camp why in the world // curling ears


to hurt is to have loved
May 1, 2024
[ tags but feel free to post before! @ALGAEKIT @Redkit @robinheart ]

The world finds itself clearer by the day. Once darkened became blurry, then frayed edges became sharp. Her legs felt sturdier beneath her with every wobbly second, and the softened coos of her dear mottled mother are more decipherable by the hour. She cannot properly comprehend the words yet, as unfortunate as that is, but she likes Robinheart's gentle voice. It holds her close and lulls her to sleep regardless of the context within the syllables.

She's freshly awake, Rivuletkit is, and she's gnawing firmly on the nearest sibling ear she can grasp. Their ears stand on their own now, twisting by the whim of their owners - however with the weeks of unfurling finally ending, so much is clear. Whilst Rivuletkit's ears stand straight and tall, much like a rabbits - her siblings slope and curve. They twist out then in, as if they were curled by the starry paws of a StarClanner herself.

This gentle difference is not one Rivuletkit cares for as she pokes her sharp kitten teeth into the fuzzy flesh of a curled ear. Her gums hurt, and thus harming another provides her relief.​
Redkit had been comfortably snoring at the stomach of his mother until a sharp pain shoots through his freshly curled vibrant orange ears, a hiss leaving his lips. Unlike Rivuletkit, he had inherited Brookstorm's curled ears and was a blessing from the star coated warrior who'd recently passed. He had noticed the gentle soothing voice of his mother, similar to a siren that makes him and his other two siblings drift into slumber easily as a sailor's attraction to the lullaby of the creatures of the sea. As his sibling nibbles on his left ear, once dreary blue eyes flicker open and reveal an vibrant oceanic color.

A soft noise similar to a snort leaves his mouth as he lets his dearest sister feast on his ear despite the pain, a strong stare lingering on his mother followed by a couple blinks. His big paws fold under his chest as a loud rumbling purrs similar to a thunderstorm leave the tom-kit's frame, content with his little life. An ear munching baby sister, a beautiful mother with the voice of an angel and another sibling that didn't munch on his ears. What a beautiful life, he couldn't ask for much, could he?

In midst of the ear munching and loud purrs coming from him, his vibrant blue eyes close as he drift back to an half asleep state occasionally waking up to an sharp pain caused by Rivuletkit.

There was a power in coming to understand more of one's world. To flit through the secrets of the universe was to read a book to completion, from sprightly youth to the last throes of the elderly. As one read the tome again and again, they saw what they could not before, and understand what had flown above her head the whole time. Gaining new senses was much of the same, rebirthed through different eggs again and again and again. Algaekit did not find any growing pains from this - in fact, he embraced it fully.

Algaekit first felt what was strewn about her, gossamer paws rising with the breaths of breezes and will of the winds. Warmth came from soft fur, some as big as her and some like mountain ranges extending endlessly upwards. She secondly saw what lie around her, though little fluff-brained mind hadn't the gumption to separate color from color and body from body, only following the smoky trails of heat from her surroundings. Flashes of shadows and tints flitted through narrow vision, but if she turned her back to the impossibly-tall warmth, it was only one, immovable color. She thirdly heard what strummed along her, the melody of her world more like the song of soft lichens than anything brass or boisterous, incomprehensible word and inpalatable verse curling along the sides of newly-found sense. She could not distinguish sentence from shiver, conservation from crackle, but she would quickly learn.

Algaekit mewled, as if to scream that he was alive, and very much so. His ears curled upwards and inwards, appearing as two horns that crested as a crown to one who ruled not a kingdom nor a nation, but the matters of the universe itself.

Can you see them Brookstorm? They look so much like you.

The suspicion had been there early on, the way two of the three’s ears began to unfold and develop as the days went on. Deep in the throes of uncertainty and loss this little family had become - not just for themselves but RiverClan as a whole. Robinheart’s chest aches as she thinks about her mate, wishing the blue furred warrior was here to see her children. The queen’s heart hurts as she wishes she could show off her kits’ newest milestone to Troutsnout or Hazecloud or even Moonbeam. Certainly there is joy manifesting within mottled pelt, and coexisting with it is longing.

“Be gentle my little stream,” Robinheart murmurs to Rivuletkit as the kit chews on Redkit’s curled ear, instigating a snort from the fiery tom. A rumbling purr follows and Robinheart stifles a chuckle. “Nothing phases you does it? My cardinal boy,” she leans down to cast her tongue between her son’s ears, comforting him for a moment before turning her attention to Algaekit as he mewled. “And you… a storm to be reckoned with. As commanding a presence as your namesake, little bloom,” she coos to her child. Brookstorm gave Algaekit big paws to fill but Robinheart knows she will make her mother in StarClan proud.

They are growing so fast, Brookstorm. Are you watching? Are you proud of them? Of us?

A subtle sadness rests upon her soft features as she watches each set of ears flick at the sound of her voice, the sound of their mewls, the sound of the nursery and beyond. It seemed like just yesterday they were deaf and blind, relying solely on her. They still rely on her but each passing day allots them more and more independence.
[ penned by kerms ]