why did it have to be me? // skyclan patrol

// patrol cats @JAGGEDSTORM @MOMOWHISKER @CINDERPAW. @LUPINEPAW no need to post before them!!

One would never guess the tiny, ducking tortoiseshell was the leader of the dusk patrol as they head along the ThunderClan border. Her ears are pinned, her tail is tucked, and she does her best to remain back in the throng of cats, preferably out of sight of any oak forest dwellers that may come upon them. She has no idea why their deputy would make her leader of anything, nevermind a border patrol! She lacks any sort of confidence around other clan cats, shuts down when all attention is on her, and doesn’t have an authoritative bone in her body!

“Um….should we go, uh, that way? Or….this way?” She murmurs unsurely, casting glances towards her clanmates. Up a ravine, closer along the border, or down the dip further from the border? She isn’t confident in making the call herself.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
As the sun began to set, Roeflame thought about turning back to camp, satisfied with her catches from her solo hunt.
“Um….should we go, uh, that way? Or….this way?”
She doesn’t recognize that voice, and quickly seeks it out.
Creeping through the undergrowth, Roeflame is able to remain hidden while celadon optics hone in on the group of cats come into view from Skyclans side of the border.
Oh. Just a patrol.
Roeflame’s curiosity soon turns into amusement as she watches for a few heartbeats longer, their tortoiseshell leader painfully unsure of themselves.
"Are you lost?" As if born from the bracken, she emerges, making herself known with a question that tilted her head.
While the voice has unfamiliar, the sheepish warrior across from her seemed almost painfully familiar, as though her name was on the tip of the warriors tongue.
Roeflame looks towards the rest of the patrol, but no one else seems familiar other than a vague face she could have spotted at a gathering.

Batwing had been on his own hunt of a different kind- solace. The announcement of the journey, volunteering. Everything that happened with Leopard. His ears warmed momentarily from where he lounged in the tree, needing a brief moment of respite with the forest, the bird chirps, the lowering sun. His eyes were half lidded, basically dozing as voices- unfamiliar and familiar- found his ears. A grumble left him as he picked himself up, stretching, and making his way over.

Slipping free of the bracken to see a patrol and Roeflame, his ears twitched. A gentle dip of his head was given to both sums, vision scanning the patrol to see if he knew anyone specifically. ​
It felt a little surreal to finally be going on a real patrol, not just a silly 'camp patrol' that was supposed to prove her worth. But here she was, officially Cinderpaw, and she was on her first border patrol! She really hoped that any ThunderClanners they ran into were nice enough. Cinderpaw knew each and every Clan likely had their own troubles, and that there had been previous... incidents in recent times. She made sure to stick close to the others, not wanting to end up making a mistake.

Butterflytuft was struggling a bit, though. It was tough leading a border patrol, wasn't it? Hesitantly, she glanced at the other warriors on the patrol, hoping for them to give her the guidance that Cinderpaw, as a new apprentice, couldn't. "It's okay, as long as you're doing your best, right? And as Clanmates, we need to work together and help each other out, I think." She didn't know if it was the right thing to say to try and console the tortoiseshell, or even just in general, but... she wanted to try.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice caught her attention and she stiffened, turning to face the ThunderClan warriors. She dared not answer the question in anyone else's steed, but she stepped back a little bit, afraid that she had somehow gotten too close. Curiosity had been replaced with nervousness, and the blue she-cat wondered if Butterflytuft's anxieties has started to rub off on her too...


Sparkwing has his gripes about Skyclan, but he doesn't despise them like some might for their transgressions. Trespassers stepping on their territory by accident is better than on purpose, he thinks. Because on purpose has more serious implications than someone just wandering. So he approaches the border with a big smile as always, happy to greet them.

"Yeah!!" He agrees with Cinderpaw. "Your best is all you can do, after all!" He says, brimming with positivity and encouragement. He sees how anxious Butterflytuft is and can tell she isn't...Usually doing patrols. Look at her. She needs a hug.

"You don't come out here often, huh...."
He asks, though not rudely. He wasn't going to be mean to someone who looked like they might break like a thin sheet of ice.​
The sound of pawsteps announces the arrival of a few ThunderClanners. Butterflytuft grimaces; this is the last thing she wanted. Shame washes over her, heating her pelt as she ducks even further against her clanmates. They ask if she's lost, and all she can muster in response is, "Um...I, uh...." Through her sheer embarrassment, words do not form on her tongue. She is left a stammering mess before Cinderpaw saves the day, her bubbling optimism giving her encouragement. She offers the girl a small smile, before her attention turns to the ginger tom across the border. "Um, well...I have, I just...don't lead...often." Ever. She scuffs her paw against the ground in humiliation, head ducked.