tunnels why do all the monsters come out at night // burnet

Nov 22, 2022
marmotpaw | 04 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #9ab973
Her solitude has once more been intruded upon. A new day a new partner it seems- mismatched green and orange gaze stares blandly at the she-cat before them, a child of fire and flame and eyes like molten sunshine. there is nothing particularly notable in marmotpaws eyes outside of the apprentices fur color - a bland child she'd never paid much attention to before now. But not she has to, and so she will. "Are you familiar yet with the main tunnels?" she questions simply, head cocked to the side an eyes narrowed as though staring at a particularly interesting insect rather than a fellow cat. There is a moon of difference between them - a moon more of experience that she can lay claim to and she is eager to show it off while she can.



"Uh, not really. Deadleap didn't get the chance to show me yet." Burnetkit's twittering tone piped up, like a chittering song of the moor's pipit, a jaunty rise along the sea of storms and blusters. It was a leaf along the dancing breeze, a lilypad upon the surface that hid its horrors, and a naivete to what lie just beyond the darkness. That didn't matter to her. She had always dreamed of seeing the tunnels, and now was her chance! Molten-sun gaze stared at the unfamiliar tabby she-cat, with owlish gaze potent enough to seem to burn through the skin, microcosms of the sunset's swan song. She was nothing of beauty, though - a spindly creature of gaunt paws. She and Marmotpaw were around the same age, Burnet believed, but they hadn't actually talked until now. Even a 4-moon-old seemed like a grown-up to the little molly. Wow, she's not even looking at me when she talks... That's so cool!, She beamed internally.

Burnet stared back at the tunnels that met her own hungered gaze, as though the abyss could blink back at her, though only chose to stare at her with those impossibly-pitch eyes that stole at the light. Would it eat her own tangerine hues, too? It didn't seem daunting to her, at least. The labyrinthine darkness called to her for adventure, with a saccharhine melody of the wind whistling in stone throat, a world so far removed from the sunlight and the grasses. There was nothing more than she sought for, she figured in a split second of juvenile indecision. The lithe tigrine-striped tabby stood up suddenly, as though she had been startled, but she was just as alert and ready as ever. "But you should take me there! I bet you learned so much from your mentor!" She mewed to Marmotpaw, giving her a thin-lipped smile, one that shone of kit-fuzz and innocence.