WILDFLOWER &. allergies

Though the presence of new flowers across camp, and leaves beginning to grow again on the trees' branches has been welcomed by ShadowClan, Ribbitleap's noticed being near the new plant growth has brought on a crop of symptoms, as of late.

Itchy eyes, itchy nose - Ribbitleap's never had either of those before, has he? He... He doesn't think he has - he swears he was just fine, a few days ago. Over the past few days, Ribbitleap has tried to think back to leaf-bare's sicknesses, tries to remember what other cats symptoms were. Was this whitecough? Surely that wouldn't happen in newleaf, right?

The tom wakes up feeling worse than he had the day before - a day spent patrolling, hunting along the marsh's new flora. Green eyes are watering the moment he awakens, and as soon as he steps out of the warrior den, he has to pause to sneeze.

And to sneeze again. And again.

The tom blinks in confusion as the sneeze attack finishes, sniffling as he looks around. Was he dying? He... He kind of feels like he is, as a paw moves to rub at his eyes.

"Ugh," he lets out, a cough following. Ribbitleap looks worse for wear as he sets off to begin his day. He has things to do, after all, even if he's dying. ​
can we leave it behind? Runny noses and itchy eyes were something Sabletuft often associated with kittens, running rampant with their little kit sicknesses as their bodies grew to bear the changes of the seasons. The dark warrior assumed that it was always something one grew out of after a few runs of it. At least, he never felt them come on again after he finished growing.

Hearing Ribbitleap's trail of sneezes had Sabletuft cringing- ugh, gross. Could he cover his mouth? "Don't start spreading that around camp." He grumbled. "Why don't you see Starlingheart about that, maybe she has something to fix that up."— tags

"oof! hey ribbitleap! look! look!"

the rambunctious apprentice moved to try and do a headstand, falling as soon as he heard the sound of ribbitleap sneezing. he hit the ground, once again, with a grunt, blinking in slight shock before his paw covered his muzzle and he giggled. he rolled back over, squinting his half blind gaze at the warrior, tail sweeping near the ground.

"that's a funny noise. can you make it again? how do you do that? can you teach raggedpaw? please?"
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"R-Raggedpaw! You're-" her voice is barely audible as she rushes behind the gray tom, cut off as a certain pressure begins to build in her head and her chest as she hears a sneeze from an older warrior. Sabletuft says something about going to see Starlingheart and Orchid thinks thats the best idea, but petrified, they can't move their lips to speak.

Raggedpaw was going to get sick being so close. And- And Orchidpaw might too, because Raggedpaw was the only apprentice they can stand being around, a fellow friend that doesn't send them in to a panic.

"G-Get back here," finally do they unfreeze, but their voice is anything but demanding, worded more like a question than a statement. Their throat feels dry and immediately do alarm bells ring loud in their mind, are they already getting sick? Oh, maybe they should see Starlingheart too, but wouldn't that make Forestshade upset? Forestshade. Yeah, she'd probably be upset if they got sick. And then they wouldn't be able to train, and then Forestshade would pick another apprentice-

"Get well soo- soon." a force4d breath leaves her, wide eyes turned upon Ribbitleap as if he had just sprouted two heads. Orchid wants to believe that would be better than the thought of him being sick.

"Ribbitleap if you don't go see Starlingheart right now you might as well sleep outside of camp...think of the kits." Halfshade's voice rises up in a concerned and wary trill from the nursery den mouth, if any of her offspring got sick because some softheaded warrior decided to parade about sniveling like this then there would be hell to pay. Perhaps she was more harsh than normal, but her wariness of Valeriankit's weakly birth and the maternal instincts that kept her overtly cautious at all times had combined to make her even more intolerant than normal to her clanmates antics. The torbie queen swept a tail behind her, flicked it in silent irritation but she does cast Sabletuft a thankful glance at the tom's sensibility. It was nice to know at least a few of the clan had more than just bees in their brains. The molly paid no mind to Raggedpaw, fool thing, but Orchidpaw at least shared the same sense as to keep a careful distance from the tabby warriors wheezing and huffing about.
to hear your child sniveling and sneezing is enough to warrant immediate concern especially when it happens to be out of the blue. whatever task geckoscreech planned on doing today was immediately pushed away from her mind as tending to ribbitleap became the number one priority. she is quick to appear at his side, fussing over the tom as if he were a kit again. "my poor darling. are you feeling achey anywhere? warm on the forehead?" just a few days ago he looked as healthy as can be so it didn't make sense for her child to suddenly become sick like this. maybe he showed symptoms earlier and she just didn't notice or perhaps there was someone else in camp who was ill but just never told anyone resulting in it being passed onto ribbitleap?

