sensitive topics WILD THINGS ⁀➷ KIT TAKEN BY OWL

( ⁀➷ )  The child is a fragile thing, as all children are.

All soft tissue and downy fur, tangles groomed carefully by its mother, a bundle of fuzz and filmy innocence, eyes glassy and not yet fully aware of itself or the world it inhabits. Not unbothered, as a child should be, but wary, sharpened young. Two full moons it has witnessed, and the world has only grown colder.

It is a thing born of the dying leaves, its arrival heralding the cold to come. Its mother had done her best, of course, to keep that chill away from her smallest daughter, but Baying Hound is a mother neither soft nor fragile. She is a creature of gnashing teeth and calloused paws, anger wielded like a weapon. A creature of survival, befit the name she was granted by her mother before. Baying Hound's mother was not so kind as herself, but the child knows nothing of that. The child only knows its mother's sad eyes and rasping tongue, her snarling rage at a world seemingly desperate to do nothing but take her children away.

It's not Baying Hound's fault, really. Her vigilance is cracked by tiredness, and one cat can only do so much. It was her stubborn independence, a solitude born of fear and bitterness, that let disaster take her child. A need for food called her paws elsewhere, and unwatched children have a particular talent for tragedy.

But still Baying Hound lingers, even as for as she is now, for the child remembers what she taught it. As all kits do, it knows how to imitate. Bared teeth like its mother, a fear beneath its skin whose source it could not place.

It did little to help, but at least the child can say it met the spectre of death with unsheathed claws.

The coming of the hungry seasons bring fear to all; Baying Hound felt it, and the clans feel it too. The rotting leaves serve as omen of death, starvation. The older beasts know to hunger before the pains have fully set in. The owl had flown far from its nest in search of food. The child had not ran, not searched for its mother, but snarled as it stood protectively before its siblings.

Baying Hound will return to a nest absent one child. She will assume it dead, and she will be justified in doing so. She will mourn, and she will grow a little colder with the dying of the leaves.

But the child is a surprisingly resilient thing.

Talons dig into its back, bone-deep pain like a child should never know. Blood drips a trail from open wounds as the beast shifts its grasp to cage the unruly, yowling thing in its claws. The child will not die quietly, and it screeches its protest for the whole forest to hear, pain fear anger blending into a gutteral howl louder than a tiny thing like itself should be capable of. Though it cannot fight, cannot save itself, it can still make itself known.

Fallow, the child's name is. A soft name, the gentle color of its fur before the points began to set in. A name already grown distant as its pelt darkens into a deep and earthy brown. Fallow likes her name, likes the soft feel of it as it rolls across her tongue. She is not old enough to name the fear of no one but her mother remembering it, of her siblings knowing her name only as a distant memory.

She is far from home now, far from the old abandoned fox burrow her small family took refuge in. In the territory of the cats her mother bristled her fur at, sneered and distrusted and fought. Fallow knows none of this. She only knows the dizzying feeling of being aloft, the unfamiliarity of the ground below. She only knows the fear and the pain and the want for freedom.

Fallow writhes and screams, and the owl's grip slips.

The crashing to the ground is nearly as unpleasant as the feeling of claws beneath skin. A dull and blunt pain, but a pain nonethless. She falls clumsily, unexpectedly, crashing down on paws that cannot catch themself, fire lancing up her body from her paws. Her chin hits the ground, and the screeching stops with an abrupt thump, a whoosh of air leaving the tiny body as she lays, motionless.

Her breaths are shaky. Her body is pained. But she is free, and she is alive. She'd laugh, if she had the strength for it. A pyrrhic victory. Maybe it'd make her mother proud. She'd like to pretend that, pretend it wouldn't just bring more sadness to her eyes.

But she cannot move. Her bloodsoaked body is too pained, a new and just as unwelcome form of restraint. Fur once downy has become a red mess of mats, any trace of fallow drowned in deep crimson. The small body shakes, eyes peering skyward. She cannot rest yet. The beast lingers, circles. Its shadow blots the sun from her eyes.

Fallow digs her claws into the ground, unable to draw to her feet, and stares down the death that careens downwards to meet her yet again.

  • // tldr; rogue kit got yoinked by an owl and dropped in tc territory. the kit is badly injured & the owl is swooping in to re-grab her :0

    feel free to powerplay the owl!! anyone can be the one to drive it off <3

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"SPEECH" When Burnstorm had been a kit he remembers travelling to SkyClan, he remembers trailing behind his mother slowing down for just a moment to look at something. What that something was he does not remember now. Looking back it seemed so insignificant - so kit like and he wishes he had just stayed close to his family because the next thing he had known claws were digging into his back and a hawk was taking him away from everything he had ever known. In those moments he remembers being convinced he was going to die. He cried out for his mother, but it had been a SkyClan apprentice who had ultimately saved his life. The very same cat would go on to kill his sister.

Funny how fate plays out like that.

