why won't the world revolve around me? * sneezefur

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. he has done it. its with a deep, vicious satisfaction that he continues further into riverclan territory. the most persistent concept rattling his brain, it was an idea that he filled his time thinking about - when he wasn't shooting mean sniping comments things to those mainly in the nursery. he needs to get out, needs to stretch his own to paws and see everything and know everything, feel the firm ground under his feet, tired of his paws sinking ever so slightly into the soft grounds of camp. slipping out is relatively easy he finds, and it sends a delighted shiver through him to note that no one's probably noticed his absence, he's free of being known, being talked about along with some dismissal of being trouble. round eyes, that have the tired squint of a young kitten take in the surroundings, the blues and greens of the rivers, the number of low hanging trees.

bitekit can only swim in very short bursts in that so he is limited to what he can wade through, and feasibly make across. he wades into yet another river, overconfidently judging the distance, the reeds tug on his fur short fur and he's nearly managed to submerge himself, when he strains to hold his head up and paddles furiously across the river, small legs working overtime. something cold settles in his chest. when he begins to sink, he knows he won't be able to pick himself back up to the top of the water, he will be dragged deep down, gently pulled to the depths. "
HELP! HELP!" he cries in succession, desperation gripping his tightly as he thrashes violently in the otherwise calm river, it tugs and tugs, no matter how high he cranes his head it too is pulled under.
