WILL YOU CALL MY NAME? \ meeting 4.19.23

It feels wrong, to stand atop the Highbranch, sun streaming through his pale fur, with so many of his warriors missing. His eyes sweep the camp with reproach, mentally taking note of each body absent. Some cats had been gone for a moon already; others, like Daisyflight, Butterflytuft, and Snowpaw, have just recently been snatched by the Twolegs infiltrating their forest. His first deputy, his original confidante -- his first apprentice, meek little Butterflytuft -- Snowpaw, head held so low since his daughter's demise.

It feels wrong to anoint Daisyflight's remaining kits, but SkyClan needs warriors to face what's ahead. He feels it in his bones.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting." His dark eyes flash with a semblance of fire, something lost that the surgence of new warriors may at long last rekindle. He waits for a substantial portion of his Clan to gather beneath him before he begins. "SkyClan, before me stands five apprentices who have earned their place as warriors in our Clan." He searches for Daisyflight's kits in particular, and with a pang, he realizes how miffed at him she'd be to be missing her children's warrior ceremonies. "Snowpaw should be beside you, getting his name, and Daisyflight should be here to cheer you on." His voice is low and somber. "But when they return, you may greet her as the warriors you deserve to be."

Blazestar tilts his face to the sky, closing his eyes and letting the familiar words spill from his mouth. "I, Blazestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn." His eyes open again, shining as he turns an almost fierce gaze on each apprentice. "Bananapaw, Cloudberrypaw, Violetpaw, Greenpaw, and Figpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

He will wait for each of them to add their voice to the tempest of vows. "I do," they'll call, and Blazestar will steel himself.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names." He first turns his sapphire gaze to Bananapaw. "Bananapaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Bananasplash. StarClan honors your spirit and your confidence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." It's a pity Sharpeye had turned his pelt -- he had trained the young she-cat well, and she deserved to have a mentor sitting by her side during her special moment.

"Cloudberrypaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Cloudyberrythorn. StarClan honors your wit and your skill, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." He directs his attention to Bananasplash's littermate next, sharp-tongued and a skilled climber. SkyClan would need his abilities in the days to come.

"Violetpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Violetnose. StarClan honors your honesty and your intelligence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." It's strange, to watch the blue tortoiseshell come into her warrior name -- he remembers she and her littermates being dragged into camp, little more than scraps of color on a plump-stemmed leaf.

There are only two left. Blazestar looks thoughtfully at Greenpaw, who had run bravely to RiverClan during WindClan's raid on their camp. "Greenpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Greeneyes. StarClan honors your speed and your forethought, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." He tries to catch Sheepcurl's eye, knowing she'll be beaming proudly at the ginger and white tom.

It's only Figpaw who has remained -- Figpaw, who had endured such pain after her escapade to the Twolegplace. Blazestar calls, "Figpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Figfeather. StarClan honors your endurance and your determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." Figfeather, a subtle homage to both Daisyflight and Tallulahwing, but also for the birds she had conquered despite her injury.

Blazestar leaps from his perch, taking a moment to press his nose to each of the five new warriors' foreheads. "You all deserve this," he murmurs to them as a group, before looking to Violetnose, Greeneyes, and Figfeather and adding, "Daisyflight, Butterflytuft, and Snowpaw will be proud when they return."


// activity shoutouts in my next post >:)


.°☀ But every time I see you cry

The young cat had been anticipating this day since she came to Skyclan. Since she was a kitten! And when Blazestar ascended the tree and called for a clan meeting, she felt her fur stand on end in her excitement before he solemnly spoke about Daisyflight, Butterflytuft and Snowpaw. Bananapaw felt a pang in her chest at their names and looked down slightly as they should be here. They should be able to cheer on their littermates and earn their warrior name too amongst them! Though twolegs had other plans for Skyclan and it was a terrifying thought to have. That they could just be picked up and taken away without any reason. What if all of them where taken eventually? Would that be the disappearance of Skyclan for good?

