why do birds suddenly appear - figfeather

Ever the observant one, he notices one cat in particular. He knows not of their name, nor that she had called for the medicine cats that would help bring him to this world. His sister and brother didn't seem to notice this strange cat that lingered. When his mother had introduced them to camp, cats of the clan came to greet them. Figfeather was different. She would stare and her scent would remain, but not once did she greet him or his siblings. The small ink colored kit would stare at her as she turned away and padded off to whatever grown cats do. He couldn't explain it, but they look sad. Pecular it is because he never exchanged words with her nor did she ever venture close enough for the other kits to speak to her. It was almost as if she was afraid. All he could really tell was something was wrong. It is bothering him too. Does she know how to feels like to be stared at or watched at a distance without saying anything? A part of him wants to sink his little tiny claws into her maw to force it open to make a sound. He thinks this like he doesn't do this himself.

Today is the day where he's had enough. Figfeather once again passes by at a distance and begins to pad away. Hazel eyes glance at his siblings who are napping, which is relief because he doesn't want to get in trouble for wandering too far without his siblings. His tiny legs waddle as quickly as he can to the light colored warrior. Crowkit manages to bump into the legs of a distracted warrior. It is enough to cause him to stumble and make him fall. He lets out a little grunt, the voice of the warrior he bumped into reaches his ears. Hazel eyes scan the camp and he finds Figfeather with finding a secluded spot to rest. His tail wags in excitement, but before he can rise to his paws he feels teeth against his scruff. He lets out a mewl and begins squirming. A chuckle is let out from the warrior that is carrying him, the action highly unsettling. The tom shivers and suddenly he is on his paws again, good as new.

Whoever the warrior is receives no thanks, Crowkit is already running towards his objective. It's quite the work out for little paws, he is already huffing and puffing from the sprint. Eventually the kit slows to down to catch his breath. Figfeather is paying no mind to him, unaware of his presence. This is the first time he's gotten a real look at her. He never knew that one of her legs had a scar. Curiosity wins in the end, he ends up touching his nose against her scarred leg as best as he can. Which means awkwardly. Don't ask him why he decides now would be the best time to sniff her. The reality is that he wanted to confirm if this is the same cat via scent who has been lingering around. He deems that she is the same, his tail swaying side to side at the confirmation. In his own little world, he decides to make himself comfortable against her side, nestling against her as if she were his mother.