development wildfire — badger attack


never give up 09/18/23
Feb 21, 2023
.you want a battle ———


——— i'll give you war.
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summary : hunting patrol, ended up running after a hare when he stumbled on an older badger hunting, hence the numerous holes in the ground searching for food. having caught the badger off guard while it was digging, becoming aggressive. dove’s in and out of consciousness, badger about to attack again!

THE FRECKLED TOM BLINKED, SCRUNCHING AS HE STARED INTO THE DISTANCE, nothing but undergrowth and pines swaying with the thundering breeze that slapped harshly against his hide, ticking the flesh beneath.

He supposed he could blame the weather for his poor hunting, glancing over his shoulder at everyone within the small hunting group with a curious tilt of his helm, wondering if they were fairing better than him. Of course, they are. He thought, frowning, vanishing seconds later into a neutral expression, owlish optics squinting.

Had the wind always been this bad? Of course, Dove hadn’t lived long to experience something like this.

Ears perked at the sight of a lone hare hopping along, whiskers twitching in excitement, seconds later Dove was seen chasing after it with an inaudible chirp, tail flickering as he vanished beneath the undergrowth.

The last the group would see Dove for some time, who stood, mandible clenched tightly around the hare’s neck, blood staining the brilliant white around his muzzle. He didn’t doubt it’d take forever to wash out, having experienced something similar on several occasions when he had been successful.

Glancing up, the black-and-white tom stiffened, eyes widening to the size of dinner plates at the large badger standing before him, emitting an unsettling low rumbling sound sending icy fear through his veins, stumbling back with a startled yelp, heart pounding, fear rooting him in place, hackle rising as the hare dropped unceremoniously at his feet.

What was he supposed to do? All his training. Everything. Vanished. Gone. His mind froze, locking up, becoming a mindless puppet, breath squeaking past clenched teeth. What–? What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t—

Dove stiffened, scrambling backward, noticing the badger advancing on him like prey. Which—He was. He couldn’t fight off something like … like this. How could he? He was useless and suddenly that didn’t even matter as blinding hot pain shot across his frame, sending him tumbling back with a startled shriek.

He doubted anything could compare to the white-hot searing pain that set his nerves on fire, emitting pleading whimpers as he tumbled backward, falling into a hole, twisting his leg ( not doubt spraining it ). No. No. NO. He didn’t want to die—Not yet. He hadn’t—Dove cried out, cut it off with a clamp of his muzzle, teeth digging into the soft flesh of his tongue.

He couldn’t leave his mama! He didn’t want to die this soon. He still wanted to become a warrior. Please no. He begged, thoughts jumbled like galloping gazelles running from danger.

Claws swiped at his eye, tearing flesh and fur as Dove crumbled, teeth sinking deeper into his flesh, desperately wanting something to distract him from the blinding pain that sent his body into fight or flight, but naturally, nothing ever went right. Dove froze in a crumpled heap of bloodied black-and-white fur.

The badger raised a clawed paw to strike at the apprentice, hissing, prompting Dove to scurry back, body curling into itself, teeth bared in a silent snarl despite the scorching pain it brought. He shivered, blood trickling down his cheek, dribbling down his chin until it pooled on the rumpled earth.

His head remains empty, but not, no longer able to differentiate his thoughts from the pain which roared drowning out the familiar sounds of nature except for the hissing and snarling of the badger, black clouding his vision, causing him to stumble ( more like collapsing ), chest shuttering with each breath that sent fire to his veins.

Oh. He was going to black out—Dove whimpered, letting out a choked scream as the enormous paw slammed against his injured side, tossing him a good length away, the badger posing to strike the barely conscious apprentice who grinned weakly, pupils dilating in defeat.

He supposed this really was karma biting him in the ass, no doubt dying before he could prove himself. His hopes and dreams? Gone in an instant because he’d been foolish enough not to run from something far bigger than him.

I’m sorry, mama. He thought weakly, slipping in and out of consciousness.

footnote : feel free to powerplay the badger! attacking / badger fleeing / your character getting injured ( if you’d like ) is a-okay! dove ended up receiving a sprained left hind leg, mauled ear / eye, and a gash along his side from it!

pinging @B A S I L P A W for mutual development !

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”ThunderClan, attack!” The voice of Blizzard Fang booms to alert the rest of the patrol as he sprints toward the towering beast. Silver claws slip out from their sheathes to dig into skin as he lunges onto the badger’s back. The beast bellows but is far from ready to admit defeat, it stumbles and nearly knocks Blizzard Fang right off, but his claws dig in tight.

In the corners of his vision he sees Dovepaw, collapsed on the soil, his wounds trickling crimson. Fury swells up inside of Blizzard Fang and he thinks of Graystorm who had been slain just sunrises ago by another terrible beast. He would not let Dovepaw succumb to the same fate, he would live on!