Bananapaw didn't want to think on it and her mind was pulled from the darkening thoughts as Blazestar called each of them by name; herself, Cloudberrypaw, Figpaw and Greenpaw. She puffed out her chest and looked back expectantly- for someone to watch her as she stood in her place and lifted her head high. Quillstrike wasn't here to watch her get her name and it saddened her greatly. Her best friend, her confidante, gone like the wind with the rest of the Skyclanners in the area. Ears twitched backwards for a moment before she shook her head slightly to dislodge the thoughts. Again, they wouldn't tear her down at this time. There was much more at hand to pay attention too.

Blazestar then asked if they promised to uphold their clan and protect it at the cost of their lives, and she gave a shaky nod and a soft 'I do' before the leader went onward. She perked up her ears as her name was first and she padded forward slightly as she tried to not let the anxiety overwhelm her. A large lump formed in her throat and she swallowed thickly to prevent the urge to vomit from taking over. No, it would be okay. This would be okay!

Then she was named Bananasplash.

She grinned widely in response and her tail rose behind her in excitement before she sat back down. Looking to each of her fellow apprentices' as they where named Figfeather, Violetnose, and Greeneyes! She, of course, cheered on their name loudly and proudly. Trying to be loudest of all, as she usually did, cause this was an exciting feat! Even if some of the family was missing, she knew they'd all be proud.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
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Reactions: ABRI
// retro to eye injuries

Fireflypaw can feel it in his bones, the tension- apprehension as his father announces his call for a meeting. He's quick to scurry over to the growing group of cats, though it's noticeable that the group is smaller now. The apprentice looks upwards at his father, so sullen and tired. He wishes he could pull some of the weight off of his dad's shoulders, wishes that he could protect his dad from these negative things in life. But he can't, so he settles down and waits for announcements to begin.

Five apprentices are made Warriors, and one of them is his best friend- Greenpaw, no.. Greeneyes now. He blinks then, closing his eyes with a smile. He's excited! So many apprentices are becoming Warriors now, which meant he'd be able to explore the territory with them more often. It also meant they'd get their own apprentices soon, he'd hope- more young to raise, more apprentices to train.

"Bananasplash! Figfeather! Violetnose! Greeneyes!" He shouts their names as loud as he could, rushing over to Greeneyes' side to nuzzle his face against his cheek. Daisyflight wasn't here right now, but she would be proud of him. "I'm so proud of you, minty! You've come so far."
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The announcement of more missing clanmates is unsurprising, but still Cloudberrypaw winces, ears pinning themselves flat to his head. SkyClan is noticeably quieter these days, with so many clanmates gone. Cloudberrypaw is starting to get worried about the clan running out of warriors at this point, and even the trees seem concerned. The lone cypress tree near ThunderClan’s border keeps bothering him about where Howlpaw has gone—the only clanmate with an unknown fate, the only clanmate that he can’t say for certain was snatched away in a metal trap. He just hopes the clan can find their missing cats soon.

Blazestar turns to look across him and a few other apprentices—including his sister, and Daisyflight’s kits—and asks them if they pledge to defend their clan even at the cost of their life. Which, he doesn’t exactly feel keen on dying, but if that’s what it takes, he’s willing to do it. He nods once, fiercely. "Yes."

The leader names each of them, and the young tom blinks rapidly upon the announcement of his new name. Cloudberrythorn. He mouths the name, brows raising when it doesn’t stick to his tongue, but rolls off it quite easily. His sister gains her new name, as do the three kits of Daisyflight who still remain. Cloudberrythorn slithers over to stand beside his sister for a moment, a warm smile crossing his muzzle. "Congratulations, Bananasplash," he murmurs to her, and then turns to face the gathered cats. Most of the attention will be on Daisyflight’s brood, surely, so with a flick of an ear he turns to pad off, to meld back into the crowd. He’ll have to tell the trees about this.
[ just a side character ]
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Reactions: ABRI and wolfie



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figpaw abandons the shelter of the apprentice’s den and moves to settle beneath the High Branch. Her fur is neatly groomed and ears are perked attentively towards her leader. The only sigen of her grief was the glossy look in her eyes, despite the recent tragedy in her family she was doing what she could to remain strong. Still, the absence of her kin felt like a pair of claws in her chest. Her throat had remained tight since she had watched the three get carried away, their destination unknown. The only form of relief she had is that they were alive somewhere, even if odds are… she’d never see them again.

