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Today was...boring, though Finchkit is loathe to admit it. All her siblings have run off somewhere else, or are still hiding away in the nursery, and it seems like nobody wants to indulge her today. Not that she'd really tried that hard to find them - normally, though, it wasn't that difficult to hear Pink-kit from miles away, at least, and it wasn't uncommon to see Downykit or Heathkit trailing along, either. Well, that's just fine - she'll make her own fun! Or at least, that's what she'd thought earlier, practically an eternity ago, and after having cycled through all her usual activities, she still feels as bored as ever. Who knew playing with worms and trying to help shred some moss for some very ungrateful apprentices wouldn't be so fun when it's just you? Determined not to give up - 'cause, if she gives up, what else is she gonna do? Nap? No thank you! - the kitten trots around in a circle near the center of camp, wearing down the ground with her soft paws. If there's nobody around to play with, and playing on her own is no fun, then... A sudden epiphany hits her, clear as day, and she races back towards the nursery entrance, nearly tripping over her own paws in her haste. "Mama! Mama!" she hollers, skidding to a stop just too late to avoid sliding right into Brightshine, albeit gently. "Oomph. Hi, mama!" Even half-upside down, she still wears a cheeky grin, excited by her sudden idea for entertainment.

Even if some of the other warriors and apprentices got tired of her questions, Brightshine never did (and neither did Heavy Snow, but sometimes he's a little harder to find)! "Mama, did you know I saw a cloud fall out of the sky the other day? Some cats didn't call it a cloud, they called it something funny instead, like a 'fly something, but Downykit knew what it was, and I did too! It wasn't like the normal clouds up in the sky though - d'you know why? It was kind brown, like me - is that 'cause it came down from up high?" Taking a deep breath, she pauses for a moment, but it's not long before some other string of thought hops to the forefront of her attention. "I wanna catch a cloud someday... Mama, do you think one will ever come down again? Oh, what if I could go up there and meet them? Have you ever done that before?" The revelation invigorates her, and Finchkit finally sits back up, small paws raring to climb straight towards the sky above to bat around the clouds as though they were super-soft mossballs. "D'you think they're as soft as they look? I think they would be as soft as Heavy Snow - he kinda looks like a cloud! Ooh, has Heavy Snow ever been up in the clouds before?" Finally, her ramblings start to trail off as she stares up at Brightshine, wide-eyed and waiting for a response - any kind of response really, since she'd asked so many questions. Well, in her defense, it hadn't felt like that many questions when she'd just been talking!​
  • Untitled358_20230906125307.png
  • EEHinuI.png
    - Finch Finchkit
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 2 moons
    - Loner Kit of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
Brightshine had just been about to slip out of the gorse den when a blur of pale chestnut fur streaks right inside. She trills in surprise, recoiling only a enough to give Finchkit room to sprawl across the ground, staring up at her with smiling blue eyes. The queen purrs out a laugh, high-pitched voice amused when she mews, "Hi, Finchy!" She hops back a pace and leans down to nuzzle the girl, her purr thunderous in her throat.

Her daughter immediately begins to ramble and ramble, much like Brightshine has often done to other poor clanmates, but the calico does not get bored. With rapt attention she drops onto her stomach, wide, interested eyes staring right back into Finchkit's blue. "A cloud?" She asks incredulously, head cocking to the side but her grin is ever-present on her maw. She listens patiently, her tail flicking back and forth with excitement until finally, the she-kit is done talking.

Brightshine draws in an exaggerated breath that sounds more like a dramatic gasp. She is quick to let words fly, answering every question Finchkit asked in rapid speed, almost mirroring her kit's own rambling. "If it was a brown cloud that's dirty, you don't wanna catch brown clouds, you wanna catch white clouds! AND OF COURSE you can catch clouds, just wait till leaf-bare comes and you'll catch all the falling clouds. Maybe if we go out now and jump as high as we can, we'll get a little in our claws!" Of course Brightshine knows what snow is, she is no complete mouse-brain. But it's way too fun to play into the imaginations of kits! "They're softer than Heavy Snow, if you even thought that was possible!" She trills, bouncing lightly on her heels. When she asks if her father has been up in the clouds the calico only chortles in amusement, scooting closer. "How do you think he got so white and fluffy? He got stained with clouds!"
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Only emboldened by her mother's excited response in kind, Finchkit practically vibrates as Brightshine not only takes interest in what she has to say, but has her own speculations as well; though she's used to Pink-kit's excited prattling, it's still a delightful moment indeed when someone else is able to match her energy. "Oh! Oh! I didn't realize it was dirty - nobody else likes dirty things, 'cept Pink-kit sometimes plays in the dirt with me. I dunno why, though, since she doesn't like being dirty, either!" Already, the revelation of the cloud being dirty is swept away, an easily-excited mind moving right along to the next subject. Speaking of moving along to the next subject - "You mean MORE clouds are gonna fall from the sky? Like, lots more? Even the WHITE ones?!" So far in her very short career, she'd never seen one of the best clouds float down to meet her outstretched claws, try as she might to convince it to come meet with her - for a friendly play, of course, no claws allowed (at least, not until the cloud came all the way down to where she could capture it!)

