you and spiderpaw," she teased her littermate quietly, although there was something sharp in her gaze. a recommendation not to push the former rumor any further. she didn't care if her insinuation was correct or not, only that it veered the group off the path of her parents affairs.


The two apprentices aren't the quietest, are they? Greeneyes finds himself stuck listening idly to the gossip nearby while he chews on a mouse.

It's not the greatest ambiance for his meal, but the young warrior is able to tune it out at first. Talk about Flowercloud and Crowmask. He can remember the two being close when he was a kit, but they'd drifted apart for some reason. Greeneyes was too young then to really know why the two had drifted apart, and he's not really too bothered about knowing the status of their relationship now. It's not any of his business, anyway.

However, when it's Sparrowpaw and Fireflypaw mentioned, he can't help but pause in eating his meal - ears twitching at the gossiping apprentices' words. Sparrow likes Firefly? He knows the two are close but, surely Greeneyes would've heard something about this, wouldn't he?

"Interesting news," he chimes in, rising to stand and make his way over to the two. "You got a source on that, or are you just making it up?" Figfeather pauses as she walks past to disapprove of Spiderpaw and Briarpaw's antics as well, and Greeneyes finds himself giving his littermate a questioning look. Did she know about this? Certainly, she would have heard something from her friend. Right?

And suddenly, his own friend appears, greeting the group as if Spiderpaw and Briarpaw weren't just talking about him.

"Hi, Fi," Greeneyes says, moving to greet the medicine apprentice, a gesture halted by Sparrowpaw bounding over. The warrior moves to the side, watching the two. They bring a gift for Firefly - a pine cone, similar to one Greeneyes had gifted to him and his siblings so long ago. Back then, he didn't need to describe the pine cone set before the litter, didn't think he had to.

And as he watches Sparrowpaw guide Firefly's paws, it sort of... it sort of feels like he's being replaced, doesn't it?

Interesting news, indeed.

Briarpaw moves to tease the duo, moves to jabber about another pair - their own father, and Johnny. Did they not have anything better to do? Greeneyes stands straighter, humming as a small smile grows on his face.

"You know, the apprentice den was looking kinda shabby, the last time I was in there," the young warrior says, a pointed look at the apprentices, "Have your mentors not taught you how to clean your nests? Odd, you'd think that'd be the first thing they would've taught you." Viridian gaze centers on Briarpaw, crooked tail flicking behind him.

"I'm sure your father would be pleased to hear you're gossiping about him, instead of keeping up with your chores."



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
For a moment she forgets about her disapproval for the gossiping apprentices and looks to Fireflypaw and Crowmask. She greets them both back with a happy trill and announces she’s doing alright, though is she? Her heart still ached at the loss of her siblings and mother, but she was doing all she could to keep it together. Though Spiderpaw and Briarpaw’s response to her makes her blood turn cold with annoyance. It was hard not to note their eye rolls and thinly-veiled cold looks, the red tabby can’t allow but let it get under her fur. She was a warrior now, weren’t they suppose to treat her with respect? Her annoyance causes her not to give much reaction to Sparrowpaw’s gift to Firefly, the teasing of Eveningpaw, and Greeneyes’ initial few words of greeting.

Greeneyes remarks that the apprentice‘s den is looking shabby and that they’re not keeping up on their chores, now Figfeather can’t help but hide her ill-contempt, ”Sounds like you’ve all got your paws full then. Ticks and moss duty isn’t so bad, at least.” Verbally it seems like she’s talking to all of the apprentices, but her gaze doesn’t shift from either of the initial gossiper starters. With a lash of her tail Figfeather departs from the scene, her pelt hot with irritation.


His eyes carefully trail the cream-coloured warrior as she dispersed from the scene, his eyes slowly falling down into a pointed state. There was no shortage of hotshots in the apprentice den, even when his own apprentice was busy and waiting for a ceremony and he couldn't help but tighten his jaw against the barrage of reprimands that threatened to spill from his tempered mouth. Gossip was as irritating as tick bites to his sensitive ears, he was beginning to understand its necessity in building bonds, but he didn't think he'd ever understand how to properly engage in it. Where was the joy in spreading such lies? Where was the joy in poking at truths that weren't cruel to be kind? A nod was offered to the departing warrior before his odd-eyed stare settled onto the gaggle of apprentices, muscles slacking to the earth like he was ready to pounce. Thistleback and Johnny? Pastel pink nostrils flared; he liked Johnny to a degree, it would be a shame to see him paired up with a feral dog. He nearly winced at the thought of calling an old inspiration such a thing, he wanted to wince even harder when he considered how accurate it had become.

Figfeather's plight to get the apprentices to move on had failed, now that he had clocked on to what was happening, he would try to ensure that Greeneyes' didn't. Rising to his full height again, the spotted tabby approached on soft pawsteps, His muzzle, characteristically lacking any humour, settled in a frown as he stood beside one of SkyClan's newest warriors as a sign of support. "If you have time to gossip, you have time to work." He re-asserted, his ears twitching back and forth as if indecisive on how irritated he wanted to look. "You can do both at the same time if you're really so inclined, but do what Greeneyes suggests." Clean your nests. His plumy tail lashing behind him, the Lead Warrior momentarily looked past the horde and towards Blazestar's den in thought. It was no sooner than a monster speeding along the path that Silversmoke's gaze shot back, gesturing with his head for the circle to talk and walk straight towards their quarters.
DARLIN', DARLIN' ♱°.✦ ————————————
Spiderpaw barely tempers her glare at the trio of warriors to manageable. Why the hell was it their business, anyways? Plus, Greeneyes and Figfeather had basically just been sharing a den with them, so they should get off their high horse and let her and Briarpaw relax a bit instead of being all aggro because their mom is missing, or whatever it was. She really doesn't give a shit, especially not today, which had been pretty decent until these warriors decided to ruin it. Would it kill them to let her just live a little? Just because they were all clearly miserable didn't mean she had to be.

Whatever. Clearly there's no getting out of this, at least not immediately, so she concedes. The apprentice clambers to her oversized paws, spitting,
"Let's just go, Briarpaw. Clearly we can't have any fun around here," She turns on her tail and pads off in the general direction of the apprentices' den. Of course, she has no intention of doing it; she actually can't remember the last time she cleaned her own nest, much less anyone else's. Spiderpaw already plans to just slip out of camp and go take a nap or clean her fur in the sun somewhere.

[penned by dejavu - ]
———————————— ✦.°♱ DOESN'T HAVE A PROBLEM

// out!! :)
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