When Blazestar announces there are five apprentices ready to become warriors; her heart quickens. Could it be…? Even with all the sorrow swelled in her heart Figpaw’s paws itch with anticipation. She’s dreamed her whole entire life for this moment, to finally get to serve her clan as a warrior is all she’s ever aspired for. Blazestar does not forget that Snowpaw should be here beside the trio of Daisyflight’s kits, acknowledging that the blue-eyed Tom should be here with them, their mother too. Figpaw casts a grateful look to her clan-leader and nods solemnly to his words, it wasn’t… right. It wasn’t fair that Snowpaw didn’t get to be here and that Daisyflight and Butterflytuft would not get to cheer them on. The massive Tom says that upon their return they will get to welcome them back as warriors, but she flinches in realization that she’s barely considered the possibility of them coming back. She had saw those cages, they were impenetrable… and twoleg nests were downright inescapable if twolegs didn’t allow you out themselves…

Figpaw knows these are hopeful words Blazestar speaks, and she appreciates it, but it’s not likely. Reality was bitter but it’d hurt Figpaw more if she allowed herself to grip onto a sliver of hope.

The red tabby gets onto her paws and hobbles forward, sandwiched by her remaining kin. Brilliant amber eyes look up at her leader, her sadness fading away in the moment and even cracking a smile on her face.

Do you vow to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life? ”I do!” Figpaw realizes she’s spoken the words a bit too excitedly, but no one could deny the passion was there… She’s spoken no truer words in her life.

She can hardly breathe as Blazestar begins to give the five apprentice their warrior names. Bananapaw is named Bananasplash for her spirit and confidence. Cloudberrypaw is named Cloudberrythorn for their wit and skill. She gives the new warriors a bright look of congratulations, honored to have gotten to train alongside them. Now they will get to serve their clan together as warriors.

Violetpaw is called forth, Figpaw beams with pride as she is named Violetnose for her honesty and intelligence. Blazestar could not have picked better for her sister, and if it wouldn’t break formalities she would’ve swooped in to give Violetnose a congratulating lick on the cheek then and there. Her heart feels as if it’d burst with pride when Greenpaw‘s turn comes and he is named Greeneyes, noted for his speed and forethought. It was a great name, again, fitting.

In the heat of the moment she’s forgotten her name changing was in motion. When she is called she straightens her spine with a jolt, her thoughts racing hundreds of fox-lengths an hour. Her heart can’t keep still and she’s pretty sure her whole body trembles with excitement. Her ears rise to hear her new name for the first time.


Praised for her endurance and determination the newly named warrior beams the biggest, brightest smile. The clan roars her name alongside the other apprentices and she basks every second of it in. As the cheering dies down, Blazestar looks to the three litter-mates and reminds them their missing kin will be proud. Figfeather smiles, ”Thank you Blazestar.” appreciative again, but she remains convicted they will never return home.

The red tabby turns to find a familiar torbie warrior in the crowd. She’s easily given away by her signature lilac bandana strung around her neck. Figfeather turns and presses her forehead into the she-cats chest, warm purrs rumbling in her throat. ”I might be a warrior now but I don’t think you’ll ever truly stop being my mentor.” She meows, knowing no matter her rank she’d always look to Tallulahwing for her guidance and knowledge. ”Thank you for never giving up on me.” Because StarClan knows that when Figfeather had been sick, maimed, and confirmed she’d never live the life of a typical SkyClan warrior, any lesser warrior would‘ve. Yet Tallulahwing was among one of the greatest, and Figfeather would never forget their time spent training together in the forest.
Last edited:


Five apprentices became warriors that day, and Shardkit watched from where she sat at the nursery, how cool was that? To see the others become warriors, those who have stride hard to get where they came from, to gain their full name. Yet, this meeting was somber, there were still many of their own missing, taken by twolegs, some even missing the ceremonies of their family and Shardkit couldn't imagine the pain that they felt that their loved ones weren't there to celebrate the apprentices becoming warrior and a soft frown appear on Shardkit's maw, two-legs seem to be merciless creatures if they thought it was okay to steal cats from their families, how heartless of them!
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She bows her head briefly at the mention of Snowpaw and Daisyflight, heart aching for the to-be-warriors' missing mother and brother. She and her siblings had always had Alice present for their ceremonies to some capacity. And with Butterflytuft gone too ... the deputy's ears twitch backwards briefly, a newfound pang of empathy softening her gaze towards the broken family.

Speaking of family, her siblings are called forward first among the group of five; Orangeblossom snaps to attention, drawing her shoulders back as Blazestar begins to recite the ceremony to them. A chorus of assent answers him and Orangeblossom fluffs up with pride as her baby siblings are named Bananasplash and Cloudberrythorn, two names that suit them immensely well. And Daisyflight's kits - most of them, anyway - receive their own names in turn. Violetnose, Greeneyes, Figfeather. One from three without a suffix to denote a physical trait, but if any cat had ever earned a suffix pointing out their determination and endurance, it was her.

"Bananasplash! Cloudberrythorn! Violetnose! Greeneyes! Figfeather!" She calls out, hailing their new warriors. She remembers when they'd all been kittens, tiny and mewling. And now here they stand, full warriors of SkyClan. Daisyflight must be proud, wherever she is.

// mobi
ocean breathes salty
From the scant experience Selby had gained so far, it seemed that Clanlife was much more structured than his previous one. The change was a welcome one, but shocking in some ways, to be sure. Cats could not leave the camp by themselves, were told when to hunt and where, and were given specific cats to train and train under... the list went on.

He was almost envious. From the time he was left in a box outside by his Twolegs as a barely-weaned kit, he had trained to hunt and fight. He was given no new names to signify any accomplishment, and no praise to know when he had done a good job. The only way to tell how well he was doing was by a full belly. If he and his father were unsuccessful in hunting that day, they went to their nests on empty stomachs. If they could not defend their catches from other loners, they went to their nests hurt as well as hungry. And as soon as his father judged him capable of doing it all himself- well. Selby was on his own after that.

This was quite the change. Here, the former trainees were celebrated for their accomplishments. They were honored with new names and praised for their accomplishments for the whole group to hear. He was proud of the new warriors, although he had met most of them only very briefly. He was proud to be part of this new group where no one was left to fend for themselves. And he was proud that his son was having a similar experience to these five lucky cats, although he had no part in that.

He joined in chanting their new names, just as loud as anyone who had been there longer than he had. "Bananasplash! Cloudberrythorn! Violetnose! Greeneyes! Figfeather!"
✦ ★ ✦

Of all the ways he'd imagined this day to play out, Greenpaw never suspected it would go this way.

A moment he's been waiting for moons for - a moment he'd expected his whole family to be present at. For all of his littermates to achieve at once, for his mother and older sister to be in the crowd for. But, it's just the three of them, today. Him, Violet, and Fig. His brother is not here to achieve his name, and Greenpaw doesn't know if he ever will be - if Daisyflight and Butterflytuft will ever call the three of them by the names they're soon to be granted.

His ear twitches at the extra weight beside it, the green flower a new addition, sat next to the clover he's been wearing for the past moon or so. For special occassions, he'd told himself he'd wear the green flower gifted by his mentor for such, and while today doesn't feel as special as it should be, he'd pulled the flower out of the safety of his nest.

Because, after all, he's becoming a warrior today. And, if that wasn't special, then, he didn't know what would be.