Burnstorm is out on patrol when he hears the screams and immediately he is tearing through the undergrowth towards the sound of crashing. When he gets there what he sees is straight out of a nursery tale told to scare kits into behaving. There is more blood then he knows how to handle and for a split second he has to process what is happening, if the kit is even still alive. Then he looks up and sees the owl.

A white masked face is coming careening down on silent wings and it is with a fierce snarl and a yowl that Burnstorm launches himself forward, hoping to scare the creature off. The owl will not be dissuaded so easily however. It turns all of its fury on its new target, him. Claws scratch at his back and wings beat about his head. He writhes and twists to escape its grasp and try to hit it, to get it to go away, but the owl is determined.

All he can hope for now is for the rest of his patrol to catch up.

  • ooc : — apprentice tag : @FALCONPAW.

  • he / him
    thunderclan lead warrior
    single ; crushing on roeflame

    - - Burnstorm is a hot headed tom who, above all, loves his clan and his family. He cares deeply and passionately for those closest to him and is one of the most loyal friends a cat could have. Because of his half-kitttypet heritage, Burnstorm is always hard at work, believing that he has to put in twice the amount of effort a normal cat does in order to prove himself as a worthy clan member
    ISTJ-T 'the logistican'

    - - a large, black furred tom with golden eyes
    toyhouse [ ]

    skilled fighter and decent hunter
    LITTLE WOLF X BLAZESTAR ; sibling to Fireflypaw, Howlfire, Morningpaw, Moonwhisper, Duskpaw and Skypaw

// @skypaw

Howlingstar is only alerted to the danger present in her territory when her grandson's yowl splits the air. For a moment, she is taken back several moons, to when boars traipsed through their territory, when Racconstripe's cry filled the air and she found him bleeding on the ground. Only now, in her mind it is Burnstorm on the ground. Without a word to her patrol she bounds towards the screech, and as she draws nearer the scent of blood fills the air. Is it rogues? She thinks, surprised they've come so far into the territory.

She bursts through a clump of bracken to find the ebony tom grappling with a winged beast. Shock pins her there for a moment, jaws agape as her eyes quickly find the weak, bloodied scrap of a kit nearby. The owl had been hunting it! She realizes with a start. The tabby leaps into action, bounding forward to stand menacingly in front of the child. A fierce snarl rips through her throat as she lunges, swiping furiously with unsheathed claws that slash through feathery wings.
The screech of cats caused Leopardtongue's fur to rise on end, worry for her clanmates wracking through her brain. Where Howlingstar remembered the boars the rosette tabby remembered the battles of the past, cats fighting with each other and pained or worried yowls coming from all directions. At first she thought there were rogues in the territory once more, a fight the result from trying to run them out, but the real thing happening caught Leopardtongue off guard as she burst through the clearing was much worse.

"Go back to camp, warn Berryheart." The quick words she shot towards her temporary apprentice, hopeful that if they were to warn the medicine cat quickly that he would be able to meet them halfway - after the owl was dealt with.

Quickly, Leopardtongue lunges towards the back of the owl in an attempt to claw at it enough to run it off. There were three adults here now, and surely the winged hunter would see that it's prey was no longer small enough not to fight back. So long as it's back was turned to her the warrior found herself swiping and praying to StarClan that no one else would get hurt.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 35 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally

Unfortunately for the owl, another cat would be joining the fray and hearing the yowl had drawn the large tomcat forward as he tried to process everything that was happening before noticing a little kitten that was bleeding then his gaze focused on the owl that was being attacked by three of his clanmates. The fur on his back beginning to rise as he storms forward and swipes at the owls chest with a hefty paw with claws outstretched and unsheathed, he was determined to cause it as much damage as possible.

His thick, fluffy tail lashing behind him and attempts to bite down one of the owls wings to try and startle the bird of prey if he failed or succeeded. He didn't care what happened so long as the predator left realizing that it was outnumbered.

  • grizzlyjaw.png
    ✦ 50 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic, mates w/honeydapple
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ difficult in combat; relies on brute strength, street smarts, and his large size
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus
Being with a new mentor is strange, and the loss of his former mentor only makes the experience worse. Burnstorm is a good clanmate and a strong warrior, of course; he’s just not her. He’s only a few months older than Falconpaw, and there’s a certain awkwardness that the apprentice feels when his former denmate acts as a mentor to him. It’s embarrassing, almost, but any shame is quickly drowned by sorrow. He wants his old mentor back, but she’ll never get to take him on a patrol ever again.

Admittedly, Falconpaw is lost in thought as the patrol pads along. He doesn’t register the screaming until his the dark-furred tom is taking off into the undergrowth, and by then it’s too late to react, to stop him. "Burnstorm-" he doesn’t get to say anything else, like come back, because his new mentor is already barreling off after the noise. The cream tabby races off in his new mentor’s pawsteps, determination burning through his form as he rushes to Burnstorm’s side. The sight of the owl is enough to send him skittering backward, though—those claws are intimidating, and he’s not eager to be caught up in them. After a moment, though, a few more warriors join in the fight, and Falconpaw has the chance to scramble back and approach the poor scrap of a kit who seems to have been the owl’s potential prey. Howlingstar has taken a defensive stance in front of the kit, as is typical of the leader, but is it even still alive?

