wild winds around you | patrol assignments

With a large stretch, Flycatcher readied himself from the morning ahead. He had been quite comfortable napping in his nest that morning and if he wasn't such a creature of habit he might have stayed slumbering for just a few more hours. A few of his clanmates were already beginning to stir and move around camp but Flycatcher allowed them a few moments to ready themselves before announcing his patrol assignments. "Good morning ThunderClan!" Flycatcher greeted warmly, green eyes looking at the cats nearest to him. "Please gather for today's patrol assignments!"

"Flamewhisker I would like for you to lead the dawn patrol along the border with RiverClan and SkyClan. Take Stagstrike and Rabbitnose with you. I trust you all to handle yourselves but please be extra vigilant for RiverClan, especially with how frequently they've been hunting on Sunningrocks as of late."

"Little Wolf you handled yourself well on the last dawn patrol along our border with ShadowClan and WindClan, would you mind leading another one today? Take Ospreytalon and Dewfang with you this time."

"Howlingstar it has been a little while since you lead a patrol yourself. Would you be open to leading the dusk patrol along RiverClan and SkyClan? Bring Blizzard Fang and Wolfwind with you."

"I will be leading the dusk patrol to ShadowClan and WindClan today. Roeflame, Stumpybounce I want you both to join me."

"Hunting patrols for today are to be handled by Shiningsun and Kindleheart. I wish you luck in your endeavours and if you find yourselves at Sunningrocks I also ask you to be vigilant for RiverClan."

"Nightbird if you are feeling up to it, would you be open to holding a small training session today? It might be good for some of us to brush up on our fighting skills again."

"And with that, you are dismissed. Good day."

ooc / a note to those on the dawn and dusk patrols to shadow/wind, please do not make any threads until i've had chance to speak with you - there's some secret information you need to know beforehand ;)
threads to make
dawn river: @Flamewhisker @Tybalt [Stagstrike] @Rabbitnose
dawn shadow: @LITTLE WOLF @OSPREYTALON @Dewfang
dusk wind: @Roeflame . @Stumpybounce
training: @nightbird

jaws parting in a yawn, nightbird moved rather languidly to join the others that had gathered to hear the patrols. called for a training session, her only reaction was a soft twitch of her ears. she understood the need. with riverclan more bold in their crossing of borders and no telling when they would launch a counterattack for sunningrocks, skills needed to remain honed. she would wait until flycatcher had finished to stand, flicking her tail as she did. "to those interested, meet me in the sandy hollow at sunhigh," she called out before stalking over to the freshkill pile to ready herself for the day.

Little Wolf dips her head in acknowledgement, though the praise spoken from their own deputies mouth does not go unheard. "Thank you, Flycatcher I’ll do my best" and she would. She always did. Silently, she also thanks him for putting one of her kits mentors on the same patrol. It would be nice to be able to catch up a little with Skypaw, to ask how her training was going and to see it with her own eyes as well. She turns to her own apprentice now. "Make sure you eat before we go" she admonishes to Ragwortpaw. She doesn’t act any different towards the gray furred she cat, but inwardly she can feel a small tug of her heart whenever she looks at her and remembers what had been revealed the other day, at the very same border they would be going to now. She shakes her head, quickly trying to clear it of such negative thoughts. She would not allow herself to think differently of the young she-cat just because of who her mother was. Didn’t she want that same thing for her kits? For them to be looked at as the individuals they are rather than as their father? "We will leave shortly, eat, make dirt, do whatever it is you have to do but then meet me over by the camps entrance." she herself made her way over to the fresh-kill pile to pick out a nice juicy mouse to eat before they departed.

"Understood, Flycatcher!" Shiningsun nodded his head vigorously in response to the instruction as he was given his duties. Hunting was straightforward enough, even though Sunningrocks carried with it the potential for trouble. With luck it wouldn't be the case, but he understood that he would need to be vigilant all the same. He might be a cheery tom but he understood that he needed to take things seriously, so he fully intended to do so.
Was it even a question as to whether or not Duskpaw is interested? Not that his mentor would let him be uninterested at any point, but it wasn't the threat of her training that makes him so eager to follow. One of these days he'll be the best warrior ThunderClan has seen, and Nightbird would help him get there. Having listened to the patrol assignments with glittering eyes and a body that quivers with tremulous excitement, Duskpaw springs to stand and trot a half-step behind the dark molly. "Are we going to train too? Before this? Or is this my training for the day? Are you going to teach me some battle moves?" Miraculously he remembers to shut his mouth before his questions get too annoying, but that doesn't keep the excitement from amber eyes as his mind wanders to all the wonderful things he may learn.

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskpaw. apprentice of thunderclan. he / they.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of his father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of their tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"
  • Like
Reactions: nightbird

her eyes flicker down to duskpaw. less than a pace away and rapidly shooting questions at her, amusement briefly flashed through her gaze. it was much too late for her to begin a session now. by the time they ate and readied themselves it would have to be cut short. "after," she hummed, turning over her shoulder to begin to stalk off, find something to fuel her for the long day ahead. "eat something and rest until the group training, you'll need it," she looked over the crowd once more to relay the same message to lightpaw. unfortunately she does not find the cream tom, but since duskpaw was so eager to do something surely he wouldn't mind. "find lightpaw when you're done and let him know too." with that, she trotted off to the freshkill pile to follow her own instructions.
Brown ears twitch at the sound of his name, a snow-splotched face looking up at the deputy.

Leading a hunting patrol? This assignment is a change from his typical border patrols, but it’s a change that Kindleheart welcome’s all the same. So long as he’s able to stretch his legs, did it truly matter?

Flycatcher continues with a reminder to be careful around the Sunningrocks. To remain vigilant. Dread begins to rise within him at the thought of having a run-in with the river intruders, but, if he can help it, he’ll make sure to keep his patrol away from the area. He can only pray to StarClan that the hunting in the rest of the territory will be good for his patrol, so that they don’t have to make the journey to their newfound piece of land.

Got it,” he acknowledges the deputy with a nod of his head.

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