The day is lovely when she leads little @budkit from the holly - lined mouth of the nursery, rasping assurances to Butterflytuft, promising that she'll keep the pointed kit safe and entertained so that the tortoiseshell queen can get some much - needed shuteye or simple downtime. The sky is the nearly glowing blue of midsummer, dusky and warm as sun - ripened fruit, bursting with promise for her impromptu playdate with her friend's kitten. Clouds spill across the sky, of course, but they're white and downy - soft as a fledgling, appearing to carry nothing but pleasant shade in their soft ivory bellies.

It's easy to let a smile curve onto her scarred muzzle when she rolls a mossball easily between white paws, batting it gently towards the little point, idly wondering if her " opponent " might have an upper hand with the extra toes on her small paws. The camp is nearly empty, it being midday, when most patrols are out—in some star - blessed miracle, Doeblaze is actually not out for once, and Cloudypaw is presumably off having a fun time of his own with his peers, or catching some hard - earned sleep. There appears to be no end in the near future to their little game, the warrior murmuring encouragements to Budkit, enjoying the happy peal of her bright, sloping kitten - meows, until . . .

. . . the sky suddenly splits open, the innocence of the clouds above abruptly proving faux as rain pours from their greying bellies. Cool droplets drive down upon the both of them, leaving Doeblaze blinking and spluttering at the ferocity of the flash rainstorm. She glances at Budkit, whose fun has suddenly been put out—at the mouth of the nursery, where Butterflytuft is no doubt enjoying her rest—at the emptiness of the warriors' den at midday—and her brows quirk together.

She can't bear to end the little kit's fun so soon, and so Doeblaze smiles conspiratorially, jerking her head in the direction of the bramble - bush. Her voice aludes to the mystique the place presumably holds for Budkit as she mrrows, " How about we go hide from the rain in the warriors' den? "


Doeblaze must be someone very special to Butterflytuft to be allowed an afternoon with Budkit. Rarely does the point kitten leave her mother’s side - she has no reason to be separated from the queen who loves her and cares for her (and only her, much to her delight). However the promise of a game is too tantalizing to pass up and Budkit agrees with minimal hesitation. She only hopes this game is much nicer than Oleanderkit’s game.

Plodding behind the scarred warrior like a gosling, Budkit oohs and ahhs at the sights of camp. The various dens and important landmarks and differing scents… it is a lot for a youngster to take in. Almost too much. Her mittened paws slow the further they get from the homey holly laced nursery, oceanic eyes glancing back as if hoping to see sunflower gaze staring back with encouragement. She doesn’t see her mother but Doeblaze’s presence is soothing enough to keep her planted in place rather than fleeing to plush fur and inviting milky scent.

Budkit’s uncertainties are washed away in the newfound glee of mossball. Ebony paws pounce upon and bat at the lump of foliage; a chunk of vegetation she thought was only for sleeping in. Who knew it could also be a fun toy?! This pretty Doeblaze lady really knew how to have a good time. “Got ya’!” The kitten remarks - a ferocious battle squeak - as she catches the ball batted her way, her ‘thumbs’ acting as catcher’s mitt to keep it secure rather than bouncing or rolling away. She pulls back her paw to hit it towards her playmate, muscles twitching with toddler level strength, when…


Darkened ears fly back against her skull and baby eyes widen at the fat drop of wetness that has landed upon her nose. Budkit instinctively looks up only to be met with a downpour of rain. Pelting and soaking her in seconds, Budkit squeaks her displeasure and begins to cower against the muddying ground. “What dis?!”Confusion and fear paint themselves upon her innocent features as she looks to Doeblaze for answers to the sudden storm.

‘How about we go hide from the rain in the warrior’s den?’

Intrigue perks soaked ears and Budkit lifts her head a little. “Wawwios den?” The point child repeats as she peels her gaze from the lilac molly to seek out a den she has never been in before. “Budkit want wawwios den,” she agrees as muddy paws push herself up from the ground and toddle to Doeblaze’s side, then somewhat underneath her to try and get away from the fat raindrops chilling her thin pelt.
[ penned by kerms ]