"Hey," he says, leaning down to the kit’s level. "You’re—you’re safe." The boy grimaces, wincing at the awkwardness in his own voice. There isn’t much time to think about what he should say, though, so Falconpaw keeps talking, hoping to get some reaction out of the kitten. Maybe if it can get up, he can get it out of here while the warriors are distracting the owl. But if it can’t move on its own, then he doesn’t know what to do. It seems rude to just pick it up and drag it across the dirt—would it hate him for that? Would the warriors turn around and scold him for hurting the kit more? "Can you, uh, walk any? " Stupid question, he thinks as he stares wide-eyed down at the red mess that has become of the kit’s fur. "We have a healer—uh, he can fix you. He’s really smart, and he’s kind of nice, too." His mouth moves seemingly without conscious thought, pale paws drifting around before the kit without any idea what to do.
[ find me way out there ]
( ⁀➷ )  Fallow braces herself for a death that does not come, and is met with cacophany. The cat of pitch is the first to arrive, drawing the owl's ire. She's glad. A different target means - means that maybe it'll leave her alone, and she can lay here until she feels better. Maybe the owl will try to take the night-cat. He'll make a better meal anyway, being nearly as big as the owl itself.

But there are more cats, faces Fallow has never seen. The large wood-pelted cat, charging towards her only to stand before and snarl at the beast that tried to take her. It reminds her of Baying Hound, and it makes her chest feel tight.

Then two more: one dirt-dappled and one stone-pelted. They slash at the owl, fur bristled. The dappled-cat barks an order it doesn't understand. The owl is surrounded now, claws and teeth raking through its feathers, flecks of blood joining her own among the dirt. A swipe to its chest, its back, teeth sinking into its wings. It screeches, flaps its wings in protest. Jerky flight as though it doesn't know where to go. They've ruined its hunt, she knows.

The owl had sought an easy target. Its departure is swift and panicked, not so much as attempting to approach the kit again. Something in Fallow eases.

She's aware, vaguely, of a smaller figure approaching her. Leaning sown. Speaking - to her? "Ssuh," is all that comes out at first, jaw working against the pain and stiffness that lances through it, tongue unfamiliarly clumsy in its mouth. The child's face scrunches up in concentration."Sa - safe...?" The words aren't as suspicious as she intends, coming out breathy and imprecise. She blinks her eyes open to peer up at the figure looming over her, the one with the wheatgrass pelt. He looks like the daylight sky in reverse, a sea of golden-sun housing round sky-blue eyes. A savior like from one of her mom's stories. The delivery of salvation is flawed, however; his voice carries in it awkwardness, his face hesitance. She bares tiny milk-teeth at him distrustfully.

And he asks if she can walk. With more presence of mind, the question might anger her - does it look like she can walk? But Fallow has not the energy for anger. "Mm - mm. Can't..." is all she manages.

But she can still try. Bad idea or not, Fallow tries to push herself up to standing. It hurts, but so does not moving. It's a slow process; Her legs are shaky, barely holding her weight as she turns wide golden eyes to the tom. Looking for approval, for instruction, something. She doesn't know how much longer her legs can hold her, half-crouched and barely standing. She does know that she can't manage any more than this, and there is bitterness in the thought.

  • // the owl is gone!! :D
  • ˏˋ ° • *⁀➷ FALLOW. ROGUE KIT. SHE / HER & IT / ITS.

As more clanmates join the fray, Howlingstar is more confident in her swipes, her snarls becoming more ferocious. She takes small steps backwards to be closer to the kitten but her narrowed eyes remain locked on the bird. It is when Leopardtongue joins the fight where her eyes blow wide with alarm. "Leopardtongue, get back!" She orders, knowing full well she is in her second moon of pregnancy. She should be in the nursery, not fighting owls. But she can't do anything right now, only continue to defend the small she-kit until the warriors are collectively able to drive off the beast.

She is panting when she stands back to her full height and turns concerned eyes onto the child. "Stars..." She murmurs as she takes in the full extent of her injuries. "Falconpaw, can you pick her up?" She offers softly, trying to remain as calm as she can in front of the kit. At this age, she is still little, but it is difficult to carry by the scruff without partially dragging. "We need to get her back to camp, to Berryheart as soon as possible." Falconpaw is likely the fastest cat here.

"And you," She turns around, eyes narrowing upon the queen. "You will get back to camp and have Berryheart and Lichenpaw look over you, too, before going back to the nursery. I don't want you leaping into danger like that ever again until your kits are born and apprenticed, do you understand me?" Familiarity rolls off her tongue as she scolds Leopardtongue as she's reminded of scolding Sunfreckle in the very same manner. ThunderClan queens don't know when to quit, it seems.