It was still completely and utterly odd that two cats he'd grown up with were now residents of the nursery- bearing kits of their own, with their own families. Young as Howlfire was to be having kits, from what he'd gathered... she was doing well so far. And it was clear to anyone with a mind that Blazestar adored her children too, heart-healing kitten-eyes, something like that.

He'd invited her on a walk, not far from camp of course- around enough that it would sate the boredom she was probably building up, cooped in the nursery. Hopefully she'd feel safe with him, or at least... open to spending some time together. The cold nipped at the as they walked, Leafbare chill beginning to burrow into the bones of the earth. The pines were tipped with frost, the ground slick with frozen dew. "I'm not looking forward to these... these coming moons, really..." he admitted, offering the queen an apologetic smile. His vision wobbled upon the frost, a constant reminder of the toil that was approaching them. "At least it looks pretty."

\ @Howlfire
penned by pin ✧

On some days, Howlfire was loath to be out of sight of her kits for more than a minute. On other days she was glad for a quiet moment away from them, even if those moments were brief.

When Twitchbolt invited her to join him for a walk, she was quick to agree, even if said walk was just around camp rather than outside of it. Her kits were snuggled up inside of the warm nursery and should they need her she was only a few pawsteps away. "It will certainly be a struggle," Howlfire nodded in agreement. She was lucky that as per the warrior code she and her children would remain largely well fed for a little while. "We were both young during our last leafbare but I think now I can truly appreciate how much of a struggle it was then and will be moving forward." A small smile breaks the frown that threatened to form. "At least my kits won't have to worry about that for a while yet."

Twitchbolt nodded solemnly at her words, his mind of course latching upon the most horrid of the words that slipped from Howlfire's mouth- struggle, worry. Rushed, he swallowed, trying to dispel the drying-out of his throat. It would all be alright, it had to be; he did not know whether he could bear thinking about if it wasn't. For once, for once, he had everything he held dear. It was close to him, and blossomed in SkyClan's embrace- no longer was he purely his own sentinel, focused upon his parents and nothing else, but a lead warrior of SkyClan who aided- somehow- in making the whole Clan flourish.

My kits. Right, right- her kittens, who she had to be ceaselessly worried for. Twitchbolt found himself thankful, selfishly, that he and Quillstrike would not be able to bear their own- he would bet that the stress would stop his heart. "Right," he said in a mildly fractured voice. "Are you... are you nervous, for them to become apprentices?
" His voice wavered a little bit, picturing the worry that had surely, surely, surely pitched in Howlfire's heart.
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For his part, he listened quietly to her concerns, nodding his head to show he was following along. He doesn't have much to add to the matter but Howlfire notes that as a lead warrior of SkyClan there's a lot more expectations on his shoulders than hers. A lot more worries and concerns to bear.

After speaking of her kits previously, Twitchbolt asks if she's nervous about them becoming apprentices. "I think I'd be a terrible mother if I weren't a little worried," Howlfire responded quickly with a chuckle. Admittedly, she hadn't given much thought about how she would feel about it until Twitchbolt brought it up. Of course, she had made note of how that time was fast approaching, but beyond that, she hadn't spared much thought about it or how it would make her feel. "It's strange to think of them soon becoming apprentices. It was only last moon they were tucked in safe in the nursery with me, and by this time next moon they'll be hunting and exploring the territory, learning the basics of combat," She mewed, wistfully. Howlfire couldn't imagine her kits going off and fighting. Oh, they seemed eager enough for it, but she couldn't imagine them still as small as they were learning to attack and to defend themselves.

"When I was younger, I couldn't wait to become an apprentice. It always seemed so exciting! The next step of my journey to becoming a warrior," Howlfire continued. "I don't think I ever realised how fast things could change." There is a bride pause in the conversation and her mind wanders far from here to a snowy, bloody border where Morningpaw had once lay dying. "Maybe it's the fact I'm a mother now or that I simply know better, but yes, I am a little nervous to see them become apprentices."

All he could do was listen, really- the feeling taking hold, all the while, of how strange this all was. Howlfire, a cat he'd known in kithood- now, she looked to the next stage of her own kittens' lives. It felt... profoundly odd, when he took a step back, to discuss these things with her. But the more he listened, the less strange it seemed. Going off, fighting.... oh, how terrified he was for them. For any apprentice hurtling off into the world for the first time. It was all so terrifying.

"Well- when we were kits, there wasn't- wasn't anything more exciting sounding than apprenticeship, was there?" he mused, softly. Even with all his balled-up fear, Twitchbolt had wanted to be an apprentice, if only to prove to his parents that he could be useful. "When... when you're that young, I don't think you realise how dangerous it really is."

Whether it was motherhood or age, Twitchbolt couldn't confirm on Howlfire's behalf. But, well- he knew it too, and he was certainly not a queen. "Wwww-wisdom comes with age, I guess. If.. if it makes you feel better..." he swallowed, "I'll be looking out for them, for sure. And- so will you, and Blazestar certainly will be. I hope... I hope they won't have to learn the hard way how cruel leafbare can be."
penned by pin ✧