pafp WILDNESS IS A NECESSITY — law change discussion

✿—— the tabby is resting in camp amongst a few of her fellow warriors (stars, that still feels weird to think), trying and failing to ease her mind of the stress that seems to be literally turning her fur white. it's good stress and bad stress, she muses, resting on her belly with her sore limbs curled close and giving up on avoiding the topic. good stress is long patrols, first catches, time spent trying (and mostly failing) to overtake blazestar's huge frame in battle training. bad stress is brightpaw bloody on the border, yukio bumbling across it, new laws that make her worry for her place in the clan.

she glances sideways at one of the other cats who bears a collar, this one a daylight warrior—momowhisker, who's been on the same patrols as her and more than once encountered the cats that seem to be constantly seeking to join. before she can second-guess herself she asks, "what do you think about the new l-laws, momowhisker?"

"i mean - since you're a daylight warrior, and all," she adds nervously, twitching an ear—though she supposes momowhisker has long proven himself. she still has to (she thinks? she's not sure), and if not to the clan, to herself. bobbie licks anxiously at a stray tuft of chest fur and hastens to mew, "i mean, you've seen some of the cats who apply to j-join too, right? we've been on a few of the same patrols,"


  • ooc: please wait for @MOMOWHISKER to post! :-)
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

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The Oriental cat licked long stripes down his legs as the conversations quietened down around him, the occasional hum or twitch of his tail indicating that he was an active listener despite how distracted he had become trying to remove the forest's burrs from his body. It didn't take long into his task for someone to say his name, the lynx point raising his head and blepping towards the older Warrior. His opinion? She wanted his opinion? His throat grew taut at the thought, it wasn't often he had to express something particularly controversial or outlandish and for good reason - rocking the boat was not in Momo's style. Any attempts to do so previously had been built on lies, from lying about seeing every single cat in the shelter so an escape could be prompted to lying to his whole family about his constant minglings with 'disgusting' clan cats. Large ears listened as she mentioned he was a Daylight Warrior, and the tension that danced around his shoulders disappeared as soon as it arrived. "And that means I am an expert?" He cocked a brow towards Bobbie mischievously, his sarcasm as gentle as a morning stream. Right, no more stalling.

"It's... a little hurtful, knowing who'd probably suggested that to our leader," he admitted with a pained smile. Slate, Silversmoke, one of the @?~10????????????????????? Lead Warriors had to have some involvement with it and if it were Slate, it was difficult to forget how much he'd risked to save the maine coon from a cage. He'd thought that might have convinced him that you couldn't judge a stranger by any perceived value, alas, hatred remained one of the stubbornest emotions. "I like seeing cats from all walks of life living together, it's... nice, gives you new perspectives." What would his parents think if they knew he thought such things? His sibling? StarClan, he'd have to try his best not to look like a lost puppy when he retreated back to his Twoleg home. He steeled himself from the wistful wave that threatened to overtake him - he hadn't joined SkyClan with sincere intentions, it wasn't fair for him to pretend in hindsight that he had much of a say in how the steadfast members ran their clan. "I understand how frustrating it must be for cats to break the rules though, it's the price to pay for openmindedness, but... there's a limit. I just hope one moon is a good enough threshold." It seemed low, but with his own place secured, he felt uncomfortable protesting it further.

"I thought you were an expert on everything." Tiggerbounce chortled to himself from his vantage point between the two. He had chosen a comfortable spot on his side where he could recline and groom without having to stretch over his wide belly. But even from his comfy position, his half-lidded eyes focused on Bobbie with an uncharacteristic sort of concern.

"I'm not sure where I stand, to be honest. Orangeblossom said very specifically 'cats who think they're entitled to the easy parts of SkyClan life', 'who cannot respect our patrol schedules', and 'take but do not contribute nearly as much.' She looked right at me when she said it. I just.... I don't know if that means 'get up before your Twoleg does to be here for every dawn patrol' or 'hunt until you feel like your paws fall off' or what. I'm not really given a task to fill up every minute of every day, nobody is. Sometimes it feels like I could train with every cat in this clan, feed every kit and queen twice over, set up every nest with the nicest moss, and I'd still get dirty looks and annoyed mumblings thrown at me because my Twoleg wants me home before sun-down."

He swipes a paw over his face, using the momentary break in eye contact to hide his shame for talking too much. He could feel his ears grow red-hot as he replayed the words he had just spoken in his head. Stars, I sound so whiny. He waits a heartbeat, pretending to scrub his face before lowering his paw to reveal his more usual lazy grin.

"Ah, but what do I know? Maybe Orangeblossom will just put me on some more patrols during the day time hours and I'm just worryin' for nothing."
you're like snow , beautiful but cold .
“Do not listen to them.” He rumbled, curled around his mate who dozed off with drool running down his chin prompting Jaggedstorm to wipe it with the back of his paw, unfazed. “If they were unsatisfied with your skills, they would have told you to leave long before that law was put into action.” His gaze flickered to the nursery, Yukio tucked away from prying eyes.

A sigh slipped past an elongated muzzle, icy optics narrowing to watch his husband shift, plumed tail curling around the sleeping male. “I doubt your leader will get rid of an entire rank for a simple few who ignored your clan's laws.” He didn’t bother mentioning Yukio, icy optics staring at the three present with a twitch of his whiskers, tone holding little warmth.

He might be family, but if the clan was willing to let him have a home, only to ignore their core foundations to chase a silly rock, then perhaps clan life was not made for him, but where would the queen go? No doubt his brother would take him in to carry on his days knowing hunger, but he would be protected. A shame that so few ruin it for others. He didn’t bother voicing his thoughts, because why would his opinion matter when others have been here far longer? “Sometimes.” He began, shifting his gaze. “It does not matter how much you’ve done or your accompaniments.” He rumbled, tone cold. “They will only remember your misgivings.”

It had been a while since he’s talked this much, and Jaggedstorm had no opinion on the law as long as he could stay by Lostmoon’s side until they parted from this world together.
thought speech