will wonders ever cease? || climbing!


i think that your mind is gone
Jul 17, 2024
Come...come...up and up...up. A warm, Greenleaf breeze dancing through the limbs of pine trees beckons Kite upwards, where the whispering breeze is strongest and calls loudest. The pine trees, they've been calling to them for a long time. No trees are as tall as Skyclan's, not in the Twolegplace. They've sat outside that border, imagining themself flying up the trunk with nettles whipping their face, a sting Kite would relish in. Climbing, a skill done Kite exceeded at in the cityscape, but would Kite excel with the pressures of their clan mates pressing in on them, Kite aches to know. The trees call to them and Kite must answer.

Kite pads through a foreign forest, trailing besides Eggbounce. It's been an adjustment to say the least, to clan life. Florabreeze may very well be their only friend and Kite is unsure what to think of Eggbounce... the tom is unfamiliar, to say the least, and the concept of friends is as foreign a concept as the territory they're patrolling. It's their first time on a formal patrol. A border patrol with their mentor and Florabreeze along with unfamiliar faces-- yet to be connected with names-- that trailed back to camp, stopping ever so often at traces of prey scent but to no avail. The familiar song from above: Up, up, up.... Kite must heed this call soon.

Kite's paws fail to move further, the itch is irresistible now. "Eggbounce," Kite calls to the tom, head cocking slightly as they catch his attention. "I'm going to climb." Not a question, not an invitation for anyone to join them, it is a matter of fact. Frenzied eyes flicker to Florabreeze and Kite wags their tail at her-- just as Kite had seen Florabreeze do that one time-- before Kite tears away to the circle the trunk a pine, ears excitedly pressed to their small head.

They skitter away several tail lengths before launching full speed. Hindquarters bunch, launching Kite upwards... their back extends as do forearms. In one swift movement-- well practiced and honed-- Kite is clinging onto the bark of a pine tree, climbing upwards swiftly. They're powered by a muscular frame, hindlegs perfectly built for a warrior of Skyclan. Kite is in their element, a shadow ascending up...up...up.

It's the first time Kite has been able to show any inclination to this lifestyle, apart from their hardened exterior. A low-hanging limb, spotted in Kite's peripheral. They adjust accordingly and in just a few moments Kite digs into the bark and grabs hold of the branch, balancing on the narrow branch. "How'd I do?" Kite shouts down from their perch, it is a wonder their soft voice is not stolen from the breeze and the felines below can hear her call. Eyes shut, Kite inhales the freshest air they've ever breathed, maw parting to gulp it in. I could... get used to this... The tabby's dark eyelids flutter open and with a dismayed frown, Kite begins their descent. They slide down several lengths before twisting and pushing away from the trunk, landing with a thump.

———————---****KEEP IT ALL INSIDE******———————---
  • @Eggbounce. and @Florabreeze // No need to wait for them!!
  • black tabby with a slim physique and compact muscles, tags
    38, ages every 21st
    they/them or she/her
    wary to trust
    peaceful powerplay allowed
જ➶ Too new to do much of anything yet they are simply watching what others are doing. Rather nervous about trying anything yet themselves. But they do know that at some point that they will have to try something. Rather fail or not that is the only way to grow. But perhaps he just needs to work up the courage. The day is nice at least and so gently they pad, taking time to attempt to learn their surroundings. The territory is so much bigger than they ever thought it would be and he still has so much more to see. Some cat told them that they have borders and that there are more clans out there. That they all have their own territory and sometimes dispute them. It's all amazing to him. Softly they sigh as sea colored orbs shift and look upon the canopy of trees. Taking in the way the sun dapples the area when they hear a voice. Scents are taking time for them as well but soon he identifies them as Skyclanners. One talks of climbing and so they hope to watch as well.

Peering around the trunk of a tree their gaze falls on one of them and that one ascends the tree with such ease and grace. At least much better than he could do. He has only climbed fences so far and most times they are a simple leap. Then with ease they are upon the ground once more with a bound. Slipping forward the duel toned feline smiles softly, eyes alight with intrigue. "That was brilliant. I've yet to climb a tree myself. But that was definitely impressive."

Since that one time on patrol where Jellypaw ran off ahead Florabreeze has been doing her best to keep an extra close eye on her. Especially with the frequent rogue sightings, it just seemed like an accident waiting to happen if the daylight apprentice ran too far ahead. This was really a testament to her attempts at being a more perceptive warrior, having someone who’s own whims and impulses rivalled hers combined with the excitable nature of youth. It definitely kept her on her paws, not that this was a bad thing. If anything she loved it. Nothing was ever a mundane experience and she felt like she was learning alongside her.

That being said, it was a pretty standard patrol, Florabreeze tried to spend most of it pointing out different things to her sister and her apprentice. Though with Kite’s sudden decision to climb a tree maybe something exciting would come from it afterall. The decision was a surprise, so much so that it stopped her chattering away with Sfogliatella. With a grin she wags her tail back at her friend “It would be good for you both to see this” she murmurs to her sister and apprentice. Climbing was something that she should be working up towards with them, maybe watching someone else attempt it would inspire them. Tilting her head to the side she watched in well, awe really, as it really did seem that Kite was a natural at this. Climbing up the tree and launching to a branch with ease, Denali takes the words clear from her mouth, that was brilliant.

“You did great! Are you sure you weren’t secretly from here the whole time?” She knows Twolegplace, while there are opportunities to climb there, nothing really the same as the trees within Skyclan’s forest. With a hum her eyes light up in excitement “Sfogliatella, Jellypaw, you should give it a shot! I bet you could see so much from there” with a look over her shoulder at Denali that friendly smile doesn’t falter. “You should try too, no better time to try climbing a tree then right now, right?” That sounded right, at least to her. Eggbounce could always help keep an eye on everyone so if there were any accidents there was at least other warriors around to assist.

  • apprentice tags @SFOGLIATELLA & @jellypaw ♬ <33
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}