camp WILD ROSES // fashion fail(??)

Mar 7, 2023

(=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡♡ Paws expertly weave flower stems into each other to form a circle, a headpiece, or perhaps it’d even look nice around the tail? Darterwing has not decided yet what this craft would be used for, but she was hoping to find some place to wear it… The piece consisted of white tulips and purple pigmented azaleas (in moderation), she felt they added a nice touch of colors.

Once she felt confident she had done a satisfactory weaving job she picks the craft up and tries to thread her tail over it. She finds it to be a bit loose, wanting it to be tighter around her tail, and huffs in frustration. Was she really going to have to redo this whole thing again?!!? Just when she thought she was going to have the most wonderful look today… Other flowers were already placed in her fur, specifically at the neck and shoulders. She was due for a border patrol any heartbeats now, and she felt unsatisfied in her “uncompleted” look. Most even in RiverClan, would argue she was already looking over the top, however.
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She had noted Daterwing in camp, she only remembered from the things she wore. It tickled her brain a bit in question as to what the reason was. She only kept her coat through regular grooming and that was about it. She never found the strength to approach the other, she had never found the strength to approach unless the curiosity was hard to contain. In this case, it was hard to contain as she had never seen a clanmate weave flowers.

Her eyes squinted and her neck craned from her comfortable spot as she watched her clanmate struggle from afar. She gently got up and cocked her head to the side, gaze switching back and forth between her and the failed weave of flowers. "Having trouble? That's really pretty. But, uh.. what's the reason?" She wondered if she could help her out but she didn't know how to do such complicated crafts. Obviously, she was having trouble with it so maybe it was so complicated she couldn't help.

( ) "stars, you are colorful, darterwing!" the femme calls as she glances up from a quick grooming session. flicking a paw out to smooth the fur on her face, willowroot scans the full extent of her clanmate's decoration. standing to pad over to the femme, she notes the unsatisfied look on her face and brows twitch downward. "i like the circlet! very spring," she hopes to reassure darter, although she does admit privately that the countless flowers everywhere else are a bit excessive for her taste. still, the woman looks elegant. peralnose's vocals ring out and the lead warrior turns to glance back at the patched warrior, humming softly to herself. "aye, do you need help, darter?"

Ravenpaw's pitch black coat in theory was the perfect canvas for any sort of decoration—yet he was rarely seen donning his coat with flowers or sprigs. He had simply not found something worth decorating with.

"We're going to be late for patrol, Darterwing." Ravenpaw bluntly informed his mentor, sweeping a colorblind gaze over the she-cat's choice in flowers. He had always admired her reed-weaving skills, however. His paws were not quite as deft as hers. He discretely rolled his eyes at the two other warriors encouraging her decoration. Ravenpaw sat down and yawned widely, showing off a curled pink tongue and razor-sharp teeth. It looked as if he would be here for a while.

where the angels sing ✧°. ———————————— Much like her older sister, Catfishpaw was quite the fan of elaborate decoration, though she had been so busy with training as of late and the hobby had taken the backseat. Catching the colourful molly in the clearing had been enough to reignite that passion she had pushed down.

Her eyes had also spotted the very plain coat of Ravenpaw, and although she heard him complaining about being late already she couldn’t help but offer her services “Ravenpaw you are going to be looking like really plain compared to Darterwing. I’m just suggesting perhaps I could help you add some colour to your fur, so you won’t look out of place. she really wasn’t waiting for an answer and was just kinda hoping Ravenpaw would be game as she started sorting through some of the extra flowers her sister had left on the ground. What colour do you think will suit him best Darterwing?
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———————————— .°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey
beesong tries not to judge others for their appearances or their tastes... both are out of anyone's control, so why should he look down at another for looking different or having different preferences? but when he glances towards darterwing and sees a messy amalgamation of colorful petals adorning almost every inch of her neck and shoulders... well, beesong couldn't stop the thought of, isn't that a bit much? from crossing his mind.

beesong forces the crease between their brows to flatten, huffing and shaking their head. if darterwing liked the obnoxious amount of flowers... good for her, they suppose. however, that doesn't stop the light-hearted jab from rolling off of their tongue as they pass by. "try not to get attacked by a swarm of bees. i still need to stock up on blackberry leaves."

catfishpaw comments on ravenpaw looking bland compared to darterwing, and beesong picks up the pace. he doesn't want catfishpaw getting any ideas for him, too.