pafp WILL YOU RUN FOR THE SEA \ abandoned

There was comfort in Lakemoon's company- having braved the dangers of the mountains with her, knowing she was more or less part of his family now, watching the sunset. She was someone Ferngill would always see as safe. All of RiverClan was safe, mostly- but Lakemoon was a cat whose loyalty he would never doubt. It was soothing, somewhat, to be placed on a hunting patrol with her- though as they walked, a bottle-green glint caught his eye. The invasive scent of Twolegs, stale but there, came skittering on the wind soon after.

Glancing toward the older warrior for a moment, a frown on his face, Ferngill slowed his pace and glanced toward Lakemoon with his jaw ajar. It looked like pebbles, dark green and scattered en masse- but fashioned into blades. Like... like shattered ice, but green. It shone in an odd way, reflecting the sun in a flare. Wrinkling his nose up, distaste made itself clear on his face. "That could hurt someone, I reckon..." Uncertainty stained his voice as he looked at the shattered shards- with a tilt of his head, the sunlight ran a line across it, making it look sharper. His throat felt dry, all of a sudden.

\ @Lakemoon . ... it's an "abandoned" seaglass green bottle, smashed on the river shore!
penned by pin
LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
While Lakemoon would not consider herself to be “buddy buddies” with Ferngill, her care for the young warrior was undeniable, outside of his tie to Lilybloom, he was a kind-hearted warrior with immense potential- even if the former trait did spark fleeting thoughts of worry for the silvered tabby.
Content in his quiet company as their patrol maneuvers their way along the rivers shore, nimbly skating by pools of ice that had begun to form. Until there was a shift in Ferngills gait, Lakemoon slows in a pause, returning is glance with an inquisitive quirk of her brow.
The smell of something stale hits her then, the glimmer of something foreign particularly camouflaged among frosted pebbles.
Lakemoon nods in agreement to Ferngills comment, daring to take a step closer to get a better look.
"Damned twolegs…" the scarred molly curses under her breath with a shake of disapproval. "We should see about cleaning this up… before someone shreds their paw pads."
In a blink, the peace is halted, Lakemoon casting her muzzle over a shoulder blade to see Ferngills thoughts.


*+:。.。 "Maybe it's their way of giving us a gift?" muses Silverbreath optimistically, his calm smile never betraying his doubt about the statement. It's more of a lighthearted idea than a theory, although who knows? Twolegs are such odd, bumbling creatures, maybe they honestly thought laying these shards of unmelting glass would make the creatures living here happy? Yeah, it sounded like a stretch. "Where do you suppose we leave the pieces?" he reaches out a paw to tap at the sharp fragments, admiring the colorful green glow they emit when the light touches them just right. If it weren't so sharp, he might've brought a piece to Shadepool.

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently