camp Wild Things | Kit Game


Fair skies
Mar 6, 2024

Tornadokit’s claws scrape on aged bark, digging as dee as they can as he hauls himself upwards with a grunt. His hind legs clumsily push off the ground as he scales this once massive obstacle - he’d once been unable to even get halfway up this stump moons ago. He’s grown, his legs are much longer and he has much more strength however untoned it was. Finally he reaches the pinnacle and feels a flood of pride in his chest as he leaps up onto the stump (partway between the warriors den and the nursery). He puffs himself out tail held high and curling at the end, he smiles and regardless how small this achievement was, it was his! However he was gonna risk it, gonna challenge his denmates to a game of high stakes. He catches sight of some of the other kits - most of which are younger than him.

"I’m the stump-leader! I’m the evil Tornadostar ROAAAR!" he yowls his decree getting very into his act. "Anybody who pushes me off gets to be the new stump-leader! FOREVER!" but he wouldn’t make it easy, this was his stump he’d fight with his life! Well maybe not that hard in actuality but he would fight! It’d be good training he thinks for him and anyone who came to try and steal the stump, maybe he’d even be able to impress some of the warriors with his moves! Maybe even Howlingstar would see and make him HER apprentice! The idea motivates him all the more, the stump-king readies himself for his mighty opponents. His tail lashes and he crinkles his muzzle in mock threat - though he’s still smiling so he just winds up looking more silly.

"Come and get me!"

  • text
  • pTNHeLy.png
    Tornadokit He/Him, Thunderclan Kit, 5 moons
    Brown and white masked tom with blue eyes
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​
ThunderClan still does not quite feel like home to her, though Tornadokit had certainly tried to make it that way for her when she’d first arrived. The she-kit tumbles out of the nursery behind him, watching in awe as he tugs his growing brown body over the top of the stump in the clearing. Dark eyes glow as he stomps around the top, proclaiming himself to be the evil Tornadostar. Her brow furrows—the only cat who has star in their name is Howlingstar herself, but she does not think Howlingstar is evil.

She bounds closer, tail puffed out like a slender cloud behind her. “I have a question for you, Tornadostar,” she mews, skidding to a halt before the stump. She won’t try to claim it for herself—she could never beat Tornadokit in a fight. Curled ears flick forward as her brow furrows. “How come leaders have star in their names?” She figures there must be a reason for this… perhaps the older tom knows what she does not.

  • ooc:
  • Adora . Ivorykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 2 moons old, ages realistically on the 16th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — thunderclan kit. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh white she-cat with curled ears and brown eyes. compassionate, righteous, naive, idealistic, self-doubting, self-destructive.

( 💫 )

Eyes wide, Softkit gazes up at the brown and white kit, so high in the sky. He's practically a cloud! The awe quickly turned into a seed of jelousy. Claws extended as deep as she could push them. The bark ripples and seems to shift, giving here and staying firm there as she tries to heft herself ontop of the stump - or at least, a little bit higher. Her claws find purchase, but really only hold for a moment before she is left dangeling from her claws, and then sliding back down.
Tail lashing, the kit can't help but hiss, her eyes trained on her newest challange - the stump.
And then, a new voice. "Ivorykit - that's not how you play the game! You have to climb the stump, not bother Tornadostar with dumb questions!"

BUT I'M JUST SO OUT OF MY DEPTH — As was the norm for the young Thunderclanner, Coalkit's face was trained into careful neutrality as he approached Tornadokit and his stump, just on the verge of something akin to annoyance. Much like Ivorykit, he wouldn't even be making an attempt to try and shove the older kit from his makeshift leadership platform, for a variety of reasons. The main one being that he wasn't even sure he would make it up, his climbing skills messy and unrefined at best. Not to mention the kitten fat that still plagued him, leading to him being one of the more bulky kits of the nursery at the moment - but also more slow than most of his peers. The thought of trying and failing was even more mortifying than not trying at all, leading him to settle near Ivorykit. Even if that might lead to Softkit trying to scold the both of them.