round tipped ears swivel slightly in response to those speaking around them, of course anyone would be less than pleased with a sick cat hobbling about but halfshade's trilled words about having him sleep outside of camp strikes a match against her nerves which earns the queen an mildly heated glare from geckoscreech before shes huffing out a breath and returning her focus onto ribbitleap.

"come, i'm taking you to the medicine den and i don't want to hear any ifs, ands or buts about it." she states firmly, already beginning to nudge him in the direction of the sheltered cave.

Sneezing in newleaf was uncommon in Ferndance's family, though she recalled her brother would always have the crustiest nose whenever the season came around. No sniffles though, and that discrepancy was enough to garner the Lead Warrior's attention. Once grooming herself in camp, her emerald eyes soon flittered upwards toward the brown tabby. Others had already begun to crowd the sick creature, some curious whilst others looked at him as if he was carrying some incurable disease. Had his voice been hoarser, she'd have thought that the tom was doing an impression of his namesake, alas, it seemed more serious than that. Wriggling upright, the Lead Warrior eventually drifted closer, her mouth slightly parted in fascination - as if she'd never heard an animal sneeze before. She spotted Geckoscreech guiding her son towards the medicine den so quickly that she didn't even have the chance to register who the silver tabby was. Seconds passed of blank staring before Ferndance placed her mud-flecked white paw to her chest and lowered her head, ears falling backward. Ferndance closed her eyes as if engaging in prayer. "Goodbye, brave soul." She whispered. He might be dying, might as well give him his last rites, right?


Another sneeze erupts from the brown tabby just as Sabletuft's grumbling reaches his ears. Don't start spreading that, the warrior tells him - but where had Ribbitleap even gotten it? He was fine until the trees started to look like trees again, when their leaves started to return.

"Sorry, I --" Raggedpaw comes rushing over, demanding his attention as the grey apprentice moves to flip himself over. It's supposed to be impressive, he thinks - or that Raggedpaw expects it to be. "Oh! That's really --"

Another sneeze.

It leaves Raggedpaw tumbling, laughing. And Ribbitleap can't help but be confused at the questions the kid asks of the funny noise he'd seemed to have never heard before. Can he teach Raggedpaw? Watery eyes blink at the apprentice - had Raggedpaw really never sneezed before? Lucky him; Ribbitleap thinks he's sneezed more today than he's ever done before.

"A sneeze?" the warrior asks, more so to make sure he's correct in his assumption, "It just... happens? I don't think it can be taught." Orchidpaw approaches soon after, but doesn't get too close as she tries to beckon Raggedpaw away with a shaky get well soon shared to the warrior. He hopes whatever this is gets out of his system soon, that he can stop sneezing - stop sniffling.

His eyes go wide at Halfshade's words. Ribbitleap has never slept anywhere but inside camp, and he wasn't about to start now. His mother is quick to appear after that, a look of concern cast over her face. As if he were still a kit.

"I'm fine," Ribbitleap tries to insist. Geckoscreech has plenty of other things to worry about, after all. She shouldn't have to worry about him too. But, his insistence does little to persuade her, the lead warrior beginning to nudge him towards the medicine den instead.

No ifs, ands, or buts, she chides. Ribbitleap knows that even if she weren't her mother, he wouldn't have a choice in going against her words. A sigh is let out as he follows beside Geckoscreech, his pelt hot with embarrassment.