//tldr; Blizzard alerts the patrol of the badger before diving in. He is on the badger’s back but it is stumbling in an attempt to knock him off. He’s hanging on for now, but not for long without assistance

"I'M COMING! HANG IN THERE!" Shiningsun hollered as he rushed towards the scene with mighty bounds and leaps, covering ground fast from where he had been hunting. The stench of the badger hit his nose alongside the unmistakable scent of blood. Fear gripped him and twisted his gut, but he didn't freeze or cower away from the situation. His clanmates were in danger and they needed back up immediately! A quick glance gave him a chance to gauge the situation; Dovepaw was badly wounded, and Blizzard Fang was on the badger's back and clearly on the cusp of being dislodged.

The young warrior performed a power slide that brought him in behind the badger, and from there he aimed to crash hard into the brute's hind legs with the intention of causing it to slump down flat to the ground. Regardless of success or failure he then attempted to lock his jaws around one of the hind legs before pulling hard to keep the badger from stumbling about any further.


nightbird could not scent prey when she parted her jaws. if it was there, her senses were far too overwhelmed by an acrid scent. fresh too. wildly, she followed it's trail, closer and closer to the hunting patrol. as her paws moved more quickly, blood tanged the air, muddled in was the unmistakable scent of fear. her heart boomed in her ears, pushing onwards until the thunderclanners were in sight.

immediately, the coppery scent threatened to choke her. so much blood, yet she could only see shiningsun and blizzard fang so far. wildly, she looked around further, eventually taking in dovepaw's crimson stained form. he looked dead, crumpled in a pitiful fashion, face and flank mangled. nightbird presumed him as much, until she caught the movement of his flank. not dead, yet. every moment sat here was time wasted where berryheart could be working to stop the bleeding.

"keep your damn eyes open," she commanded gruffly once reaching the injured apprentice, her tail twitching behind her. the badger was preoccupied now, but how long until it got bored of the two warriors, wanted to come back and finish the job. quickly, she maneuvered around dovepaw, craning down her neck to try and grab him by the scruff.
⋆⍋ The wind was relentless even now, but Basilpaw was just as stubborn as the rolling gales. He hunkered himself down within the cover of a fern bush, keeping still as a stump while his eyes flitted between the movement beyond the bushes. He watched from his spot as the warriors paced for scents, the other apprentices trying to find something to claim victory over. At some point, Basilpaw became more entertained watching his Clanmates rather than actually join their efforts.

It wasn't until he noticed Dovepaw's tail disappear between the brush that he felt inclined to leave his little hiding spot. He took a few moments to wait until they were all mostly uninterested or facing away from where he snuck under before slipping out from underneath the ferns. It took him a couple beats to find the direction Dovepaw had bounded off to, given the strength of the winds, but he managed to find the trail from whatever clumps of fur had been left behind by his denmate.

He snuck between the thicket, following the apprentices trail until he heard more concerning sounds ahead. It sounded like a struggle, confused, he poked his head between the shrubs to get a better look. Basilpaw swallowed, holding his breath as he saw it. Blood. It was smeared across Dovepaw's body- his head. Spilled across the sandy floor. A curdling, piercing screech that made Basilpaw feel rooted to the ground. His paws felt like weights to the soil. He couldn't move, not even as he watched his denmate get mauled by this badger.

When he found feeling he went to take a step back, but the rest of the patrol had quickly found Dovepaw. They entered the scene opposite side to him, immediately taking action against the beast. Was he expected to run in risking his hind too? He didn't want to be this apprentice's hero, he wanted to go back home away from here.

Conflicted by what he wanted to do and what he knew was expected of him, Basilpaw remained eerily still, only half-hidden.

-- mentor tag @Dewfang
.you want a battle ———


——— i'll give you war.
———————— ————————
DOVE WHINED AT THE TUGGING SENSATION, BLINKING SLUGGISHLY UP at the warrior, breath shuddering from the blistering pain. He squinted through the blood, catching sight of black through hazy vision, tail twitching. W, Who—? He couldn’t tell.

The sounds of fighting remained fuzzy in Dove’s mind like cotton. He could barely make it out. His muzzle scrunched, wincing at the blossoming pain from the pain, whimpering. Hurts. Hurts! He didn’t—Unable to finish his thought, Dove cried out.

“T, Tired.” He mumbled, voice shaky. Unable to get his paws underneath him, Dove let himself be dragged by the scruff, far too weak to move his limbs which helplessly scrambled to find purchase, giving up shortly afterward with a choked wheeze, body shivering.

“‘M w, want—” Tongue drier than a desert, Dove swallowed harshly, whimpering. He wanted his mama. Did that make him weak? He … Didn’t—He wanted the pain to stop.

Please make it stop. He was sorry! He didn’t mean it!

footnote : badger ran off ! so feel free to whoever makes a post to watch it run off ^^

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