camp wilder than moonlight | questions

prompt 3, storm wakes up from a dream where she caught the largest rabbit anyone has ever seen...

After about a moon of being an apprentice, Stormpaw had shaken off the homesickness that had ravaged her mind leaving the nursery. She felt like a warrior now—even though she only stood to the shoulders of other cats her age. It was quite the disappointment.

Adjusting had meant that her dreams no longer were empty and dark. Stormpaw began to dream vividly again. With her experiences as a warrior-to-be, most of those dreams involved hunting and fighting. Just this morning, the little apprentice was tracking down a hare. She could feel the forest thrum under her feet and her breathing grew louder as she followed the scent, just like Owlear had told her. She could hear her mentor's voice whispering at her ears and she shivered with anticipation, rounding the brush and there it was! The largest rabbit Stormpaw had ever seen. It was nearly as big as herself!

Digging her hindlegs in, the apprentice pounced and wrestled the great creature to the ground, biting and clawing, and—

Stormpaw woke up, noticing that her nest was partly shredded from her dream-kicking. "Heh," She mewed sheepishly to her nest-mates. "Sorry, sorry," She clumsily stepped over the other sleeping bodies, perhaps stepping on a tail or ear in the process and she was out in the light.

She needed to ask Owlear something. But, impatient as she was, her eyes wide with frantic and joyful curiosity, she approached the nearest poor soul that would hear her questions. "How big can rabbits get? Can they be bigger than cats?"


Before he had been set upon a path of medicine, Berryheart's dream had always been to end up a wise soul- to be the one who knew the answer to any question, no matter how trivial. Of course it had been a lofty goal- but he knew it was not impossible, and that had been enough to motivate him. However, when he had accepted his duty as the Clan's healer, destined to replace his impulsive predecessor, Berryheart had also accepted that this goal would have to take a small backseat. He could not place anything above learning herbs in the priority-list of his mind... his star bound duty was to learn a craft, and he would not take a unique opportunity for granted.

A wave of nostalgia for those back-seated dreams washed over him as Little Blue barrelled over, her expression jovial; and what he had not expected was a query regarding rabbits. It was so wonderfully out of the blue, though- the sort of trivial curiosity he had always wanted to answer. Thoughtfulness occupied his uneven features for a moment, before he gave his answer. "Hares can certainly get close," a baritone murmur given, head dipped as if to affirm his own answer.

Flycatcher is outside eating nearby with one of his clanmates when he sees his daughter emerge from the apprentice's den. A curious and somewhat amused expression takes hold, taking in her jovial expression and how she practically barrelled into Berryheart asking the medicine cat about how big rabbits could get. What an unusual question! "I don't think I know of any rabbits that can grow as big as cats," Flycatcher laughed, the idea making him smirk. "Berryheart is right about hares though they can get pretty large."
Cloudypaw stirred as her cousin stepped over her, his paw bumping her side. "S'alright." She muttered sleepily in response to his apologies, lifting herself to her paws with a big stretch and a long yawn. As long as she was awake, she might as well get her day started. Now that she slept in a den with so many other cats, she woke up like this often enough. It wasn't pleasant, but she was getting used to it.

As she blinked the sleep from her eyes, she heard Stormpaw's question through her haze of exhaustion. The thought sounded so silly to her. A rabbit as big as a cat?

Then she heard Berryheart's response.

Her ear flicked.

"Uh, how large are we talking...?" She questioned Berryheart and Flycatcher suddenly; half curious, half concerned. Growing up in twolegplace, she had seen scarce few rabbits. Even now, nothing she had seen had come close to the size of a cat. The idea of that didn't sit well with her. Surely catching a rabbit that big would be more a battle than a hunt.​
It's hard for Raccoonstripe to reconcile that Flamewhisker's kits are already old enough to leave camp and train. Especially when their minds were still so raw and curious. Stormpaw especially seems quite the little warrior-in-the-making -- she gambols toward the adults, fresh from sleep, moss still clinging to her fur.

Raccoonstripe flicks his tail against his brother's flank humorously. "I'd like to see a cat-sized rabbit. It could feed us for a moon!" He casts a thoughtful glance Cloudypaw's way. Her voice, in comparison to her kin's, is almost fearful. He resists the urge to make a kittypet comment -- Flycatcher is sitting right there, after all. Instead he says, "We don't really see hares in our territory. You'd have to go to WindClan for that." He wrinkles his nose, as if to signify how awful an idea that is.