Though grief sits heavy in his heart for what he's lost, though his bright gaze appears dimmed and as if its light had burnt out, Greenpaw knows how hard he's worked for this, how hard Figpaw has, and Violetpaw too. And, Snowpaw. Snowpaw, who's lack of presence is marked by the empty spot beside him.

Bananapaw and Cloudberrypaw too, of course, had worked hard, and though it feels like this meeting centers around Greenpaw's family - around what they've lost and what they'll have gained by the end of Blazestar's speech - they deserve this moment as well.

Blazestar's words are hopeful, and though Greenpaw holds out hope too, though he tries his best to believe his missing family members will soon be back, it's hard. A difficult thing to believe in, when the days pass by and the spaces left by his family members only seem to grow bigger, more noticeable.

And soon, Greenpaw hears the words that were once spoken to Butterflytuft, to those made warriors after her and those made warriors before. A question - a promise to be made.

"I do," the tom chirps back, viridian gaze looking up at the leader above. Though his words aren't as enthusiastic as Figpaw's, and perhaps not as cheerful as he usually seems to be, Greenpaw's promise is one he aims not to break. He'd defend his clan to the end, make sure no one else would be lost, if he has to.

One by one, his fellow apprentices, his siblings become warriors. And, it feels more like a dream, then, as he realizes he's holding his own breath - that he'll wake up before Blazestar makes it to him, before he hears his warrior name.

Bananapaw becomes Bananasplash, and Cloudberrypaw becomes Cloudberrythorn. He thinks both are fitting for the two siblings, and Greenpaw finds himself turning to look at the two in their warriorhood, a smile forming on his face in congratulations at his friend and her brother.

Violetpaw becomes Violetnose, and pride begins to well up for his littermate. It's fitting, and it suits her well. Greenpaw's paws twitch, wanting to move to congratulate her, but knowing to wait until after their cermonies are done.

It's Greenpaw who's next - a realization almost made too late, head turning to look back up at Blazestar after his current name is said. His heart pounds in anticipation, the flame-point's words slow in speed compared to Greenpaw's heartbeat. A good name, he just wants a good name.

He's reminded of the flower against his ear as it twitches once more at the sound of his new name.


Greeneyes! Warrior of SkyClan, named for his speed and forethought!

He's a warrior now, he's... he's done it! There's a sense of pride for himself that he hasn't had the chance to relish in for too long before, one that's been buried in the past moon's events. Greeneyes, a warrior! Him!

"Thank you," Greeneyes finds himself saying to the leader, gaze shining brighter than it had at the start of the meeting.

Figpaw follows soon after, and he can't help but to be proud of her too. His sister's worked so hard - all of them have, but if only one of the four of them were to be chosen for this moment, it would have to be Figpaw. Obstacle after obstacle, she most definitely deserves to have this moment - to go from Figpaw to Figfeather right beside him. He smiles bright at her, nods in acknowledgment, in congratulations.

And the crowd cheers for them, for the five of them. Blazestar says Daisyflight would be proud of Greenpaw - no, Greeneyes! - and his siblings, that Butterflytuft and Snowpaw will too. Greeneyes can only hope such is true, but, if - when - the three of them return, the newly named warrior will be sure to be among the loudest to cheer for his brother when he finally gains his own name.

There's an impact against the side of his face, and Greeneyes knows exactly who it is without them having to speak, his smile growing further as he bumps his head against his friend's. Firefly's proud of him, he's informed, and there's a sting in the eyes he's just been named for as happiness overwhelms him. The day might not have gone how he dreamt it, but he's happy all the same. "Thank you, Fi." His friend had come so far too, and in the near-future, Greeneyes will be celebrating his full name as well.

And, oh! How could he forget?

