WILD AND FREE // patchpaw

// @Patchpaw

"Don't worry, we're allowed to go for a walk. You're with a warrior, so we're not breaking any rules." The new level of authority had grown on him quickly, feeding his massive sense of ego somewhat. Though even he understood that he still had a long road ahead of him if ever wanted to gain the rank of leader one day. In a few moons time he would get to have his first apprentice, with luck anyway, and he just prayed that Howlingstar would give him a decent one and not some loser who couldn't catch a geriatric mouse with two broken legs.

"So, where do you want to go? It's only fair to let the lady pick." He queried with a small smirk of amusement as he looked at the other feline out of the corner of his eye. Quite honestly he would be happy enough going anywhere that Patchpaw picked, with perhaps the only exception being Snakerocks. With the warming weather it was becoming a bit of a risky location to hunt or wander thanks to the adders. He was brave but not stupid.


"Ah--I-I guess it shouldn't bother Rabbitnose too much, then, will it?" Patchpaw glances back over her shoulder behind her, tail twitching in nervous excitement. She's never done anything as far as to break the clan rules before, especially not after being attacked by that tom so long ago, but this... felt different, as though a thrill shot through her bones. Wildheart must be used to doing this all the time.
She quickly hastened up the tunnel, hurrying after Wildheart; she could only hope nobody had spotted them leave.

When he questioned her on where she wanted to go first, Patchpaw hesitates, scrunching up her nose to think. There were a variety of places she could choose, but one particular place stood out to her, and she turns to him with an excited grin.
"Why not Sunningrocks? Everyone's been testy over it I'm sure, both here and in RiverClan, buut it wouldn't hurt if we, say..." She steps around Wildheart, mirth sparkling in her orange eyes, "Snuck in for a while? If we run into anyone there, we can always just feign ignorance." Patchpaw giggles brightly and struts off to lead the way towards Sunningrocks, head held high in the cool spring air.

"And besides. The sun's beginning to set, meaning it's perfect to go relax and enjoy the scenery with each other without smothering heat!" She was right; the sun hung low in the sky, casting long rays of light across the tops of the trees and over Sunningrocks itself. It wouldn't be long after that until the stars came out, and that was something Patchpaw had long since been looking forwards to. No tree canopy could hide the night sky from her. Apart from being fascinated with feathers--"if we have fur, why do birds have feathers?"--she had longed to gaze upon the inky black sky and all its shimmering stars, completely and utterly transfixed by how it stretched from one end of the horizon to the other, seemingly neverending. Sometimes, if she squinted just right, the stars would look like funny porcupines.

And Patchpaw had long since craved to share the awe of the skies with Wildheart.
Wildheart certainly hoped that Rabbitnose wouldn't mind, it wasn't like Patchpaw was going alone or without a strong and dutiful escort. Nothing was going to happen to her, he'd make sure of that. In camp they simply couldn't get any peace so he was keen to extend their reaches out into the territory itself where they could chat and laugh openly without watchers and listeners.

So she wanted to go to Sunningrocks? It wasn't like he could blame her for picking such a spot; lots of prey, excellent views, and the rocks became wonderfully warm when the sun hit them just right. He finds himself smirking back at the she-cat before he quickened his pace in order to keep up as they headed towards the intended destination. "There are plenty of excuses that we can fall on if caught. Though before we get too close I suggest checking for RiverClan scent. Our pesky neighbours have been trespassing, and I'd rather not put ourselves at risk." There was risk to be considered, but it was likely still safer than Snakerocks. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen the stars from Sunningrocks. Think we'll have time tonight?" The idea held an allure, especially if he could do so with Patchpaw.


The last thing Patchpaw wanted to do was start sneaking around Rabbitnose's back, especially after what had happened when she had accidentally wandered off the first--and only--time, much less sneak around behind his back without anyone by her side. But, just this once... She would be with Wildheart, who was by all accounts a fighter. Patchpaw found it was easier to walk among the territory with him by her side, more than most. Strangely enough, his presence was startlingly calming, as though she could hardly believe something bad could even happen tonight.
She can't help the little bubbly laugh that escapes her. He was fantastic--his courage and strength undeniable, and the tenacity of his boundless determination were all too contagious, and she found herself striding forwards with a hum in her heart and a skip in her step.

"I hardly think we'll even meet any now, not after that skirmish," Patchpaw glances over her shoulder at him. While she certainly had her faith, she would be a complete fool not to heed Wildheart's cautious words, but the thought of the stars was quick to distract her from the risks looming over both of their heads.
"I've only ever seen them from camp--the entirety of Silverpelt, stretched from horizon to horizon... It almost sounds like a fantasy." She sighs dreamily at the thought. "I'd love to see them with you, Wildheart. I can't imagine anything better!"

At last, the peak of Sunningrocks well loomed over their heads, and Patchpaw stopped short of the clearing to peek around cautiously. No ThunderClan patrols, and no RiverClan trespassers--at least, as far as she could tell. The scent of the ThunderClan border was fresh, too, unlike the scent of the opposing clan, which had since begun to dwindle with each passing day, and only small remnants remained.

"If I'm right... A border patrol's just gone by not too long ago--they won't be checking again anytime soon, right?" Her eyes sparkle as she turns to Wildheart excitedly. It was perfect timing, and nothing could hinder their little excursion now!
"I wouldn't be so sure..." Wildheart honestly wouldn't put it past the likes of RiverClan to keep trying and trying to reclaim their former stretch of territory. Though if the fish-biters were smart they'd avoid trying anything that night lest they incurred his wrath. However, the plans of potential violence were quelled as he placed his mind back to the plans of a peaceful evening.

The young warrior took the time to examine the scent markers closely, all the while listening to the surrounding air carefully. All was peaceful, and just as Patchpaw had noted the ThunderClan border patrol had passed through recently. Perfect, they wouldn't be doubling back on the same route either. "Correct. Very well noted, Patchpaw." He confirmed with a nod of his head as he looked at the apprentice with pride. Clearly someone had sharp senses.

The tom moved forth and approached the rocks, climbing up onto them and looking out at the river beyond. All was clear it seemed even from the other side so he gave a twitch of his stumpy tail to indicate that it was fine for her to come up to join him. "Right, lets catch something so we can enjoy a meal as we gaze up at the stars." The rocks were rich with prey after all, and every good show needed a decent meal.