pafp Wildflower and Barley ⤜ Nursery gifts


Gonna bay for the blood
May 11, 2024

Hanging around the nursery was not Shriketalons favourite thing to do, they really enjoyed spending those fleeting moments with the kits of the camp but the idea of being surrounded by a swarm of them in an enclosed space. Not to mention the noise from voices not yet learning the grace of being quiet most of the time, yeah that wasn’t really appealing. That being said they still kept the small scraps of fur in their mind while going through their day to day. Especially after running into Buzzardkit once, the tabby was very fun to talk to, even if they couldn’t really offer much conversation back at the time. It had convinced them that maybe there were some bonuses to spending time with kits. Still, It must be boring being kept within the walls of that thorn bush that they live within, granted the older ones get to run rampant around camp but even then it must get pretty boring. Aren’t kits full of imagination though? Surely they don’t get restless, they wondered if the queens did though or if their paws were full with taking care of the kits. All questions that they didn’t bother chasing but kept in their mind.

It had started with a spare cool rock that they found while on patrol, they had picked up and thought that maybe one of the kits would get a kick out of rolling it around. Since then they tried to keep an eye out for little trinkets and miscellaneous items that caught their attention, if it enraptured them then surely the younger members of the clan would be equally as captured by it. Their nest had started to look a little messy over time, they had even joked off handidly that it kind of looked like a mini Carrionplace if you squinted and were standing far enough away. They didn’t want to show up to the nursery with gifts for just one kit, as much as they enjoyed seeing what antics Buzzardkit had gotten up to they know first hand how nasty favouritism can be within families. They would prefer to avoid that happening with a completely different family too, well they know that they can’t avoid it happening naturally but they didn’t want to be the cause of it.

Once they were satisfied that they had enough odd bits and bobs for both the kits and the queens they scooped a mawful of trinkets and had a little pep in their step as they approached the nursery walls. Sitting out the front was the little cinnamon kitten that they had wanted to see first nodding their head in greeting as they place the mixed selection of treasures on the ground. There was that shiny rock that they had originally found, along with different insect wings and the occasional flower, things to fill up nests, play with or wear, they figured it would be a good way for everyone to find something they like. “Buzzardkit, do you want the first pick of these little treasures?” They ask then gesturing to the neatly arranged pile in front of them. “You only get one because everyone may want one but I thought since you’re pretty cool you get to go first” they realised very quickly that they weren’t sure how one was supposed to actually talk to kits.

  • please wait for @BUZZARDKIT. but then open to all kits and queens to receive a gift!! Feel free to decide what's there within reason for what's realistic to find in the marsh (apprentices and warriors can have one too if they ask nicely)
  • SHRIKETALON || They/them, Warrior of ShadowClan, 29 moons
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes. A small tear marks their right ear.
    Mentored by Nectarsong | Mentoring N/A
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ⭃ underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by Juice ⭃ Ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Like
Reactions: BUZZARDKIT.

as they sit out front of the nursery, they let their tail sway back and forth and back again, boredom crawling within them. ugh. why did it have to be so boring as a kit? there was so much to see, so much to know!! but they listen to their father. he says they cannot wonder far and they make it a point not to do that. espeically when so many cats within shadowclan are boring, uninteresting, and liars ( at least from the perspective of a very perspective kitten ). they watch curiously, however, as shriketalon saunters over to the nursery, a bundle of things within their grasp. they stand up quickly, hobbling over and blinking a few times.

"i first pick?"

she squints her eyes as she sniffs the trinkets, ears twitching back and forth as she tries to pinpoint one scent. innately, it smells familiar. she wonders why, before she gently taps one pair of insect wings– dragonfly– and a particularly shiny rock.

"what is these? a...nd this rock... can i give it to pudding? please? pudding likes rocks."

he thinks she does, at least. if not, he will gladly give her the wings. whatever she wants.

"i like you. thank you."