Though his own scolding instinct couldn't be resisted, voice raising as his lengthy tail dragged back and forth along the ground behind him. "You know, you can't be Tornadostar. Cause you'd only be a star if you went and Starclan told you you were. So you're still just Tornadokit, king of the stump." Coalkit didn't seem particularly concerned about being pedantic, instead more focused on how his denmate was wrong. Though after a moment his eyes narrowed, tail still twitching with childish irritation as he glanced towards the entrance to camp. "Unless you went and snuck out to the Moonstone all on your own. I don't think Howlingstar would like that though..." He knew he was taking all of this far too seriously, but what else was there to do when you were still stuck in camp? Well, besides the game that Tornadokit was already suggesting, which just made Coalkit want to go hide out back in Roeflame's nest.

  • 80155835_FbFPjksnsoCGuSC.png
    shorthaired black smoke with forest green eyes
    amab; goes by he/him pronouns
    2 moons old; ages the 5th every month
    homosexual; not yet interested in romance
    son of leopardtongue and batwing
    brother to bravepaw, cougarpaw, hazepaw, foxpaw, and hopekit
    extremely difficult to befriend; cold and blunt
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic

Scorchedkit loped after her denmates with a bright grin, her eyes trained steadily upon the stump Tornadokit stood upon. She stands idle beside Ivorykit, an ear twisting in the pale molly's direction as the likes of starclan is discussed. "Although it's just a game it'd be pretty cool if one of us did become leader one day, right?" She chimed in after Coalkit. The thought was a little far fetched but nice to think about. After all, Howlingstar would be around forever, or so she thought. "What would you guys do if you were the leader though?" The tortoiseshell asked, gaze sweeping around since she was curious to know their thoughts. However, once Softkit failed to make little headway she stepped closer with an idea brimming in her mismatched gaze. "What if we worked together? Maybe I could give you a boost so you can get up there?" Scorchedkit added bounding up to the stump with her flank pressed against it. Tornadokit never said how they could climb up the stump.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   thunderclan kit / three months / she/her  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

The first mighty challenger is Ivorykit who he puffs his chest out at and tries to look tough but the goofy smile on his face well it isn't very intimidating at all - he'd need to perfect his acting skills. But she doesn't try to clamor up after him, if she did despite well really liking winning he'd probably let her trip him that'd be the nice thing to do - his younger denmate needed the confidence boost while she was still settling! Instead she poses a question, he sits on his haunches a paw tapping to his chin inquisitively as he thinks, he's heard a few stories and well he does know the trust but it fought with his own reasoning of it just being plain cool and standing out. He's zoning out in deep thought of the right answer to give her just as his first real challenger begins climbing up - Softkit is brave but she hasn't become a master like him yet! He looks down at her and smirks just as she mewls at Ivorykit how she wasn't playing right. He answers regardless of her complaints "It's cause they're special, Starclan likes them a whole bunch. They're the dead cats in the night sky" not the most tactful introduction of their customs. "They give them nine lives isn't that insane!" he wants nine lives, he'll be a real "Tornadostar" one day!

"Now come and get me before I start doing evil things!" he had no clue what he'd do it's an empty threat - a motivating empty threat.

More come to try and topple the corrupted king of the enormous stump, Coalkit's more of a downer then a fired up challenger he questions the logistics of his rule over his dominion. Tornadokit sticks his tongue out playfully at him "Starclan thinks I'm so powerful and worthy I didn't even need to make the journey" he's quick with his response "I bet even Howlingstar can't climb this stump!" he declares and he knows it's false and prays the old she-cat doesn't hear him. He'd fall off from just sheer fright! Then there's Scorchedkit who's very clever, man he wishes he'd though about clambering over one of his denmates in the past!

"If I was Thunderclan's leader I'd be super strong and all the other clans would be in awe of me and if they tried to attack i'd have the power to take them out all on my own!" he bets Howlingstar could if she really put her mind to it, he has an inkling all the leaders are holding back that they must've gotten some more mystical power from starclan. He hopes anyway!

( 💫 )

Tail lashing, Softkit tilted her head at Shocheredkit's question. The stump forgotten she flicked an ear, thinking for a second.
"I don't think I'd wanna be leader." That seems like so much work! Having to deal with... with lots of things. What did leaders even deal with? Eyes narrowing, the little fluff ball studied the trunk of the tree infront of her, as if the bark could explain the life of Howlingstar and the complexies that came with it.
"I'd like to be cool like a leader though! Maybe good at fighting, but really good at talking to people!"
She then found herself frowning at Tornadostar's claim. She rounded quickly, "Don't talk to Howlingstar like that! Be nice!" She would then attempt to climb on to Scorchedkit's back and knock off Tornadostar.