The warrior looks up, viridian gaze scanning the crowd for familiar patched fur. When he finds it, he bounds over to the lead warrior, eyes wide as he looks at her. "Sheepcurl," Greeneyes says, looking to his mentor for the first time as a warrior, rather than an apprentice, "Thank you for being my mentor. I... I couldn't have asked for anyone better. Thank you so much." He'll forever be grateful for his time as her apprentice, and can only hope their days of patrolling together, of hunting together, are far from over. His days of being a warrior have only just begun, after all.

It wasn't the first time they had heard the words of Blazestar bellowing from above, and it wasn't the first time they had seen cats stream toward his direction and expectantly take a seat. They were slightly more prepared this time, they think, hesitating for only a few moments before they shuffled over and sat down near the other apprentices.

The surrounding energy of the cats around them was a confusing confliction, a mixture of grief and raw excitement. Grief, at the cats they had lost to the predators that always seemed to be lurking. Excitement for... they weren't sure.

Five apprentices who have earned their place as warriors. It was a statement that had their ears pricking. Who? Them? No. Bananapaw, Cloudberrypaw, Violetpaw, Greenpaw, and Figpaw. The crowd around them had grown silent so that only the flame point's words could be heard. Would they protect and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of their life?

Sparrowpaw's eyes snapped over to the cats in question, their heart lurching in their chest. At the cost of their life? It was a hefty promise, but to their shock, there was little hesitation as they all agreed with an I do.

Day to day life in SkyClan was vastly different from what they were used to, and it seemed as if every day still held something new for them to see and learn. One by one, their friends were renamed. Figfeather. Greeneyes. Bananasplash. Violetnose. Cloudberrythorn. The name changing was still strange to them in many ways, but on some level, they wondered if they were beginning to understand.

SkyClan erupted into cheers. They remembered a few cats had chanted their new name upon being renamed to Sparrowpaw. While confused, it had been somewhat heartwarming all the same. Now, the energy was contagious. A grin parted their maw, and they did their best to match it, shouting the new names to the skies.


Tallulahwing has been waiting for this day -- first with exasperation, then with desperation, and finally with uninhibited excitement. Her pelt, like Figpaw's, is groomed to the point of shining. She is a dark shadow beside her golden apprentice, and when Blazestar calls her forward with the other apprentices, Tallulahwing gives Figpaw a warm nod.

Bananasplash, Cloudberrythorn, both kin to their deputy and skilled in their own right. The daylight warrior cheers for them gleefully, "Bananasplash! Cloudberrythorn!" Another daylight warrior, too! She's excited to have another set of capable paws to add to their ranks.

She turns her attention to Figpaw's littermates -- or what remains of them. Tallulahwing struggles not to let her mouth twist with sorrow, instead does her best to revel in these young cats' special moments. "Violetnose! Greeneyes!" So strange to remember how these young warriors standing before them had been in the nursery with Figpaw.

And then -- then it's her moment, and Tallulahwing has to fight a mist of tears at the name Blazestar has chosen for her. The bird Figfeather had caught on her first excursion since her injury -- it takes flight in her memories, a burst of dark feathers raining upon her pelt.

"Figfeather! Figfeather!" She is the loudest voice in the crowd for her, getting to her paws to cheer for her. Figfeather! Oh, how she'd thought this day would have been stolen from her -- from Figfeather herself!

She's surprised, visibly, when the orange tabby turns to her and presses their foreheads together. Tallulahwing suppresses her shock and returns the gesture, purring herself. "You deserve it, Little Miss," she murmurs, her voice full of emotion. "I'm here for ya no matter what, you hear? But I expect you not to embarrass me out there, too!" She gives Figfeather an affectionate lick to the ear, then steps back to admire her with pride. "And StarClan knows these old paws'll be happy not having to scamper after you every ten seconds!"




♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather’s purr is thick with amusement as she draws away from Tallulahwing. ”I won’t! Give me a few moons and you’ll see me outshining you.” She jests, the toothy grin not leaving her face. Of course this would never be true, Figfeather knows she could never outmatch her mentor, it’d be many, many moons until that day even became a possibility. Still knowing Figfeather the torbie better watch out, because she’d most certainly try!