"Why can't it be Leaf-bare now? I wanna catch the cool white clouds nooow," she all but pouts, dramatically flopping even further to the ground as though the very thought of the seasons not bending to her will has vanquished her. Of course, as soon as Brightshine suggests they go cloud-hunting, even now, bright blue eyes shoot open, and any faux-dramatics she'd put on display are instantly cast aside in favor of a brighter pallor. "Can we REALLY?! Right now? Oh, can you show me how to do it? I wanna be the best cloud-hunter ever!" Once again, though, her attention's pulled away, caught and spooled as though it were something tangible. "No way..." she breathes, awe brimming in her wide eyes as she tries to imagine something even softer than Heavy Snow himself. Impossible! As one of the few resident experts on just how soft Heavy Snow is, she would know, of course! Then again...Brightshine might be one of the only cats even more of a Heavy Snow expert than she is!

If it's possible for her eyes to grow any closer to full-moons, they do when she hears that not only has Heavy Snow been up into the clouds, but he's taken some of them back down with him, too. Permanently! "How long has he been covered in clouds? Is it gonna last forever? How'd he even get up there in the first place, anyways - oh! Do you know how? Could you teach me how? Could Heavy Snow teach me how?" The torrent comes rushing out once again, and Finchkit finds herself taken up with the tide, unable and unwilling to slow her roll. "Is that why cats have white on them? 'Cause they're - 'cause they're stained with clouds?" That...opened up a new world of possibilities to the little kitten, something new to be explored and to be prodded at during every new meeting. "Did you go up there too, since you have white on you, too?" So focused on such a new, exciting idea, she hardly even considers the white shared between herself and her littermates, too, eyes only for the white patches on her mother in this moment.​
  • OOC: --​
  • Untitled358_20230906125307.png
  • EEHinuI.png
    - Finch Finchkit
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 3 moons
    - Loner Kit of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
Her whiskers continue to twitch with amusement, a light and airy giggle leaving her as she lays flat on her belly. She is eye-level with her daughter, ears pressing forward with intense interest. "He's been covered with clouds for seasons, as long as I've known him! You can bet it'll last forever! I think he might be a black cat under all of that cloud!" She purrs and leans forward, bumping her nose playfully against Finchkit's. "I'm sure he would love to teach you!"

Her next question brings up something she hadn't thought enough about. She tips her head in thought before coming up with an easy solution. "Nope! This is just from snuggling with Heavy Snow!" To accompany her words, she leans forward and nuzzles her daughter affectionately, a light and playful growl in her voice. "I'll get clouds all over you, too!"
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"For seasons?" Finchkit repeats, awe tinging her voice. That's, like - a really, really long time, since she's only known one season so far! And, she's pretty sure Brightshine and Heavy Snow have known each other for, like forever, which also happens to be just how long the clouds are gonna stay on him, so that tracks, she's pretty sure. At the idea that Heavy Snow might actually have black fur under all those clouds coating him, she actually stalls for a moment, thinking it over. "He's got black fur, under all those clouds? I wanna see that, even though I don't think he'd be Heavy Snow anymore if he wasn't all covered in clouds like that!" she giggles, bumping her nose right back.

When Brightshine says that she hasn't gone up into the clouds with Heavy Snow, she's instinctively a little disappointed - if he hadn't taken Brightshine up there yet, would he still take her up there? She'd just have to prepare a really good speech about why she needs to see what it's like up there, and stuff, though really Finchkit should be more prepared for the sudden threat of a snuggle attack, since that's where the clouds on Brightshine had come from. As her mama slants forward, snuggling up against Finchkit just like Heavy Snow must've done to her, her giggles erupt into a full blown fit. Torn between wiggling closer and batting Brightshine away to further the game, she finally settles on a happy medium, snuggling back for a moment before pulling away, gleeful cries of "No! No! You gotta catch me first!" punctuating her retreat.

Not that she didn't want Brightshine to cover her in clouds, too, but it felt more fun like this - to dart around, to pretend she was gonna escape before she could get caught. Brightshine's always been really good at those kinds of games - the best, if you asked Finchkit, and probably if you asked her other siblings, too - and she's certainly sure that this one will be no different, especially if it ends in snuggles.​
  • OOC: SO sorry this is so late </3​
  • Untitled358_20230906125307.png
  • EEHinuI.png
    - Finch Finchkit Finchpaw
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 4 moons
    - Loner Kit Apprentice of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
  • Love