why does my heart cry | forestshade

Mar 30, 2023
Her mentor has been in the nursery since they came back to camp, which meant a while, now. Or at least a while in Orchid's mind. Orchid hadn't... meant to avoid her since moving out, really, but she feels fear. Its irrational, completely and whole-heartedly irrational and undeserving but it petrifies her and each time she even thinks about visiting Forestshade she freezes up. It's not my fault, her inner conscious cries and cries but she knows it is.

Orchid hesitantly approaches the hastily rebuilt nursery, a mouse held in their jaws. A peace offering, cause what if Forestshade is mad that they didn't visit? They freeze up, again, right outside of the entrance. Oh... They're feeling sick again. Their head spins and spins and they take a shuddering breath, squeezing their eyes shut as if it'd stop everything in the world. It doesn't, but its temporary relief as darkness washes over their vision. They can do this... They're a big girl, now, and not some sniveling kit. Idly they wish Raggedpaw could be here with them, it'd make it so much easier if they had their best friend.

She pushes inside. She spots her mentors black and orange pelt near instantly, a stark contrast to Halfshades blue and orange. Speaking of, she doesn't see the latter, but she has tunnel-vision on Forest as she walks forth., Wordlessly, she places the mouse down in front of her, taking a seat. What does she say? What does she say?! "I- I, um, i'm s-sorry." her voice shakes. Wavers like a branch in the wind. She says nothing else, does not elaborate what shes apologizing for. "Have- Have you decided... what to name them...?" they do not even mention their fear. They do not confide in Forestshade. They pretend everything is okay and that their temporary halt on training together had no effect.

// @FORESTSHADE set pre-kittens of course
This last half-moon of pregnancy has her energy shot. She is sleeping all the time, and is always hungry. So when the scent of fresh mouse hits her, she is awake, blinking open blind green eyes before a yawn splits her jaws. Orchidpaw's wavering voice accompanies the scent, and she feels the mouse dropped before her muzzle. Hungrily, a tongue swipes across her muzzle before she quips, "Whatcha sorry for? You brought me breakfast!" She doesn't hesitate to tear into the flesh, swallowing a bite before her apprentice can even get her next words out.

Orchidpaw asks her about names and as she takes another bite, she tips her head in thought. "Only one so far," She admits, realizing she hasn't told anyone her choice yet. No father to share with, after all. Swallowing again, she turns a toothy grin towards them. "Briarkit. After Briarstar. You weren't around for her reign, but she is the leader who took me into ShadowClan. She was my first mentor. If I have a daughter, I want her to be named Briarkit."