She laughs, reminiscing for a couple heartbeats on their time together once more. Figfeather knows she had been a difficult apprentice to keep up with, her mind always racing and paws always itching to adventure. ”You never could keep up. Maybe not even now!” To think that it was all over, that a whole new chapter of her life had just started.

Figfeather, warrior of SkyClan!
Blazestar feels a strange ache in his chest as he watches the five new warriors share excited glances, revel in the cheers their Clanmates howl. There's a melancholy hidden here, in the absence of their friends and kin beside them, but SkyClan still stands strong to celebrate the new warriors. He can almost imagine a faint blue calico outline, her eyes twinkling as she gazes on her kits -- and as soon as the image brushes against his brain, it fades into the background.

The Ragdoll waits for the cheering to subside before he continues. "We also have one kit ready to leave the nursery today and begin their warrior training." Sapphire eyes search those gathered for young Shardkit's fluffy pale pelt. "Shardkit, you have reached the age of four moons, and it is time to begin your training to become a warrior of SkyClan. From this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Shardpaw." He flicks his tail, indicating the young feline should step closer to the shadow he cats from the Highbranch. "Your mentor will be Bramblebelly. Bramblebelly, you are ready for an apprentice." He will wait for the two of them to touch noses as is customary, finishing with, "I hope he will pass down all he knows to you."

He will wait for the Clan to cheer for young Shardpaw, and when it is quiet again, at last, Blazestar will clear his throat, indicating they should quiet for what is to come.

"With Shardpaw's apprenticeship, our nursery is empty. But it will not remain that way for long." He finds Orangeblossom's ginger-splashed pelt below. "Orangeblossom is expecting kits, and will begin her move into the nursery shortly. She will remain a queen until her kits have reached the age to begin their training." He allows himself to smile, proud of the new life that will still spill into SkyClan's camp. "Thistleback will take over Orangeblossom's duties until she is ready to leave the nursery."

He will wait for any clamor resulting from this announcement to die down; he expects it will be a surprise, though a welcome one. SkyClan needs new warriors, and any offspring of their deputies are sure to be fine additions to the Clan one day.

"One final announcement before we adjourn." He flicks a golden ear. "The Twolegs are keeping our cats elsewhere. The daylight warriors, better than any of us, will have the where with all to find out where this is. Grizzlyridge, you and Tallulahwing will lead a patrol of daylight warriors to locate this shelter." Blazestar blinks thoughtfully down at his Clanmates. "Do not do anything reckless. Find the location of our missing cats and gather any information you can, but you are to report back to me in the morning. You will go when the moon is high to avoid chances of Twoleg capture."

Blazestar levels both Grizzlyridge and Tallulahwing with a grave look, hoping he is imparting the gravity of his orders, before sighing and calling, "This meeting is dismissed."

// @Bramblebelly @Shardkit.


@orangeblossom @Fireflypaw @ThistleBack @SILVERSMOKE @SLATE @Dandelionwish @Auburnflame @FIGFEATHER @GREENEYES @Johnny @Bananasplash @Drizzlepaw @sparrowpaw! @HEATHERPAW

thank you all so so so SO much for your amazing activity and all you contribute to skyclan!!! we love each and every one of you and your characters make this clan great!

i also know some people weren't able to get to the activity shoutout level of posts because... well... captured. no worries! we still see and recognize you all <3



Soon enough after the clans cheers died out the meeting was continued, their ears perked to look up at Blazestar and next thing the kit knew was they were being called forward for their own apprentice ceremony and little Shardkit couldn't help but fluff themself out a bit in excitement.

