A heavy, overly theatrical sign fell from the young molly's mouth as she rolled onto her side, stretching languidly upon the chilled earth outside the apprentice den. Starclan's sake, leafbare sure is boring. There was significantly less prey to be found, which meant less time spent practicing hunting, and it was harder to leave camp without reason which meant if she wasn't helping patrol, she was stuck here. At the current moment she didn't have any more duties to attend to, and was laying idly in the half-empty camp. And for one particularly feisty apprentice, boredom meant she was left to her own devices far too much. A lazy white paw reached out as far as she could without having to get up, unsheathing a single claw and digging it into the hardened dirt. Palepaw dragged her claw in haphazard spirals, creating a careless and honestly ugly little drawing in the ground next to her head.

With a frustrated groan she threw her slender limbs underneath her and climbed to her paws, arching her back to shake off the drowsiness of the past little while spent doing nothing. Relaxing wasn't really her cup of tea, apparently. Sky blue eyes flitted around the camp almost desperately, looking for any poor soul that she could try to amuse herself with. Her gaze quickly latched onto a nearby clanmate, and the fluffy she-cat pounced before they could wander away, bounding up to them and dramatically dropping her head to roughly bump their shoulder in despair. "Help me pleaaaase, I swear i'm going to absolutely die if I spend one more second by myself," she whined good-naturedly, leaning back to stare pleadingly up at her victim with sad little doe eyes. "You have to play a game with me, that's the only cure!" She honestly didn't even care what the game was; she'd be happy just tossing a mossball around, if it meant she had something to keep herself occupied. Heck, she'd even take a story at this point.

[whoever posts next can be her target <3]

Berryheart was not used to being approached for anything other than split flesh- when the apprentice strode over to him and draped her pale form across his shoulder, his first instinct was to give her a meticulous once-over, nose twitching as he checked for any wounds. She was saying she would die, after all... though she was not yowling in pain as he imagined any dying cat should be. Relaxation touched lopsided green eyes after a few moments, humour a deep spark in his gaze. "You're talking to the wrong cat about cures," he murmured, a knowing look upon his expression.

He'd never been one for games, really. Even as a kitten, curiosity had lead him to solutions that play would never. Even from a young age he'd been occupied with odder experiments, more... unconventional thoughts. It meant that he was thus unfamiliar with many games... so, perhaps it would be beneficial not to refuse. "Have you a game in mind?" A direct question, flat-voiced and devoid of excitement as ever... but, so too devoid of distaste. Interest flickered weakly beneath his stony expression.

A light chuckle gave not to her attention to the scene. Palepaw had begun to bother the ever busy Berryheart, begging for play or in her eyes - anything to do. Desperate. It was obvious and expressed with confidence and little to no shame. It was funny.

Redwind decided to stroll over to the pair, wondering if she could take the weight off of the medicine cats shoulders or make it feel of lighter responsibility. "Oh dear, how saddening! We can't have this beauty dying at our paws, can we?" Playful drama adding the the theatrics with a humourous glance towards Berryheart. "How about we find some feathers lying around, a competition to see who finds the most?" Many ideas came to mind to save the apprentice from the ever so fatal death of boredom. Redwind had always bathed herself in social interaction and she had partook in many games as a kitten. Boredom she hadn't found to be a constant bother, imagination soaking her mind or surrounding herself around clanmates. Even going to chat with the elders. "Whoever collects the most gets to be decorated by their picks! What do you think..?" A light playful bump of her shoulder was aimed in Palepaws direction, a smirk etching across her features.


-ˋˏ ༻☽༺ ˎˊ- "Palepaw! Palepaw!"

A blue tortoiseshell came barreling over - she would have bumped into Palepaw with her entire weight had she not stopped herself short. She was out of breath, eyes wide and wild - she had something to say. Something super, super cool that she just saw! But as her gaze caught Berryheart and Redwind on scene, her pawsteps slowed to a walk, and eventually to a halt next to her friend instead. Palepaw was looking for a game? Why didn't she come to her? Badgerpaw's brows furrowed for a moment, before turning her head back towards Palepaw and opening her mouth to speak - but nothing came. "Oh, mouse-dung.. Now I've forgotten what I was going to say."

Redwind's dramatic exclamations of beauty and dying had her ears lower ever so slightly - what strange things. But her game proposition garnered her excitable interest once more. "Oh! Palepaw, that sounds fun! Can I play too?" Badgerpaw turned towards the blue molly once more with another one of her wild, mischievous smiles. Anything to get her out of the duties she was supposed to perform today.

  • badger.png
  • BADGERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, nine moons.
    a lively black-blue tortoiseshell chimera she-cat.
    mate to no one. apprentice to n/a.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.