Entangled between Needledrift's limbs as the pair rested, Ferndance's head appeared from behind her mate, resting her skull on the space between her mate's ears. Emerald eyes found Shrike first, then, the assortment of goodies kept between their paws for kit and Queen alike. It had been six moons since the cinnamon tabby had been an inhabitant for more than just a few nights, evidence enough to the cinnamon tabby that the trinkets might not have been for her, but that made them all the more enticing. Little flowers would go well with her ruddy fur, bringing pops of colour that her son's feather could not do alone. Insect wings would make excellent fidgets within her nest, their textures all so scaly it was like running her paw across a lizard. And the rocks? They were just rocks... but they were cool. As if spotting a delectable, the cinnamon tabby removed herself from her mate's side, hopping over the Queen's body and entering a hunter's crouch a mere mouselength away.

She waited until Buzzardkit had made a choice, gaze glinting in approval (a cool rock... cool), before she shuffled one step closer. Her pupils had blown out to the size of her irises, an otherworldly fixation on the remaining items at Shriketalon's feet. "Just so you know..." She mewed quietly, craning her head up to meet their eye. Even then, her attention wasn't steady, a one-track mind finding only the idea of stealing was enough to keep her focus. It had never felt wrong for the tabby to do, she'd always had every intention of giving the item back when she was done with it, only... things tended to get a little too easily lost in her nest. "I will try to take one of these... but I thought it would be nicer to get your permission first."
Owlsting visits the nursery often, delighted to be surrounded by mewling kits and the company of queens. She was moments away from departing and had just finished her longwinded goodbyes when Shriketalon arrived right outside the nursery. The chocolate tortie exits quickly at the mention of treasures, settling on her haunches with a stifled groan. Why hadn't anyone brought gifts to the elder's den before? She looks with dismay (and disguised happiness) as Buzzardkit makes their selections.

The elder is unsurprised when Ferndance makes their arrival-- she has heard that the tabby is a repeat offender of stealing, and was about to chastise her if she made off with one of the trinkets. Owlsting bites back a remark, though, when Ferndance asks permission. Besides, as long as it wasn't her belongings that were stolen, is how Owlsting felt about the kleptomaniac's habits.

"Well, if Ferndance here gets one... Surely I could pick a treasure?" Owlsting muses with a slight rasp to her words, directing her piercing gaze upon Shriketalon.​

“These are dragonfly wings” they explain with a grin “they're bugs, pretty neat ones too” Shriketalon didn't have the biggest interest in insects but they rather liked harvesting the wings off of dead ones. They glance over to Owlsting, who seemed to be watching with interest but they couldn't really tell if she was interested in the items or the interaction. They assumed she may chime in with an interesting story about insects but tries to not think too hard about it. With a flick of their tail they try to pretend that they were thinking really hard about the kits request to pick something out for they presume to be one of their littermates. “Yeah of course you can! Make sure it gets to Pudding safely, rocks like to roll away” obviously that was only when they were pushed otherwise rocks were pretty stationary but surely Buzzardkit knew that.

The warrior thought that the delight they had over the statement that such a fickle kitten liked them was evident but they thought they should say something just in case. “You’re welcome! And I like you too, you're pretty cool” they chuckle and glance over to Ferndance who also seemed to have taken an interest in the odd assortment they had on them. They tried to keep her gaze but it seemed to be fluctuating, they had seen her nest and the trinkets buried within. There had been an intention to ask her about her own collection sometime but it kept slipping her mind. If anything they'd be surprised if she didn't try to take something based on how nice her nest looked. “Go for it! Pick whatever you like” they're genuine in their words, breaking the eye contact to look back at the pile as they were curious over what in particular had caught her attention.

They can't help but chuckle again when the elder speaks up, looking back over at Owlsting as they once again dramatise taking their sweet time to pretend to think of a decision. “What's caught your eye, Owlsting?” They find themself asking before adding on “that's a yes by the way you can have a treasure” maybe they should bring more next time? They consider that for the future.