One moment they were known as Shardkit and the next, Shardpaw and their clear blue eyes glowed with excitement as they turned to face their named mentor, accidentally; out of eagerness, roughly bumped their nose with Bramblebelly. They were finally beginning their training! Yet, they couldn't wait until the day they became a warrior. Everything is going to be so new too and Shardpaw couldn't help but be bouncing with excitement for it.
The call of the meeting is found on ringing ears, nicked and tattered like white ribbons of war. His grey stare finds the treetops as if he wills Starclan to clamber down from their cloudy thrones so that they may come help. The feeling of hope was murky, like a puddle of mud- but he had promised them, they’d find them. That they would come back. The truth behind this, was that uncertainty could never be promised in a direction only trial with the effort to accept error. Failure was not a taste Thistleback knew as well as the dirt of trying until he couldn’t lift himself anymore. The piebald settles next to his mate and children, a deep scowl resting as it always did.

This should be Snowpaw’s ceremony too, as the boy’s littermates are named Thistleback rotates his jaw with an audible click. He rolls his forearms in place to focus on the tension, to focus anywhere but the feelings creeping in on the walls of his barriers.

He calls each of the new warriors names with a gutteral roar, " Bananasplash, Greeneyes, Cloudberrythorn, Figfeather, Violetnose !" because he had watched these kids grow up, another generation blossomed from the roots of Skyclan. It’s something to be proud of, something to bring even the slightest of smiles to his maw.

The announcement of Orangeblossom with kits, draws at first a surprised glance towards his own mate then an internal flinch. Ashenclaw could not be here for her, but she still stood strong. She always would. Thistleback is tasked with her duties and he nods affirmatively up to Blazestar. He would need to speak to Orangeblossom after the meeting or in the early morning to adjust to her routine.

He blinks and dips his chin in approval as patrol leads are made of Grizzlyridge and Tallulahwing to find out more concerning the shelter. Thistleback lifts himself as the meeting is over and makes his way toward Orangeblossom.

  • — out//

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-seven moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

Today is the day, Sheep thinks. Today is the day that a little birdie leaves a nest to become a part of something bigger, yet Sheep can't help but feel a sense of sad apathy. To have someone she spent nearly everyday with graduate... Oh, it fills her with so much joy to see the cat he has become, to see a kitten grow to a warrior... But she's still upset. What now would her days be filled with, if not a smiling youngster following after her? She sits besides her mate, presses against him with a rumbling purr as she listens to Blazestars words.

The meeting goes quick, with each name making her grow more on edge. When would it be his turn? She probably looks crazy to Redstorm, leaning forwards with wide eyes before finally her apprentices name was called. Oh... She's already tearing up, unable to suppress the pride in her eyes, a smile on her face. He's grown so much, but its such an odd thought to think that now he'll be on his own. She has faith he'd do well, and as Blazestar glances at her, she only grins. She's glad that he had given her the honor of mentoring one of the sweetest cats around, oh... She turns her head to hide the tears that slip down to her cheeks.

How could she not cry, full of pride, full of happiness for her apprentice? Or... For a new warrior of Skyclan. For a new chapter in his life, for the next one, with so many more to go.

Firefly is the first to greet him as a new warrior, so she hangs back besides Red, waiting for her turn until he bounds towards her. "Mijo..." she breathes, scrubbing the tears from her cheeks with a paw as she suppresses a laugh. "Look at you, darling." her voice is soft as she attempts to press her nose against his cheek. "And you were the greatest apprentice I could have ever gotten. I am so... So proud of you, Greeneyes." she enunciates his new name, nothing but joy as her voice cracks. "You've grown so much, Green. You'll make one of the finest Skyclan warriors, did you know that?" she blinks slowly, tilting her head. "And you never forgot this either," she slightly jokes with him, gesturing to the flower sat gently on his ear. "You will always make me proud. Always remember to be yourself, okay? Be your own cat, and don't let anything ever stop you, mijo." she sits back, fights the tears once more as she sits back to get a good look at him. So tall, now, and.... Nostalgia hits her like a bird to the forehead. "You will make Skyclan proud, as well. You already have. It was an honor to teach you." she beams, because he deserves it. He deserves everything and as the meeting is dismissed, she dips her head to him. Never could she be prouder, she swears it is not possible.
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