New name, new nest, one might say . . . or so Doeblaze thinks as she begrudgingly drags her rather busted - up old nest out of the warriors' den, memories piled carefully in its hard - beaten center. Rarely is she given over to such sentiments . . . and equally scarce are her half - hearted attempts at remaking the stars - damned thing. Without Yukio to draw her into making piles of color - blushed wildflower crowns, nor the spare hours to do so, her weaving skills have deteriorated such that her nests often end up as barely workable piles of moss rather than comfortable beds. What does it matter, really? The important thing is that she has a thing to sleep on, its comfortability not withstanding.

All the while, she's conscious of a little shadow at the edge of her vision . . . newly named @Teeveepaw. trails her silently in and out of the den as she moves the falling - apart nest out and begins a hurried attempt at forcing her gathered moss to coalesce into a new one. The nest taking shape is painfully slapdash, the warrior hurriedly mounding moss on a hastily woven frame . . . she really doesn't care how comfortable it is, the important thing is finishing the damned thing so she can take out Cloudypaw for a lesson.

She'd given the poor soul the morning to sleep in after their paw - bruising territory tour the preceding day, and as soon as her nest is finished, she plans to head over to the apprentices' den and rouse him for a climbing lesson. The earlier they started the better . . . hopefully, Cloudypaw'd be flying through the trees alongside her in a smattering of moons. It's difficult to ignore Teeveepaw as she starts tucking trinkets into her new nest's patchy surface with much more care than she'd shown constructing it . . . each dried flower has its place along with a small stone and a fur - crowned scrap of moss, all placed carefully so she wouldn't crush fragile petals in her sleep.

" Hello, Teeveepaw, " she finally greets, eye still trained on the shoddy nest as she pushes the stem of a sun - dried rose into its edge. If the apprentice's looking to learn anything from watching her nestmaking, they might want to go elsewhere . . . Straightening up with a soft sigh of an exhale, she blinks in what she prays is a friendly manner ( hard to judge with only one eye ) at Teeveepaw, mrrowing with a low note of amusement, " If you're looking for a nest - weaving lesson, I'd go elsewhere . . . "

OOC : Please wait for Teeveepaw to post!

teeveepaw & 06 moons & nonbinary & they/them & skyclan daylight apprentice

Teeveepaw is a quiet child - preferring silence to speaking, content to just watch. But that doesn't stop them from being an inquisitive child - full of burning curiosity and the need to learn all they can. Skyclan is a strange place, full of new and wonderful things. in truth, they are still struggling to wrap their mind around all the changes - the culture, the way things work around here. Perhaps their indecision had been detrimental after all, for if they had tagged along with their family sooner perhaps they wouldn't feel so left behind.

Still, they refuse to flail and flounder, instead doing what they do best. Doeblaze is a somewhat familiar face - one of the first to introduce herself to them upon their joining. And so when she sees the warrior bustling around camp, they follow - mismatched eyes wide and owlish as they take mental notes. The concept of nests is still a bit baffling - like the soft plush pelts they lay upon in their twolegs nest, only made of.... moss, they think it's called.

It doesn't look like much in truth - how, exactly, is something like that comfortable to sleep on? Doesn't it get annoying, don't they get aches and pains sleeping on the hard ground all night? These questions and many more flit through the chocolate felines mind one after another, but still they remain a silent observer. Until at last their presence is noticed - or at least, called out. In that moment, they are glad for their dark pelt as they feel cheeks heat and ears draw back, shame-faced by their lingering. " I... how do you - that looks as though it would be uncomfortable. To sleep on, I mean "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

A N D W E D O N ' T S T A Y F O R L O N G